
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

chapter 1

Connor's POV

"Hey Ashton, are you ready to go with the plan?" Connor said. "Explain it to me one more time boss." Ashton said. "Ok. So the plan is : Me, you and that one prison guy takes out the three guards guarding the Armory. Then after that, we grab our weapons and fight anyone that comes in our path, including guards, or anyone that tries to stop us. Then after that, after we escape, we go and locate Jay, Joseph, and of course Han Hee Hyo.. Then we will follow on there." Connor explained. "Ok boss. Do you want me to get the other prison guy right now?" Ashton asked. "Yes." Connor replied.

***Five minutes later***

"Ok boss, I got the other prison guy. Do you want to do the escape plan now? Or later?" Ashton said. "Hey, explain to me exactly what we are doing." The random prison guy said. Connor explains the plan to him, and he says he understands. "We are going to do the plan in 30 minutes, when the guards are the most tired.

*** 30 minutes later***

"Ok guys, let's go on with the plan." Connor Said. "Ok, so which one do I go for?" Said the other prison guy. "I go for the one in the middle, Ashton goes for the one on the right, and you go for the one on the left." Said Connor. "Ok, lets go." Said Connor. Connor, Ashton, and the other prison guy snuck up behind the guards. They knocked them out easily. They went into the armory and got their weapons. "Ok boss, lets go get out of this place." Ashton said. Connor, Ashton, and the other prison guy went towards the exit of the prison, killing anybody that was in the way. The other prison guy got killed by one of the guards, but he did his job. Now Connor and Ashton have escaped the prison. "Ok, we need to find Jay and Joseph." Connor said.

Ashton POV

"Ok Boss, I think I know where Jay and Joseph are." Ashton said. "I think they are somewhere in Korea." Ashton said. "Which part of Korea, North or south?" Connor asked. "I don't know." Ashton Said. " Well, lets just go to South Korea first." Connor Said. "Ok." Ashton said. Ashton and Connor started to travel to South Korea, in search of Jay and Joseph.