
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

last chapter

Joseph's POV

I laid on my bed thinking about everything that has happened over the years, mostly what had happened between me and Conner, all those years ago. I let out a low sigh as Jay came in yawning, she said "I just put the kids to bed" I raised an eyebrow, smiled, and nodded lightly. "Thanks princess" I said and she smiled back "Of course, my prince" she said back to me. She changed into one of my shirts and laid down beside me "I see you stole my shirt" I said, teasing her. Her tail moved back and forth and she smiled "Yes I did, you have a problem with that?" She asked, teasing me back. "No, Baby," I replied. She got up under the covers and I did the same, soon she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. "Cute" I thought to myself, I looked up at the ceiling and once again fell back into my thoughts of the past. I think I must've fallen asleep because time went by so fast. I did wake up from a dream about what happened back when me and Conner were in highschool. I lightly sighed but then smiled looking at my wife, who I have kids with and who I love with all my heart. I got up and got dressed in a gray shirt, and black pants. Along with my everyday combat boots. I went to the bathroom and quickly finished getting ready for the day, even tho it only took about 5 minutes or less. I walked out the bathroom, out our room, down the stairs, and lastly into the kitchen. The kids were up and Jaehyung was making breakfast for Jasmine, since it was Friday and they had school. I made myself a mug of coffee and sat down beside Jasmine, who was listening to music on her phone like usual. I tapped her cheek lightly "Morning" I said to her, she took her headphones out and smiled at me "Hey dad" She said and hugged me, I lightly hugged back and she pulled away. Jaehyung put two plates on the table "Mom eating?" he asked me. I shrugged, "last I checked she was-" I was cut off by Jay "Asleep?" She finished my sentence, I slightly nodded and kissed her on the lips as she walked up to me. Jaehyung put another plate down and she sat down as we all began to eat. Jaehyung put his own plate down and sat down beginning to eat.

*********Time Skip********

Jay's POV

After breakfast. I started walking through the woods to Lily's grave. When I reached the grave I found a man sitting at it with a boy around Jaehyung's age beside him. I approached them carefully. When I got close enough the man looked at me and I instantly knew who it was "Han Hee Hyo..?" I asked the man calmly. The boy that looked about Jaehyungs' age crossed his arms remembering me. He was a spitting image of his mother but had his fathers seriousness or well that looked like his fathers face with his seriousness. The man then replied to my mumble "Jay" Han Hee Hyo then turned around and began to walk away from me. Alex had already ran off and I than grabbed Han Hee Hyo's arm "Wait!-" I yelled at him as he turned realizing I had a hold on him, he then pulled away "I have other things to do than play catch-up" Han Hee Hyo said to me so cold that it felt like a knife hitting me. "I-" I tried to speak but nothing came out as he walked away. "I can't believe he's back.." I thought to myself as I looked at the forest Han Hee Hyo had walked into. "He's..worse than he once was..so cold to me and others..?" I added to my thoughts, I shook my head so tears won't be known and lowly growled. "I'm going after him, he didn't mask his scent...I suppose he's gone soft" I thought to myself. "Or maybe he wants me to find him..?" I added to my thoughts once more. I shrugged, looked around one more time, and then slowly became a wolf. I ran in the direction of Han Hee Hyo and Alex or whatever that kid wants to be called either way I still ran after them into the woods. It was around noon, I would've guessed by now and Han Hee Hyo's smell grew stronger as I ran through the forest, but then the smell faded and I stopped dead in my tracks "Dang it" I thought to myself as I became human. "He must have masked his scent" I thought to myself. "If your thinking he masked his scent, your wrong" I young voice or well It sounded like.."Alex..?" I asked looking up at the tree seeing him sitting there. "No, it's Castiel. Of course it's me nitwit" He said to me with a growl. I sighed "You are your father's son" I said to him. He smiled "I would hope" He replied to me as he jumped down from the tree. "Where is your father?" I asked him "None of your concern" He replied back. I sigh "I'm the adult, you forget I raised you a bit" I said to him getting frustrated "Yeah and you also betrayed my father and raised a bratty child, who is called Jasmine Kim" Casteil replied back harshly. I sigh "Who are you to talk about my kid? You didn't raise her now did you?" I snapped, he shrugged "Doesn't matter, she's still a mutt who thinks shes better than everyone" He replied back "Like your father" I said, Castiel growled at me "Watch yourself, you never know if he's watching" He said."Now you're saying he is stalking me?" I said "You're twisting my words, jeez I see where Jasmine gets it from" Castiel said "Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can boss me around, I have my own family and you aint part of it" He growled. Sun So appeared behind me "Watch what you say to your adults, You never know when they are watching' " Sun-So said "Great, another one" Castiel said rolling his eyes, Sun-So turned into his snake form and slithered up my body to my arm and stayed on my hand. He then looked at Alex which is what he knows him as, Castiel turned around and looked away from them "YOU are the brat" Sun-So said in parseltongue, Which is what snakes speak. "Whatever, Next time I suggest watching yourself" Casteil said and became a dark brownish or black cat like his mother, and he then ran off. I then transformed into my wolf form chasing after him, soon losing sight of him. Then picking up Han hee Hyos scent then following it to the cave I remembered so well I went in the cave and layed there hoping han hee hyo was there that's when I fell asleep for what seemed like forever.

Alex's POV

"I lost her" I thought to myself as I ran towards our house and away from that meddling woman. When I arrived at the house dad was standing on the porch waiting for me. "Did she follow you?" he asked with a worried look on his face. "No, I ran in the direction of the cave to throw her off with your scent