
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 7

Han Ha Chan POV

Han Ha Chan thought to herself ̈is this really happening? Did joseph actually let Han Hee Hyo come back?̈ ̈ Han Hee Hyo walked into the room she was in. ̈ ̈Hey ̈ He said to her. She started to think to herself. ̈Why is my heart beating this fast? What is happening?̈ Han Hee Hyo raised an eyebrow. "You alright? Don't tell me you've gone soft on me now ̈ He chuckles at his comment. Ḧan Ha Chan ran into him and hugged him. "You really are back!" She said a little bit loud. ̈Uh, Yes i suppose i am...Heh ̈ Han Hee Hyo didn't hug back but patted her shoulder. She didn't notice someone behind Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo pulled away slowly and turned around. ̈ ̈Uh..?̈ Han Hee Hyo Tilted his head. Tae Jung-hee spoke up. ̈ ̈Get a room LOVEBiRDS ̈ loud enough for everyone to hear. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈idiot..̈ He mumbled his face slightly turning red. Han Ha Chan was blushing more than he had ever seen her blush before. Han Hee Hyo put his gloves back on and turned to walk out of the room.

Han Hee Hyo POV

Han Hee Hyo walked into the bedroom he was staying in and shut the door behind him. Han Hee Hyo took off his shirt to get a better look at his wound on his arm. He started to get his medical things ready. He started to clean his wound with a hot rag. After he was done cleaning his wound he started to wrap the bandages around his arm. Then Joseph knocked on the door. "I need you to keep an eye on Jay while I run to the store to get some bandages and food ̈ . ̈Eh, Alright ̈ Said Han Hee Hyo as he put his shirt on. ̈ ̈ i'll be out in a minutë ̈ Said Han Hee Hyo ̈if anything happenes to her you are dead.̈ Joseph said sternly. ̈ ̈ i'm fully aware of the consequences but if you don't trust me then...̈ Han Hee Hyo opened the door. ̈Then don't put me in charge of her ̈ Said Han Hee Hyo. Just then at that moment they heard gunshots. ̈Go get jay and bring her to the basement will you? I am going to go get the rest of the guys and get the weapons ̈ Joseph said but Han Hee Hyo was already out of the door and running down the hall before Joseph could finish his sentence. Han Hee Hyo ran up the stairs and busted through Jays door. ̈Wait what is happening!? ̈ Jay said scared. She started crying not knowing what to expect. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈ i'll tell you down in the basement" He said quickly and Grabbed Jays arm carefully pulling her off the bed making sure not to hurt her. Han Hee Hyo picked up Jay and ran out the door and down the stairs towards the basement. ̈Joseph what is happening? ̈ Jay asked clearly out of her mind. Han Hee Hyo answered. ̈i said wait kid ̈. He said opening the basement door and running down the basement stairs still carrying her. Finally he got down into the basement and sat Jay down onto the floor. Han Hee Hyo pulled out his Katana. ̈Now, There were gunshots and my main priority is to protect you because I would rather keep my life." He then turned and faced the door which opened and William Yoon walked in. ̈Hello there, my old friend i haven't seen you in a while, come with me. "He said as he picked Jay up. "I haven't seen you in a while William. ̈ Jay said as he carried her out the door. ̈Where do you think you are going kid!? ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈To visit my old friend William Yoon ̈ Jay replied. ̈ ̈Yeah..NO!̈ Han Hee Hyo said as he pulled out his gun and shot Williams leg. ̈ ̈WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?̈ ̈ Jay said as she slapped Han Hee Hyo in the face. Han Hee Hyo slightly growls ̈Alright FiRST of all don't touch me SECOND i saved you dang life!̈ Han Hee Hyo yelled loudly and threw a med kit at her."You Didn't HAVE TO SHOOT HiM first of all and second of all, I happen to be Joseph ́s Princess!̈ ̈ Jay yelled back. "i dont give a crap, i'm here to protect you and that's it! I'm not here to baby you! ̈ Han Hee Hyo began to go calmer. ̈Han Hee Hyo are you in the basement with Jay!?̈ Joseph yelled. ̈ ̈ i'm back from the store ̈Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈Yes, i'm here with Jay. ̈ He said in annoyance. ̈ ̈ I'm heading back down stairs ̈ Joseph said. ̈he came down the stairs and picked her up ̈Will you take care of him with the job i gave you? ̈ Han Hee Hyo knew what that meant tourchering. He smirked. ̈ ̈Yes i will. ̈ Said Han Hee Hyo. Joseph then pointed to a box in the corned ̈ You'll find everything you need in that box over.̈ Joseph said then he carried jay upstairs to his bedroom, Then checked her for anymore wounds but didn't find any. Han Hee Hyo grabbed the things from the box and went over to William Yoon. He then tied William ́s hands together then to the chair in the corner that is covered in blood. William started to cry in pain from the items that Han Hee Hyo was using. When he was done he took William off the chair and dragged him towards a room and threw him into a white room locking it. ̈Have Fun ̈ He said shutting and locking the door. ̈Han Hee Hyo! ̈ Jay yelled. ̈Will you please come and help me?"she said pleadingly. Han Hee Hyo had the keys in his hand. ̈Why? He betrayed you and everyone else.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "He is still a human and deserves food and a blanket.̈ Jay said. ̈ He's gonna die because of his wound but i suppose if it will make you leave. ̈ He said with a sigh. ̈ ̈ i'll do it ̈ Han Hee hyo said. ̈will you bring me some food a blanket and a med kit ̈ Jay said. "Only food and a Blanket, He's gonna die. ̈ Said Han Hee Hyo.̈if he dies you will die and I will be sure of it ̈ Jay said. "You dont scare me, and your lucky i'm even helping ̈ He opened the door. ̈Joseph will help me be sure of it. ̈ Jay said. ̈Now get me food, water, a blanket, and a med kit ̈ Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈No med kit everything else is fine but Joseph is the one who gave me the order to kill to begin with ̈ Joseph overheard the argument. ̈You will take her orders as if they were mine so go get jay the med kit.̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈Why don't you stop changing yalls dang mind.̈́ Han Hee Hyo walked away.

̈ ̈my orders were not to kill. They were to torcher him till you get the information we wanted.̈ Joseph said. "I don't take orders from a kid but I will this once since you want leave the heck alone. ̈ Han Hee Hyo walked away again. Jay walked into the room where William was being kept. ̈ ̈William I promise...I won't break the promise we made as kids..i will get you out of here somehow...̈ Jay whispered. ̈Really? ̈ william answered. Han Hee Hyo walked back in with all the things needed ̈ill med him ̈ He said ̈and you ain't getting getting anyone out at least not on my watch.̈ Han Hee Hyo said his yellow eyes glistening in the night. ̈Well it ain't on your watch is it, it is on my watch."She replied smirking. "You aint on watch kid and besides we are suppose to work with one another. "He got on his knees and started to med Williams leg."Jay passed out. "Oh crap, Joseph is gonna kill me?̈ Han Hee Hyo thought to himself after he finished williams leg. it was then he realized William had caught her to prevent her from hitting her head on the ground. "Ok that's it what's your relationship with her!?̈ Han Hee Hyo yelled slightly. "i mean i don't trust you never will but.. " Han Hee Hyo trailed off and picked Jay up. ̈Actually nevermind i don't wanna know ̈ Han Hee Hyo said and tied him back up and walked out shutting the door

and locking it. He still carried Jay and walked up the stairs and into her and Josephs room. He put her on the bed and walked out. ̈ ̈What happened to her? ̈ Joseph said as he walked down the hall to their room. "She passed out and before you it wasn't my fault. Your the one who told her that she could be down there."He said slightly annoyed he had to ̈Babysit ̈ her. ̈ ̈ i'm going to talk to william and pick her up and bring her with us. ̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈Us?̈ Han Hee Hyo asked in confusion. He put his hands up. ̈Ah come on, i need my beauty rest.̈ Han Hee Hyo said sarcastically. "I said bring her with me. ̈ Joseph said.Fine but that's it for tonight, seriously im tired.̈Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈Ok but you have to eat dinner with us as well Han Hee Hyo sighs i'm really not hungry besides i'm old and i need my rest kid̈Joseph replies. ̈But first you have to carry Jay down stairs to William, so follow me because we moved william to a better room"Han hee Hyo sighs ̈Fine, one question tho. Why the heck do you even allow him to live? I mean he betrayed you and Jay.̈"Joseph said."Just follow me to his room."

Joseph started walking towards the basement where tourcher was performed William was tied to the ceiling. ̈Why is he tied to the ceiling? And who tied him to the ceiling." Jay asked angrily as she looked at Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo put his hands up ̈Ok look i hate him but My orders were to keep him alive. Why don't you ask your amazing prince of yours? "As he handed the knife to Joseph."Princess i'm sorry to have to make you do this but you have to.̈ Joseph said as he handed the knife to Jay. Tears streamed down Jays face as Joseph untied william from the ceiling. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈Ẅhat the heck Joseph? She's not doing that "Han Hee Hyo said and grabbed the knife from Jays hand. ̈im not allowing this to happen unless you want it "Han Hee Hyo said to Jay. Joseph grabbed the knife from Han hee Hyo and Han Hee Hyo left the room.