
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 2

Joseph POV

She should know the truth. "Should I tell her the truth about me?" he asked Han Ha Chan. "Definitely, so things will make sense." Han Ha Chan said. "Would you tell her please Han Ha chan? I will double your pay or give you whatever you want, please tell her." He asked pleadingly. "Of course, but I want Han Hee Hyo back." Han Ha Chan said with a serious tone " I don't think I Can. He works for Connor Young,so how do we know that he Isn't going to be a traitor and do like he did to my father?" "I want to go see him." Han Ha Chan said, still with her serious face and tone." "We can't see him. It could result in the death of my princess, and if anything happens to her heaven help you. You are her bodyguard after all."


"What is going on in there!?" She thought to herself, because she could hear them screaming about something. She then gathered her strength and got out of bed, she then walked to the door and said, "What is happening?" Jay asked Joseph and Han Ha Chan in confusion. Joseph replied. "Nothing is happening, and I see that my princess has finally woken up." Joseph said. Jay thought to herself. "He ain't gonna stop calling me that is he?" Jay sighed and shook her head. "Yes I'm very well awake, but I am not your princess." Jay said and laughed at her remark. "Are you hungry my princess?" He asked with a smirk across his lips. Han Ha Chan interrupted in anger. "Ok then, I just want triple pay!"Han Ha Chan exclaimed as she stormed out. "I think I could make that work, and don't walk out when I am talking to you!" Joseph yelled after her. "Who was that?" Jay asked, confused. "That was Han Ha Chan, she works for us." Joseph said.

Han Ha Chan POV

"Why can't I See him!?'' Han Ha Chan thought to herself. "I Haven't seen him in eight years." She was running down the road. "I Have an idea, I just need a building big enough. This one will do." she thought to herself, as she started to climb up the side of the building. When she reached the top and went to the edge. She heard someone speak to her, yet she didn't know who it was but it sounded familiar.̈ ̈Don't jump ̈

The voice said . "Who is this?" she asked confused.̈ do I Know who you are? " she asked."You know who I Am." The voice replied. "Show yourself!" ̈Han Ha Chan demanded.