
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs


"I swear , he must be a Demon for us to do this "

A beautiful lady sighs , resting on the steel chair she leans back .

"What do you expect , it is us who let our guard down "

A regretful voice hushed , the young man seemed to have depleted his energy after everything happened .

"But I guess, we were too relaxed because of the temporary peace we were enjoying "

Another young man with heavy armor shakes his head and looks at his friends , after clearing so many Dungeons and raiding Raids , he thought that he had become strong .

"This is the result of our incompetent skills and ability to predict the outcome and possibilities "

But alas even after completing so many ferocious journeys , he only has become stronger through brutal force , lacking intelligence and wisdom .

"What ? Why are you all so depressed , it's not like the world has come to end "

A beautiful lady with blades on her waists shakes her head , she can't help but feel a headache after seeing her friends falling in despondency .

"Apsara , if you just keep quiet for a second , i will be very grateful "

Since everyone from Iron Blood has been enslaved by something called Mana Seed , they neither have privilege to suicide nor kill the culprit responsible for their powerless situation .

"But to think someone like him exists , what Cosmic Profession did he awaken during his Awakening ?"

The heavy armored handsome man frowned , his heart was questioning about the situation he was in .

"Whatever his profession is don't matter now since he has already got us in his palm and we have no choice but to obey him "

Thinking about this , everyone heaves a deep sigh , expressing their dejection.

Inside the tent , those five laugh abruptly , not knowing whether to laugh or cry .


Inside a private tent guarded by two Swordsmen, a young man was meditating while sitting cross-legged.

His body was levitating midair , energies from his surroundings were gathering and his body was absorbing them all while refining them into usable Mana .

Sometimes his expression would frown , he would grit his teeth and sometimes his body would release sweats all over his body .

"I can't do it "

Sagar opens his eyes and falls down , his body twisting with tormenting pain .

"I failed again "

He tries to stand with his shaking body , his bones and muscles strangle each other , causing him inhumane pain.


He clenches his teeth , doing his best to endure the pain , an inhumane pain which no human can tolerate invades his body .


Through his clenched teeth , blood gushed out and sprayed all over the floor , his muscles twisting with great force .


Finally a pain that can never be endured or survived by a human hits him hard , a star seems to fall on his body , slamming him with insurmountable weight .

His whole body grows light and deteriorates , blood cells all over his body withers , challenging him by giving him ruthless tribulation.

'Where am I going wrong? '

Sagar rolls over the ground , he does his best not to scream or moan in pain , his groan is also suppressed.

'With my current self , I can't store too much Mana and can only carry limited amount '

He wanted to find a way to store more Mana, increasing his capacity but it seems that he has not reached that level where he can expand his Mana capacity.

'If I can't expand my Mana capacity , I shall better my Mana quality '

Since he can't expand his Mana capacity , he will instead cultivate his Mana quality , hence all those Mana he has in his body starts to gather in a single axis , condensing into a single entity .


All those Mana in his body were forcefully gathering in a single axis , wanting to be the same entity , those Mana began to reject each other since it was not an easy task to cultivate hundreds of Mana particles into a single entity .

But Sagar was determined , he said to himself .

'I will die doing my best , if not I will see it till the end '

His resilience was not a glass to fall and shatter into pieces , his willpower was that mountain , unless it is a special circumstance , he will always remain undying and immovable.


"My god !! "

"Somebody help !!"

This was before the Apocalyptic Era , a young woman saw someone fall from a second floor , such a thing was extremely dangerous and terrifying .

Soon because of the shout , many people around were attracted , gathering together and building a crowd .

"What happened ?"

Many people started to ask her why she called them but soon they saw her point her finger , following the direction of her fingers they saw a kid trying to stand up .

"My god !! What is with that kid ?"

They were scared , running to him as they approached him .

"What the— "

They saw an eight year old boy trying to stand with his shaking body , he was weak and bleeding . His head has a grave wound where fresh blood was gushing out , everyone was scared after seeing such a deep injury on his head .

"Kid , don't move . I will do something about the blood "

A young man runs to his house and hurriedly brings first aid while some people run to bring motorbikes to take the boy to hospital or medical .

"Uncle — I am alright "

The boy turned around , his whole body was trembling yet the boy was smiling as if he wasn't hurt at all .

"This , no , little boy , you are badly injured "

The man tries to help the boy but the boy rejects his help , turning around , he starts to slowly walk , leaving everyone petrified.

"It's—alright "

The little boy was struggling to walk , even when tormenting enough to cause an adult human to shriek was torturing him , the boy didn't even moan in pain .

"It's —just — a bit — of wound "



The Mana swirls around his body ,doing their best to devour him but Sagar was stubborn as well .

He punches on the ground , again and again , he continues to punch.


Blood started to bleed out of his fist , muscles were starting to open while bones were hurting inside .



He continues to punch while still focusing on combining his Mana into a single entity .


Although it was a painful process, soon he saw a very pure form of energy , a single particle of energy , floating inside his body but it was rejecting all the foreign energy from the surroundings.

Instead, this single particle of energy was burning with endless vitality. If the Mana from before was just a drop of water , then this particle can be said to be a refined energy that is born from the essence.

After squeezing essence from hundreds of drops , he has managed to condense pure forms of energy .

This single drop is comparable to thousands of Mana particles , hence even this drop alone was enough to replace those hundred of Mana particles .


Cold beads of sweats drips through his face , his eyes widely open , bloody red after enduring such inhumane torture .


His back was drenching coldly with sweat , his whole body was leaking impurities.

[ Congratulation ]

He stands up and once again falls down because of his soft legs , he nearly collapsed with his head hitting the ground .

[ You have condensed < Mana > in your body , from now your body shall only cultivate in < Mana > ]

He does not have time to read those notifications , he slowly stands and reaches for the chair behind , he drops on the chair and supports his weak body on the table .

[ Way to go , you are one step ahead of all Mages in term of Magic ]

Sagar ignores the notification and uses his telepathy to summon the Swordsman outside , when the Swordsman enters he panics after seeing Sagar in such dire situation.

[ ■■■■■■■■■■ has felt your determination and will to never surrender , ■■■■■■■■■■ is interested in you and has high expectations of you ]

Sagar was soon treated by the iron Blood members , since they had lots of resources , they used them all to recover Sagar.

It took him two days to open his eyes , after two days , he was able to open his eyes and move his body .


"Do you want something ?"

Pranish walks inside the tent where Sagar was resting with a blanket covering his lower half , Sagar lightly nods his head .

Next to him , there was a female Mage who used to be a nurse before the Apocalyptic Era.

"I want to give you a mission , the mission needs to be completed one day before Level 1 Emergency starts "

Sagar takes the medicine from the nurse who was standing next to him , he drinks the water and his weak voice is heard .

"Sir Sagar , please don't talk too much , you will effect your health "

The nurse is a 23 year old beauty with beautiful looks and curvaceous body, in normal era she can be said to be a model .


Sagar hummed , his weak health after what he did before was very critical .

"What do you want me to do ? Just say the words "

Although Pranish was unwilling, he still has been enslaved by the power of Sagar , this in return leaves him with no choice .

"Are you dissatisfied with what I did to you ?"

Sagar turns to look at Pranish , he smiles while Pranish groans . Sagar didn't say much because even if Pranish and others are dissatisfied with his action , so what ?

This is the world of survival , to survive , Sagar will go all the way .

If not then why did he endure such pain before ?

If not then what were all those struggles he did before ?

Even if the world were to reject him someday , he will still rise from the ashes .

He will not say for sure but he will become so strong , even the Apocalypse shall one day kneel before his strength and that day , he will finally take rest .

Or maybe , it is all his dream .

When death shall come to embrace him , he shall arch his chest and inhale his breath , breathing with sigh of relief, he shall join death in his arduous new journey.

"I want you to go out with your men and kidnap other Cosmic Awakeners , of course the stronger the merrier "

Pranish frowns ,doubts for a moment and finally he seems to have realized something . With fearful looks in his eyes , he hesitates .

"You — mean to say we need to abduct Kings around the area and bring them to you , did I get it right "

Sagar nods lightly , he smiles and does not explain further .

He slowly leans his body on the bed and shuts his eyes , his red eyes are very painful to open .

Even though his body was burning and was experiencing hell-like pain , this was not something to take lightly .

But luckily , he has always been living his life like this .

This Apocalyptic Era is nothing new to him , just a new environment and circumstances otherwise everything is just like always , very ordinary.


"What did he say ?"

Anisha was waiting outside , upon seeing Pranish walk out , she asked him with her sexy voice .

"He has order us to become a kidnapper "

Pranish smiles , his smile was both helpless and very powerless . Once he was the leader of such a large force but now he was reduced to becoming someone's lackey , a dog who would have to do whatever his master tells him to do .

"Oh , what do you mean ? We shroud be a kidnapper ,are you fucking messing with me ?"

Anisha frowns and questions Pranish . Pranish just walks past her and laughs at himself , a day where he needs to abduct someone has come to him .

Life is such an unpredictable bitch , there was a time when he was living his life in luxury yet now everything has become hilarious, messing with him for something he has not even done .

"Gather the team , we will be following the order "

Pranish divides everyone into five teams , each team under the command of a leader . They will leave the stronghold and search for wandering Cosmic Awakeners , abducting them in the process .

Soon they began to execute abduction , causing various powerhouses to frown at them because of their strange behavior.

What were they doing , have they gone mad ?

Did they finally lose their screw ?

Are they trying to provoke all the Gang and become an enemy ?

Of course , everyone was wary of their motives .

Why were they abducting their men ?

Sagar also only focused on two things during those two days , one was to prepare for resource shifting and the other was to cultivate his Mana Seed to a much more refined version .

The Mana Seed he was currently using was not so reliable hence he did his best to advance the quality of his Mana Seed .

Of course his body was also recovering , compared to before his Mana recovery was a lot slower yet since his < Mana > was much more everlasting and efficient , he didn't mind .

Even after three days , his Mana has not recovered 1/4 of his Mana capacity .

He was supplying resources to his stronghold where Una was staying at , he was also planting his Mana Seed on those new members of Iron Blood that were abducted.

Soon there were already seventy people under his authority , while five were all leader level figures , remaining were just subordinates .

Even so he was extremely satisfied by the result yet he wasn't truly happy , after all who knows how dangerous it would be after Level 1 Emergency starts ?

Finally that day came when he needed to return back to his stronghold .

There was only one day left before the Level 1 Emergency would finally start , the disaster was finally about to take place .

The Evolution of Earth was finally about to start , the world will finally experience their very first worldwide disaster after Doomsday.