
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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chapter 5

Ashton POV

"Boss what do you want me to do with these two?" as he motioned to Jay and Han Hee Hyo."Take them to the chamber with no windows." Connor said."And secure them." He said with a smirk, "I'll take care of the kids." Connor said as he took the kids to a separate room. Ashton had tied Han Hee Hyo up and was working on getting Jay tied up when Connor walked in and started sharpening his knives."Ashton remove the knives from Jays Shirt." Connor said."Yes sir, Boss." Ashton replied as he removed the knives. At that time, Han Hee Hyo woke up."Hey there Connor." He said as Jay woke up. Connor picked up a knife and walked up to Jay.

Han Hee Hyo POV

"Don't even think about it." Han Hee Hyo said as Connor started to carve stuff into Jay's back. Jay started to scream. Han Hee Hyo couldn't stand the sound of the person he was supposed to protect screaming. Ashton walked into the room,he picked up a knife and walked up to Jay and said something to Connor, Who nodded his head and said something to Ashton. Han Hee Hyo sighs "Connor don't you want revenge on me, since I'm the one who put you in jail. "Not necessarily I want my revenge mainly on Joseph and I am going to get it." Connor said as Ashton stabbed Jay. Han Hee Hyo broke free from what was keeping him still and ears and a tail appread. "Let's see about that." Han Hee Hyo said as his eyes turned red, Jay was bleeding out and she could die. Han Hee Hyo grabs Ashton by the neck, "Shall we have some fun?" He said and threw him out the window. Connor tried to attack Han Hee Hyo from behind but he turned around and grabbed him by the neck, and threw him up against the wall. His ears and tail disappear and he unties Jay and started to put pressure on the wound she had, Jay coughs up blood. "Help...My..kids first..."Jay mumbles in and out of consciousness. Han Hee Hyo sighs, "I'm sure the kids can walk.."" He said then lifted Jay up and put her on his back. Han Hee Hyo ran out the room and into the room the kids were in. The kids faces lit up when they saw him, "D-Dad!" Alex said looking up at him. Han Hee Hyo smiles and helps the kids out of the chains. "Mum?" Jaehyung asked. "She's fine kiddo, now follow me and don't talk, alright?" Han Hee Hyo said, the kids nodded their heads yes. Han Hee Hyo walked out of the room with Jay on his back and the kids following him, he kept an eye out for them and soon got to a window that was open. Han Hee Hyo put Jay out the window and on the ground carefully, the wound was bleeding through the rag Jay was coughing up blood. Han Hee Hyo helped the kids out the window then climbed out himself. Han Hee Hyo picked Jay up and put her on his back again, he started to walk and the kids followed him quietly. Soon he found a car, and got everyone inside it. He hotwired the car even though he wasn't a criminal, he still needed this car. Joseph would pay for it at some point anyway. Han Hee Hyo pulled out his phone, because for some odd reason they didn't take it off of him, he then called Joseph.



Joseph: "Hello who is this"

Han Hee Hyo: "Connor and Ashton broke into the house and took all of us"

Joseph: "Is everyone ok"

Han Hee Hyo: "Ashton stabbed Jay and she is bleeding but everyone else is ok"

Joseph: "Where are you at?"

Han Hee Hyo: "We are on our way back to the house"

Joseph: "Should I come find you guys?"

Han Hee Hyo: "No we are pulling in the driveway right now."

Joseph: "I'm going to come out and get the kids in, and you can get Jay in."

Ashton POV

"Boss what do you want me to do with these two?" as he motioned to Jay and Han Hee Hyo."Take them to the chamber with no windows." Connor said."And secure them." He said with a smirk, "I'll take care of the kids." Connor said as he took the kids to a separate room. Ashton had tied Han Hee Hyo up and was working on getting Jay tied up when Connor walked in and started sharpening his knives."Ashton remove the knives from Jays Shirt." Connor said."Yes sir, Boss." Ashton replied as he removed the knives. At that time, Han Hee Hyo woke up."Hey there Connor." He said as Jay woke up. Connor picked up a knife and walked up to Jay.

Han Hee Hyo POV

"Don't even think about it." Han Hee Hyo said as Connor started to carve stuff into Jay's back. Jay started to scream. Han Hee Hyo couldn't stand the sound of the person he was supposed to protect screaming. Ashton walked into the room,he picked up a knife and walked up to Jay and said something to Connor, Who nodded his head and said something to Ashton. Han Hee Hyo sighs "Connor don't you want revenge on me, since I'm the one who put you in jail. "Not necessarily I want my revenge mainly on Joseph and I am going to get it." Connor said as Ashton stabbed Jay. Han Hee Hyo broke free from what was keeping him still and ears and a tail appread. "Let's see about that." Han Hee Hyo said as his eyes turned red, Jay was bleeding out and she could die. Han Hee Hyo grabs Ashton by the neck, "Shall we have some fun?" He said and threw him out the window. Connor tried to attack Han Hee Hyo from behind but he turned around and grabbed him by the neck, and threw him up against the wall. His ears and tail disappear and he unties Jay and started to put pressure on the wound she had, Jay coughs up blood. "Help...My..kids first..."Jay mumbles in and out of consciousness. Han Hee Hyo sighs, "I'm sure the kids can walk.."" He said then lifted Jay up and put her on his back. Han Hee Hyo ran out the room and into the room the kids were in. The kids faces lit up when they saw him, "D-Dad!" Alex said looking up at him. Han Hee Hyo smiles and helps the kids out of the chains. "Mum?" Jaehyung asked. "She's fine kiddo, now follow me and don't talk, alright?" Han Hee Hyo said, the kids nodded their heads yes. Han Hee Hyo walked out of the room with Jay on his back and the kids following him, he kept an eye out for them and soon got to a window that was open. Han Hee Hyo put Jay out the window and on the ground carefully, the wound was bleeding through the rag Jay was coughing up blood. Han Hee Hyo helped the kids out the window then climbed out himself. Han Hee Hyo picked Jay up and put her on his back again, he started to walk and the kids followed him quietly. Soon he found a car, and got everyone inside it. He hotwired the car even though he wasn't a criminal, he still needed this car. Joseph would pay for it at some point anyway. Han Hee Hyo pulled out his phone, because for some odd reason they didn't take it off of him, he then called Joseph.



Joseph: "Hello who is this"

Han Hee Hyo: "Connor and Ashton broke into the house and took all of us"

Joseph: "Is everyone ok"

Han Hee Hyo: "Ashton stabbed Jay and she is bleeding but everyone else is ok"

Joseph: "Where are you at?"

Han Hee Hyo: "We are on our way back to the house"

Joseph: "Should I come find you guys?"

Han Hee Hyo: "No we are pulling in the driveway right now."

Joseph: "I'm going to come out and get the kids in, and you can get Jay in."


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