
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 9

Joseph POV

̈Ok put her on the bed. "Joseph said. "Mm...̈ Han Hee Hyo put Jay on the bed."Would you dress the wounds while i go get food out of the kitchen or do you want to go get the food ?̈ Joseph asked. "Dress the wounds. ̈"Han Hee Hyo said and started to dress the wounds. Joseph walked back in with stir fry noodles and rice. ̈Which one would be better for her and you get the other one?̈ Joseph asked. "whats the kids favorite?̈ Han Hee Hyo asked. ̈Japchae is her favorite but we don't have any "Joseph said."Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈i mean out of the choices you gave me, what's her favorite?" He asked again." ̈Well the rice is. "Joseph replied. ̈Then she can have the rice.̈ Han Hee Hyo said as he finished dressing the wounds."Go look in the kitchen for a bowl and spoons and forks for the three of us please." Joseph asked. Han Hee Hyo nodded and headed down to the kitchen and grabbed the stuff he needed and came back up. ̈Thank you. "Joseph said as jay woke up."Where is William?̈́ Han Hee Hyo walked in ̈Dead. " Han Hee Hyo said.


Jay got up but fell into Han Hee Hyo she slapped him. "He was like a brother to me!" She said as she picked up a knife and took it to herself. ̈Kill Me Already!̈ "Jay yelled but Han Hee Hyo disarmed her and placed her on the bed even tho she was kicking and screaming. She started to cry. "William..̈ Jay said weakly. Han Hee Hyo sighs "Be mad but i was only protecting you ̈ Han Hee Hyo said and handed her a bowl of food. ̈ ̈Your not the only to lose someone you care about...̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "he was like a brother to me please just kill me, I want to be with him. ̈ Jay said. ̈No, Stop being an idiot. Your not thinking so i suppose i'm gonna have to watch you sleep now since you want to die ̈ Han Hee said and sat down in a chair and started to eat. "I want to see williams body ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈Tomorrow ̈́ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈ ̈Now ̈ Jay ̈ said. ̈ ̈No ̈ Han Hee Hyo said back."i said NOW! if you don't show me then i will go see it myself. ̈ Jay said. "You can't walk and it's too late and i said NO ̈ Han Hee Hyo said louder. Jay started to cry for Joseph. Han Hee Hyo growls ̈This is why i left to begin with most people i protected wont shut the heck up.̈ Han Hee Hyo sighs. ̈ ̈Like i said it's too late...̈ Jay slapped him. The slap didn't phase him. ̈it is not too late. ̈ Jay said ̈read the words on my skin they will tell you how close I was to him. ̈ Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈How many times do I have to tell you i dont care hes dead simple as that but I only did it to protect YOU. So slap me all you want it aint gonna change anything." Jay reached under the pillow as she had seen joseph do many times and pulled out a knife. ̈ ̈Take me to see his body and that is an order.̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo tilted his head and smiles. "You think thats gonna phase me.̈ Han Hee Hyo appeared behind Jay and disarmed the knife. ̈if that doesn't then this will ̈ she then pulled a knife out of the front of her shirt and held it to her wrist. Han Hee Hyo sighs and picks Jay up disarming the knife. ̈ ̈look who changed his mind ̈ jay said teasingly. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈Mm, well see ̈ Han Hee Hyo carried Jay into the kitchen and handed her to Joseph. "YOU take this annoying THANG!̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Joseph can you tell him to take me to see Williams body ̈ Jay asked ̈ in the morning let him sleep for about 2 hours and you go to sleep as well. if you don't, I will have to punish you ̈ Han Hee Hyo runs away into his room. Joseph carried her to her room and they went to sleep. Han Hee Hyo looked up as Jay hobbled into his room as he rebandaged his arm. He sighs and covers his arm. "Why aren't you asleep? ̈ Jay replied. ̈ What was that you covered up? ̈ ̈ Jay asked. ̈ ̈None of your concern Kid." Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Well it kinda is my business if you were with us when it happened. ̈ she said as she hobbled to a chair then they both heard gunshots. Han Hee Hyo didn't notice that Jay was gone. Ha Hee Hyo sighs and puts his shirt on and ran down the hall with his gun out. Someone attacked him out of the corner of his eye. Joseph ran out and yelled. ̈Where is Jay!?̈ Joseph yelled at Han Hee Hyo. "She disappeared on me.. ̈ Han Hee hyo coughs up a little blood but then everything goes black.