
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

chapter 6

Joseph POV

When I heard that jay had been stabbed my heart broke "Was she still alive?" I asked myself while pacing around the kitchen waiting for Han Hee Hyo to pull into the driveway. "God please let her live.."

I said to myself trying not to cry, I don't know what I would do without her. Then the car pulled up I ran outside to get the kids in "Alex, Jaehyung, and Jang Yeon Hyo get inside quickly" I said and held the door open,then ran out to the car to get Jay "Han Hee Hyo I'll get Jay you go inside and check the kids" I ordered as I picked Jay up and carried her upstairs to our bedroom Han Hee Hyo was waiting with the med kit in hand I laid Jay down and Han Hee Hyo helped me dress her wounds but seeing her in this state broke me I started to cry "Joseph just remember that the accidents that happened today are part of a bigger plan" Han Hee Hyo said "J-Joseph" Jay said weakly "A-Am I at home?" she asked "Yes" I said then gave her a hug gently so I wouldn't hurt her more than she already is "A-Are the kids ok?" She asked "Yes The kids are in the kitchen eating and are perfectly fine" I said ."Are you hungry?" I asked "N-no" she said then fell unconscious. "Han Hee Hyo" I yelled "Please help me." I asked as he walked into the room "I'll help the best I can" He replied "I sent the kids to their bedrooms" He added as he looked at the wound "It might be infected" He said. "Im not turning her." Han Hee Hyo said. "But I'll see what I can do, even though it looks pretty bad.." Han Hee Hyo added on.