
Mafia or Professor

Carsyn pov OMG!!!!!!!! It's already 8 am. How could I miss my alarm today, seriously today! This is the day i have been eagerly waiting for. No i guess it's not only me. Almost all the girls in the university have been waiting for this day. You know why? Cause it's Thursday. Yes you are reading right. Just because today is THE THURSDAY! Thrusday means today is the class of my boyfriend. Ha ha just kidding, it's not my boyfriend but obviously the one i want as my husband. And he is Andreas Finley. The Most handsome species till now i have laid my eyes on. He is 28 years old, with a Greek god like perfect face with blue eyes, perfect height of 6.2, having a damn sexy body and with a devil like attitude with a never smiling stern face. There are rumours that he is worse than the devil and his profession as a professor is just to cover up his real business. Still i am not sure but may be it's true cause he takes only one class per week. Oh, how i wish he was only mine even though he is a devil or what not but it's not possible in this life time since there is a rumor that he is already married. So, what if he is already married, i can still have a good look at him without paying any tax. All the girls in university drool over him. I guess his wife is really the lucky one. If only i was his wife, Carsyn Andreas Finley, how pleasing it sounds to my ears! . ..... Oh no i am already late, i guess i am not going to get a seat in the first row. Oh god please make leo take the seat in first row. Leo, he is my best friend. That nerd boy alway comes first but if he is not going to get a seat in the first row, I'll surely kill him and then go to prison. **** Author This is going to be interesting. Will Carsyn davis be able to get the attention and love from the devil professor Andreas finley? If yes, how? And how will the devil react to carsyn's love? Will he love her? If yes , what about his wife? Has Andreas noticed her until now? if not how will things proceed from here?

Chetssyav · Hiện thực
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27 Chs

chapter 13 who changed my clothes

When I walked out of the room I saw Carol leaning on the door with the smirk on his face. I so badly wanted to punch him flat on the face.

I walked out of the house of the house Adam followed behind me and asked "should I help the girl to take her to her home."

I squinted my eyes and said " she is not our concern "

After that I sat in a car and asked Adam to take me to the meeting I wanted to take get my mind from all this shit.

On the way, I leaned back and closed my eyes and everything he played infront of my eyes from our earlier. I entered into the deep thought why did I even do it ? It was not necessary at all. Everything that had happened was very irritating and depressing to me.

My thought was interrupted by ringtone of my phone. I open my eyes only to see Carol's name popping on the screen.

At first I didn't answer the incoming call but he kept on calling non stop. I was even going to switch off my phone because somewhere deep inside me my senses were telling me that he would talk about Miss. David.

But this thought made me more irritated. why the for good I switch of my phone? It's just because I didn't want to talk about some car I mrely knew.

Finally I answered the call with the dark face.

Me: hmm?

Carol: what's going on?

Me: what do you want?

Carol: Nothing, I just wanted to listen to my darlings voice.

Me: I am in no mood for jokes.

Carol: oh sweetheart, don't do this to me.

I just don't want any more headache what happened today was enough for me to have it. So, I hung up on him.

Carol is such a pain in the ass. Sometimes, I really wonder if my so called Bestbuddy is gay.

Merely a second after hanging up, my phone buzzed and I received a message from the bastard Carol.

Carol: jokes apart, what do you want me to do with your sweetheart?

At first I didn't understand what his message meant not until his send me a pic of Miss.David lying unconsciously on a chair. She looked pitiful but it was none of my concern so I didn't reply.

Few minutes later I again got a message

Carol: If you don't reply I will take her with me and she will be mine.

That is when I replied.

Me: she is not my concern

Carol: I appreciate your kindness thanks darling.

Carsyn pov

I don't have any idea what happened after I passed out. All I know is when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a soft and comfortable bed.

I roll my eyes around the room only to find everything in this room looks so much boyish curtain is of gray colour and the bedsheets is also grey.

Now I am really wondering where I am and whose room is this and above all this the main question is who changed my clothes.

What fuck fuck fuck fucccckkkk what am i wearing who changed my clothes. This is making me panic. Carsyn calm down. Nothing has happened calm down, take a deep breath, everything is ok.

Different thoughts are going through my small brain at the moment. Mr. Finley came to save me earlier could it be that he bought me to his house after i lose my consciousness .

Oh my god could it be true? If yes it means I am in the house of my never becoming husband. Oh god help me I am already on cloud seven now.

Huh? Carsyn are you out of mind or what? If Mr. Finley really bring me here then could it be that he changed my clothes.

No, No, No please it will be so embarrassing to see him next time.

Could it be that We already had sex cause he couldn't control himself after having a good look at my sexy body. But my body is not aching anywhere.

My mother will kill me. How could I think such dirty things. Where has my sanity disappeared?

The great Miss Carsyn please collect your thought you are going out of mind. Nothing has happened with you. You are still virgin.

When I was busy talking nonsense to myself. I heard the sound of opening of door and a view of man came in front of me.

Who is looking so handsome with smile plastered on his face. But belive me or not I want to punch that handsome face and knock all his teeth out.

Haha! Just imagine someone smiling at you very warmly but have no teeth in his oral cavity.

Gyus please do comments.