
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 18

The next day

Han Hee Hyo was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone with his shirt off. Joseph walks in and saw Han Hee Hyo dancing. ̈ ̈Hey man, What are you doing to this poor kitchen with your terrible dance moves? ̈ Joseph asked. Hna Hee Hyo laughs ̈Making breakfast and dancing my heart out.""He said and continued to dance.̈ Why, Because you are going to be an uncle?̈ Joseph asked. Ẅell that's one reason but i just am really happy.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Can you help us plan our wedding?̈ Joseph asked before Jay yelled at him. Han Hee Hyo nods "You should go see the beast." He said playfully." ̈How dare you call my princess a beast.̈ Joseph said playfully. Han Hee Hyo laughs. "She wants you, Now go. ill get some things ready.̈Han Hee Hyo said. Joseph nods and heads up stairs. Han Hee Hyo finished breakfast and made the table. He then called everyone into the room but Han Ha Chan Did Not come so he went up to his room and pulled her out of his bed and dragged her to the dining room. "what..̈ Han Ha Chan said. Han Hee Hyo put her in a seat and sat down beside her and started to eat. Han Ha Chan had the dumbest look she had ever had on her face. Jay giggles and Joseph chuckles. ̈Looks like someone is crushing. ̈ Jay teases then goes back to her and Joseph ́s bedroom and goes back to sleep. Joseph goes and checks on her. When he finds her she is crying. ̈Princess what is wrong? ̈ Joseph asks. ̈ ̈what does it matter to you, you cant help me anyway! ̈ Jay yells at him. Han Hee Hyo hears Jay yelling and joseph has walked out. ̈Can you help me find out what is wrong with her? ̈ Joseph asks Han Hee Hyo. ̈i can try it could just be mood swings̈. He replies as he walks into Joseph and Jays bedroom. ̈hey kiddo you ok?" He asks ̈ ̈No i'm not.. ̈ Jay replied ̈ ̈What is it? ̈ he asked. ̈Do you remember william? Well his dead body is still in the basement and i cant even go into the basement to grab anything. He was like my brother and it hurts to see his body in my basement. ̈ Jay replies. ̈And i don't know what to do..it hurts in my back and stomach. ̈ Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈i can make William a grave and have a funeral.̈ Han Hee Hyo said.̈ ̈No just get him out of the basement bury him, but i don't want to have a funeral. ̈ Jay said crying. Han Hee Hyo sighs and pulled Jay in for a hug. ̈ ̈its gonna hurt but being in this kind of life..you are gonna lose people.̈.. Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈That isn't what i mean by hurt, i mean Joseph's kid̈. Jay said still crying. ̈Oh, well...That's going to be a painful...its a child in your stomach that is growing. I bet it does hurt...̈ Han Hee Hyo said as Jay ran to the bathroom and puked. ̈i don't think it liked that breakfast. ̈ Jay said. ̈Ay, i've been up since 7 this morning making that. I suppose this is why i'm not a dad.̈ Han Hee Hyo said with a chuckle. ̈ ̈But you will be a uncle.̈ Jay said giggling. ̈ ̈Yes i suppose, Children usually like my katana tho.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈i have a name idea, Jang Yeon Hyo. Do you like it ̈ Jay asked Han Hee Hyo. ̈ ̈its your child, not mine.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Do you like the name tho? ̈Jay asked. ̈ ̈No i don't, i love it." Han Hee Hyo said.

̈i bet this kid is gonna love you. ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈ Your funny, All kids like funny uncles.̈ Jay said giggling. Han Hee Hyo chuckles. ̈ ̈ i'm not funny, i'm just annoying and rude at times.̈ Han Hee Hyo said rubbing the back of his head. Joseph walked back in and Han Ha Chan followed. ̈i see you two have made up. ̈ she said. ̈Meh, I suppose we will always hate one another.̈Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Well i kinda coincider you family now. ̈ Jay said. "You have a cat brother, how funny is that?̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Joseph can we go adopt a cat from the shelter and see if they will take this sarcastic one.̈ Jay said laughing. ̈ ̈Ay! That's rude and second i would rather have a dog.̈ Han Hee Hyo said as his tail popped out. "You wouldn't agree with a dog we need to get another cat. ̈ Jay said and added ̈ ̈Nice tail.̈ Han Hee Hyos face turned red. "I don't have a tail!̈ ̈ He Said loudly and the tail disappears.̈i saw it ̈ Jay said laughing. ̈ ̈No you didn't.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈The child is kicking me.̈ Jay said as Joseph walked up to her and helped her lay back down on the bed. "We can't have you falling now can we. ̈ Joseph said. "i guess not ̈ Jay said ̈Jay ̈ Joseph asked. ̈Will You marry me now, because we were arranged now it is because i love you. ̈ Jay looked stunned. ̈Yes. ̈ Jay replied and kissed Joseph. Han Hee Hyo left the room. Jay yelled after him. ̈i still need you two to make a nursery for the kid! ̈ Jay said laughing. Han Hee Hyo stopped in his tracks and came back. ̈ ̈ That's Joseph's job tho, i have my own business to attend to tonight.̈Han Hee Hyo said. Jay laughed. ̈With Han Ha Chan right.~" she teased. ̈ ̈Very much so.̈ Han Hee Hyo said.