
Mage of Blade

The novel begins on the last day of 2022 when an information flood enters the minds of everyone, revealing that the world will not remain the same. It is later revealed that the God of Machines, Robert, has merged three universes together after a clash between the God of Magic Nebula and the God of Sword Shiva destroyed their worlds. Robert created a planet named Gor and a system to help people grow and adapt to the new world. However, he died after doing all these things, and people learned that the planet and system are based on the popular MMORPG game "Trials of Fate."

TECH_PLAYER · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
24 Chs


Aryan jumped into the air and leapt towards Aria, as he came near aria, he grabbed her head and smashed it onto the ground. He then picks her back up while holding her hair.

"You think you will be able to leave without any consequences?!", Aria shouted while her words shuttered as her nose was smashed and blood came out of it.

"Why? is there a problem?", Aryan drags her onto the edge and shows the audience, no one was looking at them. It was as if nothing was happening here and the tournament continued.

"It's the effect of an illusion spell, they can't see us", Aryan stated as picked her from her hair at the same height.

Aria was terrified, she had never felt such horror in her whole life not even in front of Romphodies, the gatekeeper of hell. Please leave me.., I will give you whatever you want, just please don't kill me", She begged while crying.

"Huh? you want to live, ok I will let you live", Aryan said while having a wicked smile.

"Really? Thank you, thank you so much", Aria seemed to be happy

"Nekroth, take her and show her eternal suffering", Aryan commanded

"Yes master", Nekroths voice was heard

A dark circular wall of fog surrounded her and then it disappeared into Nekroths private space with her.

Aryan sat on the edge as he cried and looked at the sky, remembering what he suffered and the time he spent with his parents.

Aryan wiped his tears and stood up. "My father had just one wish, for me to be in the country's best academy", Aryan silently said.

"I should at least do that", Aryan thought and jumped down

Aryan went to the waiting room again waiting for the next round. Upon reaching the room, he was greeted by a man standing outside.

"Please tell me what you use magic or aura so that we can put you in that round", The man asked

"Magic", Aryan replied as he wanted aura to be his secret weapon

"I have registered you, please wait until the next round starts", The man stated

Aryan headed inside the room waiting for the next round to start.

"As I have got time, let's copy the skill I got", Aryan thought

"Copy", Aryan stated silently

[Checking if the objective is complete...]

[Objective target cannot be found]

[Assigned the objective as a success]

[Copied skill 'Switch(A)']

"Nice", Aryan thought

'Contestants of Magic round please get ready!'

Aryan headed out on, he was astonished to see the number of people qualified for this round. There were more than 500 people. But there was one more thing that poked him.

All of the audience was staring at him after what he did earlier, everyone looked angry, jealous and frightened. "Huff... It's going to be annoying..", Aryan sighed

'Contestants please get ready as the round will begin and magic above 1 circle is not allowed. Any magic that does a fatal injury is not allowed. NOW BEGIN!'

Aryan didn't want to cause a ruckus at the start so he decided to hide himself using the spell 'Conceal'. One by one everyone took out each other resulting in only nearly 30 people standing.

"So It's time for me to step in", Aryan thought and cancelled the spell.

'Hey you kids, don't waste much time and come at me together", Aryan stated to all the contestants. They were enraged, and all of them jumped in to kill Aryan but this was what he wanted.

As all of them came within 10 meters of Aryan's range, everyone saw him making some lip movements but before they could listen to what he said, they all fell to the ground unconscious.

'Congratulations contestant Aryan for winning the round'

Aryan had been concealing himself for half of the round because he wanted to find some skills to copy. He looks over all the contestants lying down burn couldn't see any good skills, all of them were C or D grades.

Just as Aryan turned to go back, he saw someone lying just behind him.

"oh, you were able to come this close. Impressive!", Aryan stated inwardly

Aryan looks at the skill that boy had and was flabbergasted. It was 'Shadow acceleration'

[Skill: Shadow acceleration(B+)]

[Copy condition: Be with him until he wakes up]

"It's pretty easy", Aryan thought and took that boy on his back to the waiting room.

"It says I need to wait until he wakes up, then can't I wake him up? If I wait then it would take at least 5-6 hours for the spell to be dispelled", Aryan thought.

Aryan then keeps his hand on the boy's head and breaks the spell castes upon him.

"huh? Why are you here and what happened", the boy asked in the confusion

"Nothing much, you lost but you were the closest to hitting me so I treated you.", Aryan stated

"Oh my God, you are that person, ha, my name is Steve", the boy said

"oh ok", Aryan was starting to get annoyed by how much he talked.

Steve then started talking about his family, his past, etc. With each second passed by, Aryan got more and more annoyed.

"I'm going out for a bit, don't follow me", Aryan finally fled from there.

'Now let's copy the skill', Aryan thought

[Checking if the objective is complete]

[Objective determined as complete]

[Copying skill 'Shadow acceleration']

[Copy success]

[Skill: Shadow acceleration(B+)]

[Description: Increases user's speed by three folds for 5 minutes if the user isn't in the enemy's sight]

[Cooldown time: 1 Hour]

"Nice", Aryan said silently

'Contestants please go to the ground for your results.'

Aryan made his way to the ground where results were being announced. To check if someone passed, they had to use their id.

Aryan takes out his id and uses it. A hologram appears showing his results.

[Name: Aryan]

[Type: Magician]

[Result: passed]

[local rank: 1]

"What a surprise, I passed!", Aryan said sarcastically

"This boy is pretty good", A man in white blazers sitting on the opposite side of the stadium to Aria's seat said to his assistant while pointing out Aryan.

I will be consistent this week :)

TECH_PLAYERcreators' thoughts