
Magadhnaresh Suryaputra Vasusen Karna

As a teenager from the 21st century, he became by a twist of fame, Karna, his childhood hero, the tragic being, used by all and one of the most powerful beings, held back by society and a deep rooted inferiority due to rejection by society. Shall we bear witness to how he molds the age old story to a new saga, of hope and aspiration. Cover Image does not belong to me.

NirjharChatterjee · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Author’s Thoughts

Now the below words are my personal thoughts and nothing more, I assure you. You all are welcome to object and all, but at the cost of making myself sound repetitive, these are all my personal thoughts.

I have discovered very few fanfictions on this site that are regarding Indian Mythology and even fewer that are regarding Karna. Although Ramayan is more appealing to me as a story, Mahabharat is comparative more realistic and is treatable as history after the discovery of various sites mentioned in the epic and more. However, Karn's character has always been appealing to me and somehow always resonates with me. Indian Mythology, at thie stage, holds no future and the majority of the thanks attributed for this is Indians themselves. Modern movie artists potray Ram as a moronic being who did all that he could to just rescue his wife, instead of the character growth he is potrayed to have gone through, the amount of despair he experienced, his grief, anger, rage, etc. Khrishna, arguably one of the greatest kings of Aryavart, if he truly existed, is potrayed as a blue skinned butter stealing moron who slayed asurs with his left hand while fooling around with the gopis of Vrindavan. The authors on various platforms show Karna as an idiot, salivating after power and kingdoms, wannting to kill and reign on Hastinapur.

At what level has these people brought their idiocy to that they fail to understand that Karna is a being who despite being forsaken by the world still stands back on his feet. His bad qualities was his twisted sense of Dharma and his inferiority complex, both of which stems from the fact that he is denied by society again and again. These idiots incorporate things like aghoris in the tale when realistically they didnt even exist at the point.

"Shiva is an Aghori."

It sound good to hear, but he is not an aghori. He is a yogi. An aghori is one who denies all his beings and existence in search of ultiment fulfilment of being one with the cosmic form of Mahadev.

That's all. I understand that its hard for most to accept this and i will probably face a lot of hate for this, but understand that this is not for you. I am writing this for my own fulfilment. Other Pantheons will probably be explored in the very very far future, and there will be no System. I reapeat, THERE WILL BE NO SYSTEMS.