
Chapter 4

"Who are you?"

As I was faced with the question of Bhagwan Parashura, in front of me, I couldn'y help but ponder. What answer should I give. Should I hide things from his? No. Hiding and lying is considered the biggest crime, more so to your own guru. Thus I kneeled in front of him.

"Pranam, Bhagwan. My name Adirathi Radheya Vasusen Karna. I am the son of Mata Kunti, a Kshtriya and the Mantraprasad and son of Bhagwan Suryanarayan. I am the adopted son of Adirath, the charioteer of your student Gangaputra Devvrat Bhisma and his ardhangini, my mother Radha. I am also a soul of the previous kall chakra, and have come here in search of education. I have come here to prove to society that Varna Vavystha simply existed in people's minds, and a poor child, who wishes to gain the power and ability to protect those close to him and reunite with his birth mother, who had to give her child up, merely for the fear of society."

A hint of pity and understanding appeared in Parashuram's face.

"Then why have you come to me child. You must laready know that I have stopped teaching students long ago. Why would you even want me to teach you. My students all came out to be failured. Drona is lost in his stupid sense of caste superiority, Devvrat is blinded by what he says is his respinsibility. What can i even offer you?"

A helpless sigh escaped from his mouth.

"Bhagwan, forgive me, but you are wrong. You merely taught Dronacharya the art of handling divine astras and taught Pitamah Bhishma warfare. You did not teach anyone from the ground up. Thus I want you and Mata Renukya to teach me, to mold me into a perfect being who can stand tall and say proudly that I am parashuramshishya."

A hint of smile appeared on his face.

"Very well. I shall teach you. However you have to impress your mata yourself. In the meantime, you shall rid yourself of your clothes and only dress in saffron under my tutelage. You will shave your head completely until you finish your education."

"I accept you conditions, Bhagwan."

"One more thing. You will not call me Bhagwan. You will refer to me only as Guruacharya. Understood?"

"Understood Guruacharya."

"Very well then, come on, lets go meet your mata."

As we walked towards the hut, two thoughts appeared in my mind. Finally, I had gained my guru. Also, Guruacharya was extremely tall. I mean, i barely reached his knees when he stood straight. Soon we walked into the hut and what I saw was a beautiful middle aged woman who was almost as tall as Guruacharya. She was Renukya, my Gurumaa by relation and hopefully my kala guru.