
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

New Humanity 2

Fujimaru, alongside his loyal companions, including Mash and the powerful Goddess Ishtar, made their urgent return to the illustrious city of Uruk. Their primary objective was to alert King Gilgamesh to the concerning situation that had arisen and, of equal importance, to deliver the weighty final message entrusted to them by the sage, Merlin. However, upon their arrival back in the city, a scene of chaos confronted them—the city was engulfed in flames, a sinister glow casting eerie shadows on the once-vibrant streets. 


The peaceful citizens of Uruk now found themselves under a relentless assault by a terrifying new menace, the twisted progeny of the primordial goddess, the "Lahmu." These malevolent beings, humanoids with grotesque spider-like features, wrought havoc throughout the city with reckless abandon. Fujimaru, Mash, and the formidable Ishtar immediately sprang into action, engaging in a harrowing battle against the swarms of Lahmu that threatened to overrun the city. As the Lahmu unleashed their destructive fury upon the unsuspecting denizens, their chilling ability to metamorphosize any hapless human into one of their own added a dire layer of complexity to the conflict. 


The once serene streets transformed into a nightmarish battleground where these monstrous entities, devoid of mercy or reason, unleashed a spree of violence and death without restraint. Amidst the chaos and peril, the fate of Uruk hung in the balance, and Fujimaru and his valiant companions stood as the last line of defence against an insidious force that sought to consume the very essence of the city and its people.


While the Goddess Ishtar keenly listened to the menacing sounds emanating from the Lahmu creatures lurking nearby, she swiftly issued a decisive command to Fujimaru and Mash, urging them to make their way to King Gilgamesh's regal palace with a vital mission in mind—the strategic formulation of a plan to confront the imminent threat. Despite the weight of the orders bestowed upon them, fueled by bravery and determination, Fujimaru and Mash steadfastly stood their ground, unwavering in their resolve to face the looming peril head-on. As the tumultuous chaos continued to unfurl, a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the turmoil with the arrival of the formidable Goddess Quetzalcoatl, who fearlessly plunged into the heart of the skirmish, unleashing a relentless onslaught of devastating attacks upon the swarms of Lahnmu that had infested the once-peaceful city. The relentless onslaught proved to be the turning point in the fierce battle, as the surviving remnants of the Lahmu horde, overwhelmed and outmatched, eventually succumbed to the might of the divine forces arrayed against them, retreating in disarray back to the depths of their lair, marking a fleeting moment of respite in the ongoing struggle for the besieged city.


After a long and arduous journey, Fujimaru and the courageous companions finally arrived at the majestic Palace of King Gilgamesh. As they stepped through the grand entrance, their presence caused a stir among the palace residents, who whispered excitedly about the arrival of these unexpected guests. King Gilgamesh, adorned in regal attire befitting his power and authority, emerged to greet them with a warm and welcoming smile.


Within the opulent halls of the palace, the atmosphere crackled with energy and tension as the king raised his voice to address the assembled crowd. His words echoed throughout the chamber, commanding the attention of the people and soldiers of Uruk. With a solemn yet resolute tone, King Gilgamesh issued a royal decree, stating, "Our city faces destruction; at the most we shall survive two more days. However, there is no need for you to die with Uruk; those who wish to survive head towards the northern wall. If you wish to fight, then you will die in the name of Uruk. Say your farewells to your friends and family," offering a choice to those gathered before him.



Fujimaru, standing tall and unwavering in the presence of the king, felt the weight of the mage's final words resting heavily upon their shoulders. With a steady voice, Fujimaru conveyed the mage's poignant message to King Gilgamesh, bridging the gap between the past and the present in a moment of profound significance. 


King Gilgamesh, together with his trusted comrades Fujimaru and the knowledgeable professor Romani Archaman, deliberated tirelessly on a strategic plan to counter the formidable threat posed by the primordial goddess. The Professor, Romani Archaman, drawing upon his profound wisdom and insight, reassured King Gilgamesh that the primordial goddess had not yet fully stirred from her slumber, hinting at a glimmer of hope amidst the imminent danger they faced. Intrigued by this revelation, Fujimaru inquired about the fate of Lady Citri, the revered Priestess of Uruk, only to be met with a sombre expression on King Gilgamesh's regal visage as he revealed the distressing news of Citri's abduction, stating, "Protecting the people Citri was captured, she was taken to Erindu as hostage."


The heavy atmosphere that enveloped the room was palpable, tinged with an undercurrent of urgency and concern for Citri's well-being. Determined to come to Citri's rescue, Fujimaru, fueled by a burgeoning sense of duty and compassion, pledged to embark on a journey to Erindu with relentless resolve. Acknowledging the gravity of the situation and Fujimaru's unwavering determination, King Gilgamesh, a hint of sorrow clouding his noble countenance, granted his blessing for the expedition to commence without delay. Thus, amidst a backdrop charged with emotions of camaraderie, valour, and sacrifice, Fujimaru and their stalwart companions received the monarch's assent to set forth on their arduous quest to save Lady Citri from the clutches of darkness that loomed over Erindu's horizon.


Fujimaru and his valiant companions, weary yet determined, finally reached the ancient city of Erindu after a long and arduous journey. Upon their arrival, they were met with a daunting sight—hordes of vicious Lahmu swarming the once majestic streets, wreaking havoc and instilling fear in the hearts of the people. Without hesitation, they sprang into action, their weapons gleaming in the dim light as they launched a fierce assault against the monstrous foes.


As the battle raged on, Ishtar, with her divine strength and unwavering resolve, unleashed a devastating attack that scattered the Lahmu momentarily, creating a window of opportunity for the terrified citizens to flee to safety. The ground trembled with each thunderous strike, echoing the bravery of those who stood against the encroaching darkness.


Amidst the chaos, a peculiar figure caught Fujimaru's vigilant eye—a Lahmu unlike any other, its movements betraying a certain grace and familiarity that tugged at his heartstrings. As he drew closer, a wave of melancholy washed over him, realisation dawning upon his troubled mind—the once revered Priestess Citri had been twisted into one of these vile creatures, her essence overshadowed by the curse that had befallen her.


In a moment of clarity and compassion, Fujimaru gave a solemn command to Mash and Quetzalcoatl, instructing them to release the strange Lahmu and allow it to depart peacefully. Through their combined efforts, they soon discovered that Citri, tragically transformed yet still bearing the remnants of her former self, retained her memories and sense of duty, trapped in a twisted form that belied her true nature.


As the group confronted this unsettling truth, a sombre realisation settled over them—the battle ahead was not just a conflict against formidable foes but a struggle to reclaim the soul of one who had been lost to the insidious forces of darkness. With their resolve strengthened and their bonds forged in the crucible of adversity, they steeled themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to restore hope to a land tainted by despair and redeem a life caught in the merciless grip of fate.


Fujimaru and his loyal companions found themselves in a perilous situation as they were encircled by the relentless onslaught of the new wave of Lahmu. It was then that Kingu, in the midst of the chaos, strode into the battlefield with an air of authority that commanded attention. With a commanding presence, Kingu issued a stern order for the Lahmu, stating "withdraw immediately," asserting his dominance as their superior. The bewildered Lahmu ceased their relentless attacks, seemingly acquiescing to Kingu's command. As the tension eased, Kingu approached Fujimaru, initiating a conversation that revealed a deeper connection between Lahmu and himself, stating, "We are all creatures, created by the same mother. We might be different in shape; we are the same." Kingu revealed that the Lahmu were not mere adversaries but were in fact his kin, the new progeny of the primordial goddess Tiamat. Engrossed in their discussion, Kingu's guard momentarily faltered, allowing the cunning Lahmu to stealthily manoeuvre behind him and launch a treacherous attack while stating, "Talk, talk, talk. You are very boring." With a malicious laughter, the creatures continued, "We don't need you anymore; the job is ours to wake Mother, not you." Despite Kingu's waning control, the Lahmu seized possession of a coveted artefact, the Holy Grail, causing shock and disbelief to ripple through the battlefield. The expression of betrayal etched on Kingu's face mirrored the sentiments of those who bore witness to this unexpected turn of events.


With a chilling laugh emanating from the sinister Lahmu creatures, they made it abundantly clear to Kingu that his services were no longer required. They gloated about how they, the Lahmu, were going to establish themselves as the new torchbearers of humanity. As the Lahmu soared through the air, their malevolent intention became apparent when they commanded the other creatures to eliminate Kingu and all witnesses, declaring that they would personally deliver the Grail to their revered mother. Sensing the imminent danger and treachery unfolding, the formidable Goddess Ishtar sprang into action, launching a relentless assault against the Lahmu creature in a courageous attempt to thwart its nefarious plans.


The Lahmu creature, having absorbed the power of the Great, experienced a substantial boost in strength, enabling it to effortlessly deflect all of Ishtar's assaults before launching a direct counterattack on the Goddess herself. Meanwhile, Kingu, deprived of the Grail's powers and protection, found himself cornered and compelled to seek refuge within the dense woods as the relentless Lahmu relentlessly pursued him without mercy. Despite his desperate flight for survival through the labyrinthine trees, his mind was plagued with turbulent thoughts, questioning why his own mother had forsaken him, leaving him to navigate the treacherous woods alone with his troubled thoughts echoing amidst the rustling leaves and ominous shadows that enveloped him.


At that moment of despair, as the Lahmu finally closed in on Kingu, the tension in the air was palpable. It was a heart-stopping moment as a Strange Lahmu suddenly sprang into action, attacking its fellow Lahmu with a ferocity that stunned Kingu. In the chaos that ensued, the Strange Lahmu sustained grievous injuries that seemed to weigh heavily on Kingu's mind, leaving him perplexed and searching for answers amongst the turmoil. Turning to the wounded Strange Lahmu, Kingu, his voice filled with confusion and gratitude, asked the creature, "Why did you save my life?" 


In a surprising turn of events, the creature responded with unexpected familiarity, referring to Kingu as Enkidu and expressing heartfelt thanks. The words spoken by the Strange Lahmu carried a sense of bittersweet revelation as she implored Enkidu to seek his own happiness, stating, "You should find your own happiness, please, dearest friend, Enkidu. You gave the lone king a life; you showed him the path. There was no one who didn't grieve when you died. You were gone, but know no one could ever forget you. I remember too, so I want you to find happiness. I'm so glad I got to tell you myself; thank you, my sweet Enkidu."


As the strange creature, now identified as Lady Citri, began to crumble before Kingu's eyes, the poignant realisation of her imminent departure hung in the air. Her final words, filled with a deep sense of finality, echoed the sentiments of loss and remembrance that permeated the moment. The weight of Citri's words lingered in the air even as she dissolved into dust, leaving Kingu to ponder the enduring legacy of Enkidu and the mark he had left on those who had known him.


At that point, tears began to flow uncontrollably from Kingu's eyes, a cascade of sorrow and confusion coursing down his cheeks as he found himself inexplicably weeping for the loss of someone he had never crossed paths with before. In that poignant moment, Kingu was engulfed by a wave of poignant memories, a whirlwind of recollections unfurling before him like ancient scrolls unveiling the intricate tapestry of Enkidu's life. Visions flickered in his mind like a spectral flame, revealing glimpses of the camaraderie shared between Enkidu, King Gilgamesh, and the esteemed Lady Citri, their bond interwoven by threads of fate.


Immersed in a tempest of emotions, Kingu felt as though he was drowning in a vast ocean of despair, his heart heavy with the weight of sorrow and regret. It was a melancholy symphony playing out within his soul, a dirge echoing through the chambers of his being as he grappled with the profound loss of Citri, a loss that felt inexplicably personal and deeply resonant.


Meanwhile, amidst the tumult of Kingu's grief, Fujimaru, Mash, Ishtar, and Quetzalcoatl sprang into action, their resolve unshakeable as they pursued the elusive flying Lahmu carrying the coveted Grail. The creature darted through the skies with purposeful intent, its destination set on the heart of the sea of life, where the primordial Mud lay shrouded in mystery and power. At the epicentre of this primordial mud stood the slumbering form of the primordial goddess, a being of immense and unfathomable energy awaiting the touch of the Grail to awaken her from her aeon-old slumber, heralding a new era of divine reckoning.



As Fujimaru and his loyal companions unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks upon the formidable flying Lahmu creature, the radiant Goddess Ishtar gathered her cosmic power for a final, decisive blow. With a dazzling display of divine might, she unleashed a breathtakingly powerful attack that swiftly brought the creature to a standstill, its once menacing flight now stilled by the force of her will. Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, the valiant Quetzalcoatl moved with swift determination, seeking to extract the elusive Grail from the creature's inert form.


In that pivotal moment, a palpable sense of unease gripped the heroes as they detected a familiar yet sinister aura permeating the battlefield. Steeling themselves for the impending confrontation, they stood resolute, ready to face this unknown adversary. Suddenly, a resounding voice reverberated through the air, its chilling words hinting at ominous truths yet to be revealed: "The wandering tales of shadow—Oh, Act two steps of heaven."


In a dazzling flash of godlike speed, a mysterious figure materialised, its swift and precise movements shattering the chains that bound the Lahmu, setting it free once more. As the stunned Fujimaru and his companions beheld the breathtaking sword technique that had liberated the creature, a sense of recognition dawned upon them. They knew then, with a mix of astonishment and apprehension, that their new foe wielded a skill that was not only formidable but intimately familiar.


As the dust settled and the battlefield grew eerily silent, a figure emerged from the primordial mud, its presence shrouded in enigma and intrigue. The sight of this unexpected arrival left the heroes speechless, for the friend they once knew had now metamorphosed into a formidable adversary, casting a shadow of doubt and uncertainty over their midst as they braced themselves for combat.