
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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chapter 4

Connor POV

Ok, so Ashton told me the plan, and I told him if it didn't work, we would do my plan and he said ok. So now we just need to find somebody to ask. At first, we see this guy on the street that looks pretty reliable. We walk up to him. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but would you happen to know who Jay Kim is?" Ashton asked the stranger. "No, but I think my friend does, he is right over there *Stranger points to his left*." The Stranger said. "Ok, thanks." Ashton said to the Stranger. We walked over to the guy he pointed to, and we began the routine again. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but do you know who Jay Kim is?" Ashton asked the strangers friend. "Do you mean The girl who works at the tattoo salon with Joseph Kim?" The strangers friend asked. "Yes." Ashton replied. "Are you friends with her or Joseph or something?" The strangers friend asked. "Yes." Replied Ashton. "Might I ask, do you know where she lives?" Ashton asked. "Why do you want to know?" The strangers friend asked. "Because, we want to surprise her and Joseph, because we haven't seen each other in a long time." Explained Ashton. "Oh, ok if that is the case, then I will tell you." Said the strangers friend. The strangers friend told us her address, and we thanked him.

"I can't believe that he actually believed us." Said Connor to Ashton. "I told you it would work." Said Ashton. As we walked up to the address, I got a feeling that I haven't gotten since 5 years : Revenge. I knocked on the door, and I waited for them to open it so they could finally see me, and after 5 years, they will finally feel the way I felt in prison.


Jay sighs realizing Han Hee Hyo was passed out. So Jay walked to the door and opened the door, then realising it was Connor, then yelled "Han Hee Hyo get the kids and run it is Connor!" but when she runs back down to the training room Han Hee Hyo had passed out and Connor and Ashton were coming down stairs, Jay stood in front of the kids. "Don't even think about it Connor. If you lay one finger on any of them you are dead" Jay said before Ashton slipped by them and grabbed the kids. Han Hee Hyo woke up right as Connor punched him in the face but he only fell back against the floor, ̈ You..̈ Han Hee Hyo mumbled and fell back unconscious. Jay tried to attack Connor but Connor grabbed her arm and held her in an arm lock until she passed out.