
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 8

Jays POV

"it is ok Jay i will allow you to do this to me. "William said as Joseph untied his hands and let him walk towards Jay. Jay ran towards him and started to cry William hugged her as she cried. When she calmed down a bit William went and laid down on the special table, and as jay walked towards him with the knife and started to carve words into him she carved No matter what happens to either of us we will always be together ~ Jay."it was the promise that they made as kids. William was bleeding badly from the words "will you please bring me a med kit Joseph." Jay asked with tears streaming down her face "Yes i will princess i will be right back "Joseph replied as he ran up the stairs. " Jay... "William said. ̈Yes..? "Jay replied."Hold still. " William said as he got up and picked her up and placed her on the table and grabbed the knife. He lifted the bottom of her shirt up then started to carve the words No matter what happens to either of us we will always be together ~ William. But William jabbed the knife into her and she started to scream "Joseph...""then she passed out from blood loss.

Han Hee Hyo POV

Han Hee Hyo ran down stairs and into the room they were in with his gun out. He shot William in the shoulder. Joseph ran in."what happened!?" he asked Han Hee Hyo. "He made her scream, why weren't you even down here? i thought you wouldnt be dumb enough to leave her alone with him.̈ Han hee Hyo said."Do you have a med kit? " Joseph asked as he lifted Jays top off to check the wounds. Han Hee Hyo handed a med kit to him "i'm done, i'm killing William.̈ Han Hee Hyo said and lifted his gun to shoot William.̈ Are you going to help me get her up stairs or not "Joseph asked Han Hee Hyo. "Yeah in just a second..."He shoot William in the head."Are you done killing the ones my Princess cares about?̈ Joseph said done with Han Hee Hyo ́s behavior. Han Hee Hyo puts his gun up ̈He hurt her, Unlike you I'd rather not let her die. Besides its my job.̈ Han Hee Hyo said done with Josephs idioticness. "Help me get her up stairs now.̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo helped him.