
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 1

Jay Park POV

Today I got a letter from my parents. It said to meet them at XXXX cafe at pop 6:30.

It was about 5:00 before I Got ready and wore a skirt and shirt and by the time I finished getting ready, it was p pop to go. So I made my way downtown to the cafe. When I finally arrived my parents were already there and there were some other adults there talking to them, I didn't know them though. "Come here and meet the Kims'." My Mother said excitedly. "I need to tell you something. I've been waiting for a long time to tell you this. You are arranged to marry the Kims' son Joseph Kim. Do you understand what I'm saying Jay?" "Yes, I do understand, you are forcing me to marry a stranger!" "No, he is not a complete stranger, he is a friend of mine and your father. Why don't you two go and take a walk for a little." Her mother said. "Ok Mom." Jay said in a frustrated tone.

Joseph Kim POV

"Wow,she is beautiful." I thought to myself as she walked in the Café "She will be staying at the house me and your father bought for you a few years ago." Said his Mom. He was 15 when they bought it for him. He was now 18, and had recently graduated from high school. "Yes!" I thought to myself, this was going to be fun.

Jay Park POV

As we walked outside to take a walk I Felt someone watching us, but when I turned around, no one was there and I was confused. But clearly, Joseph knew what it was. He pulled a knife out of his pocket. When he figured out where it was he grabbed my hand and turned to me and said "Run and hide, and I swear you had better run."

I Knew he wasn't kidding, so I Took off in the direction he told me to and ran to the nearest corner I could find. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by what I Thought to be kidnappers but soon found out to be assassins "Han ha chan!" I heard Joseph scream "Protect her while I Take care of these dudes" Then I Heard a female yell back "Got it boss." Next thing I knew there was what I thought was someone to kill me. But I found out it was a bodyguard because it didn't kill me. "Take her to the house." Joseph yelled at the bodyguard. The next thing I was aware of was me off the ground and I had no clue where I was. I wanted to be back at home where I was safe. The door cracked open. It was Joseph. He said, "Is my Princess Okay?"He said. "I'm not your Princess." Jay said in annoyance. Clearly, she was scared and didn't want to be bothered. "In all fairness, I did save your life, My Princess." Joseph said with a smirk on his face. Jay shook her head, "Can I go to bed now?" she asked pleadingly. "Only with me princess" He said, still having the smirk across his lips, "I said I'm not your Princess!" She screamed.