
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

chapter 3

Connor POV

Ashton found out the times, so I just need to decide when we want to leave. It usually takes 2-3 Hours to get there, so I just need to ask Ashton what he thinks. "Ok Ashton, I think that we should leave at the 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, so if we find them today, then we can find them late in the day, but not too late. What do you think Ashton?" Connor asked Ashton. "Whatever you think is the best time to leave Boss." Ashton replied. So the time is currently 12:00 PM, so we just have to wait 4 hours.


"Ok Ashton, it is 3:30 PM, so we need to start heading there to the ferry." Connor said to Ashton. "Ok Boss, lets go." Ashton replied to Connor. We started to head to the ferry, and we got there at 3:55 PM, so we had just enough time to get on the ferry and travel to Busan, South Korea with just enough time to start looking for Jay and Joseph.


Ashton POV

We have arrived at Busan, South Korea, and now we just need to locate Jay and Joseph, whether they are in this city or in the next one, I know they are in South Korea. It is time to use my master plan to find them: ask people if they know them, and if they do, ask where they live, and if they ask why, we will tell them that we are some old friends of theirs, and we are trying to surprise them by showing up. Now I just need to tell Boss the plan. "Hey Boss, here's my plan for locating them." Ashton said. I explain the plan to him, and he says that he doesn't think that anyone would be that stupid, but I tell him it will work, and he says if it dosn't, he will use his plan instead. I say ok, so we just need to go through with the plan now.