
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 5


When i Woke up i was confused. ̈where am i? ̈ i said as i Was looking around. Relieved I Was no longer at the party. ̈And where is Joseph at? ̈

Joseph POV

Where could she be Thought to myself, Han Ha Chan come here. ̈ ̈Yes Sir ̈ she replied ̈Jay has gone missing you will find her" he said urgently. ̈Yes boss i think i know where she might be. ̈ Han Ha Chan said ̈ where is she ̈ he said urgently "ithink she is at Connor Young ́s place ̈ she said nervously " Take me there immediately ̈ Joseph demanded.̈ ̈ Ok boss but i promise you won't like what we find there ̈ Han has chan replied ̈Ok just take me there, i have to save Jay ̈ Joseph replied as they walked out the door to the car and drove down the road. As they were driving down the road they past a few mansions until they came to the biggest mansion on the street. "This is it ̈ Han Ha Chan said. They drove the car out into the woods so that it wouldn't get caught.They then snuck in and managed to find Jay, but she was being guarded while Connor Young was in the room with Jay. Connor saw Joseph and Han Ha Chan out of the corner of his eye. He had a knife in his hand he intentionally dug it into Jays skin. ̈Joseph, guess what we found~̈ He said teasingly as Jay screamed in pain. Han Ha Chan could see the furry in Joseph ́s face. ̈LET. HER. GO!! ̈ Joseph said loud with anger ̈ ̈Or what?~ ̈ Connor said as he dug the knife deeper into Jays skin. ̈Ok that is it!- ̈ joseph said but was cut off to hear Jay screaming in pain. ̈ ̈Joseph…! ̈ she screamed ̈help me ...! ̈ then Connor Young found another place then started to dig the knife into Jay's skin once more but was stopped by Joseph. Connor young looked around for his men but they were laying on the floor in a pile and on top stood Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈i. SAiD. LET. HER. GO!̈ ̈ Joseph said intimidatingly. ̈ ̈Ok...̈ Connor Young said while laughing. He jabbed the knife into Jays skin, She let out a blood curdling scream. Joseph then proceed to call Han Ha Chan over then, she fought him then out of nowhere Han Hee Hyo appeared then started to help Han Ha Chan defeat Connor Young. Joseph went back to help Jay he cut the ropes that were binding her to the chair then picked her up and carried her out to the car ̈i Guess I Was wrong about

him.. ̈ Joseph said to Han Ha Chan. He then went and talked to Han Hee Hyo ̈do you want to come back to work for us?" He asked him. ̈We would be happy to have you back ̈ Han Hee Hyo thought threw his options in his head and then spoke ̈isuppose i Should, since i Helped you boss̈. Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈ Don't call me boss ̈ Joseph said ̈ it is too formal and if anything it should be me being formal towards you after all you have been alive longer than I have. ̈he said and smiled. ̈Very well. ̈ He said back with a smile and slid off his bloody gloves he had on. ̈ ̈i Hated working for Connor anyway.̈ Han Hee hyo said. ̈Can you help me get Jay home please hyung̈ Han Hee Hyo nodded. ̈ Let's agree to not be formal around one another, shall we?̈ ̈ Joseph smiled. ̈Yeh let's not be formal ̈ He then pointed in the direction behind Han Hee Hyo ̈ithink someone is excited to see you ̈ Han Ha Chan was running towards them ̈so are you coming back to us?̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan asked excitedly."i am ̈ Han Hee Hyo smiled. ̈ ̈YAY!̈ Han Ha Chan said, then tackled Han Hee Hyo in a hug.̈ ̈guys we need to get Jay home and taken care of her cuts.̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo pulled away from the hug. ̈ You know I Hate hugs and Joseph is right, lets go.̈the three of them then got in the car then started driving down the road. Joseph got in the back seat with Jay and put her head in his lap. ̈Why didn't you listen to me Princess? ̈ he said softly to her. ̈Because iam Joseph Kim ́s princess ̈ she whispered before passing out.