
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 6

Han Hee Hyo POV

He had on his arm looking out the window of the car. He was thinking to himself about many things, mostly his past. Then he spoke. ̈Why did your parents capture me when i was younger?" He said looking at Joseph ̈it wasn't me who captured you. it was my parents they needed someone to help us and you weren't captured your parents gave you too them. ̈ He sighs. ̈ ̈Han Ha Chan hurry up and get to the house, Jay needs medical attention immediately.̈ Han Hee Hyo spoke up ̈i can help a bit, i fix myself up all the time. So i know bit.̈ Joseph replied. ̈im certified in medicine. I can do it but I might need some help ̈ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈Then allow me ̈ Joseph then said as he got out of the car and carried Jay inside and took her to her room. Then pulled out a too big shirt and a pair of shorts and put them on her. ̈Ok but first I Need you to boil some water. ̈ Han Hee Hyo followed. ̈As you wish ̈ He replied and went into the kitchen. He started boiling some water on the stove ̈i wonder if what's her name is still the cook?" He thought to himself. Just as he was heading out kitchen a girl walked in ̈Han Hee Hyo?" He looked. ̈Eh? Oh, what's your name, your still here?̈ Han Hee Hyo said. She looked at him with a weird look in her eyes. ̈i am Park Min Mi She said. ̈Han Hee Hyo ̈ Joseph yelled. ̈ is the water done!? ̈ He looked up ̈Yes!""He yelled back and took the water off the stove careful not to burn himself. He then went to find Joseph and he was in Jays room. He went into Jays room ̈ Here's the water ̈ Han Hee Hyo said to Joseph. ̈Thank you. ̈ Joseph said. ̈Ok i Need you to apply some pressure to the cuts to help stop the bleeding. ̈ He nodded and grabbed a rag and dipped it into the boiled water then applied pressure to one of the cuts. ̈ ̈Park Min Mi bring the first aid kit ̈ Han Hee Hyo smiles and pulled a Med kit out of his coat with his free hand. ̈do you have wrap in your kit ̈ Joseph asked. Han Hee Hyo nodded and handed it to Joseph ̈You take it out, i'll finish this.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. And went back to work. Joseph pulled off Jays top so he could access the rest of the wounds. Han Hee Hyo looked away clearly not the perverted type. Joseph lifted her figure up so he could get the wrap around her small body and her thigh. Han Hee Hyo, you can come back in we need you to help us make sure this one cut is not infected. ̈ Han Hee Hyo walked back in. ̈Righẗ Joseph watched the Han Hee Hyo as to make sure he didnt hurt her. ̈So is it infected ̈ joseph asked ̈No She is fine. ̈ Han Hee Hyo answered back to Joseph. As Jay started to wake up.

Han Hee Hyo nodded and left the room back down stairs and into his room. He walked over to the dresser in his room and found a pair of shorts, he grabbed them and thought to himself. "I don't even know this girl and i'm helping her..?" He thought to himself in confusion. He shrugs and walks out the bedroom and

back up the stairs into their room. He threw the shorts at Joseph.

When he had got there Joseph had already put her in a crop top, so they could access her back and lower stomach. ̈ ̈ i'll be out here. ̈ Han He Hyo said as he stepped out of the room. Han Hee Hyo sighs and lifted up and sleeve which showed a badged arm. He quickly covered it up when he heard Joseph call him back into the room. Han Hee Hyo opened the door and walked back in. ̈Ok, do your work ̈ Joseph said to Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo nodded and grabbed the Med kit and started to take out the bandages. Han Hee Hyo called Park Min Mi into the room. ̈ ̈Yes?̈ she asked, walking into the room. ̈ ̈Go boil some water will you?̈ Han Hee Hyo said.. ̈Ok ̈ She replied. ̈ ̈Here is the water, should i make some tea as well for you all?̈ ̈ Park Min Mi asked. ̈ ̈yes please,'' Jay said. ̈ ̈im good.̈ Said Han Hee Hyo. Park Min Mi walked out of the room as Han Hee Hyo pulled out the alcohol to clean the wounds. ̈ i'm sorry but this might hurt a bit". Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo picked her small figure up so he could get to the wounds so he could clean them. Jay started yelling for Joseph, he ran into the room "What is wrong Jay? ̈ He said. ̈it hurts... ̈ she said weakly. Han Hee Hyo finished dressing the wounds and then left the room so joseph could help her get her top back on. ̈Joseph..." she said weakly. ̈Why did you let him dress the wounds, Why didn't you dress the wounds yourself? ̈ She asked. ̈̈Because.,he is better with that than i am Princess. ̈ He said to her softly. ̈Are you hungry?̈ Joseph asked. ̈ ̈Yes i am. Can i have some japchae?̈ ̈Jay asked.̈ ̈Yes you can Princess ̈ Joseph replied.