
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

The Next Day - Han Hee Hyos POV

"They are here.̈ Joseph said worried ̈They have her and the kids. ̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈What? Who? Connor?̈ Han Hee Hyo said worried. ̈ ̈Yes...̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo growls ̈ i'm not losing anyone else, i'll go meet me here." He said and jumped out the window and landed on a rooftop and ran away. Han Hee Hyo tried using the tracking device to find her but he ended up in the woods. ̈ ̈Dang it." He muttered under his breath.

Han Ha Chans POV

Han Han Chan and Joseph ran down the sidewalk trying to find Connors hideout. Soon they came to the original place and went inside to find some clues. They found a letter that was sent from Park Min Mi it had an address that she was staying in. Han Ha Chan put the note in her pocket and followed Joseph towards the address. They soon got there and broke in. Park Min Mi was dead on the floor. There was another note and Joseph picked it up. The note said ̈Your in my game now, So play by the rules and you may just make it out alive. Come to the place we first met and you just might get your dear princess and kids back." ~Y. Joseph growled under his breath and put the note up. "We gotta go to my old high school, which shut down. ̈ Joseph said. Han Ha Chan nodded and they both ran to the school and inside it. Connor held a knife in his hand and Ashton held Jay with a knife to her stomach. ̈Welcome Joseph.̈ Connor said. ̈And Han Ha Chan.̈ Ashton added on. Jay struggled in Ashtons grip but he held her firmly. ̈ ̈ Let her go!̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan said loudly. Connor Smirks and Ashtons started to carve into her arms and hands. Joseph ran towards Connor and they started to fight. Jay screamed ̈Joseph!̈ and Joseph looked over at but Connor punched him in the face, knocking him out, he fell to the floor. Han Ha Chan sprang into battle and started to fight Connor.The knife Connor had was disarmed from him but he pulled at another knife just as Jay scaremed for Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈Han Ha Chan!̈ ̈ Jay screamed. Connor stabbed Han Ha Chan in the stomach lucky it wasn't close to the heart but she passed out and fell to the ground bleeding. Jay screamed and started to cry. ̈ ̈Han Ha Chan..!" She yelled. Han Hee Hyo jumped through a window and landed on his feet. Jay stayed quiet because she was the reason this happened. Ashton started to cut into Jays back. Han Hee Hyo ran over and checked on Han Ha Chan. As he was carving Jay bit her lip to stop from screaming. Connor tried to attack Han Hee Hyo growls and his eyes turn blood red with anger and he kicks connor into a wall. Ears and tail appear on him and he jumps and lands in front of Connor. Connor looked up at Han Hee Hyo and saw his ears and tail and his eyes. "NO THiS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!̈ ̈ Connor yelled. Jay couldn't just wait anymore and let out a scream she then kicked Ashton in the sheen. Han Hee Hyo grabbed Connor by the neck with his tail, as Jay pulled knives from her bra and started to attack Ashton. Ashton was stabbed by Jay and she got off the ground. Joseph woke up and instantly got to his feet. Han Ha Chan coughs up blood, and Jay runs in front of Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo was about to stab Connor with his katana but Jay got in front of him. Joseph grabbed Hna Hee Hyos shoulder. Jay yelled. ̈Han Hee Hyo Please! You can't do this Han Ha Chan is dying and she needs to be saved!̈ ̈ Jay yelled. Han Hee Hyo dropped his Katana and his ears and tail disappears. He fell to the ground and his eyes went back to normal but his eyes were completely dull. Han Ha Chan coughs up more blood and Jay runs over to her. Joseph holds Connor down, and Han Hee Hyo gets off the ground and walked over to Han Ha Chan. He got on his knees and and bit into his wrist and lifted her head onto his knees. Han Ha Chan coughs up more blood.Han Hee Hyo made Han Ha Chan suck his blood. After Han Hee Hyo gave Han Ha Chan his blood he picked her up. The cops came but Joseph, Jay, Han Hee Hyo, and Han Ha Chan were gone and Connor was tied to a chair. The police took him to jail for murder and cocaine. When everyone got home Han Hee Hyo put Han Ha Chan on the couch and sat on the couch. Her wound has healed since she was turned and Jay was at the hospital making sure the kids were alright with Joseph.