
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 17

1 Hour Later

Joseph is tickling Jay in their room. Jay laughed really loudly. Han Hee Hyo ran up the stairs to check on them, he walked into their room to find Joseph tickling Jay.̈ Are you two having fun?" He said teasingly. ̈Are you serious old man? ̈ Jay said. ̈Very ̈ Han Hee Hyo said with a chuckle. ̈ ̈Shut up old man. ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈ i'm not old Kid ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈ i'm not a kid either. ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈Oh? You sure kido ̈ Han Hee Hyo teased.

Jay playfully punches him in the shoulder. Han Hee Hyo chuckles. ̈ ̈iLl leave yall be, i gotta go train anyway." Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Can i train with you? ̈ Jay said and Joseph nodded. ̈Can we? ̈ Joseph asked. ̈ ̈Uh... ̈ Han Hee Hyo studdard. ̈ ̈Please ̈ Jay said

With puppy eyes. ̈ ̈Well...When I mean train i mean by myself because I don't trust my other self...̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Maybe i can help.̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈No, I'd rather not take the chance of hurting you.̈Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Ok. ̈Jay said sadly.

During training

Han Hee Hyo was punching a punching bag with his shirt off. ̈ ̈Hey.̈ Joseph said. ̈Can I talk to you for a minute? ̈ Joseph asked. ̈Uh, sure..̈ Han Hee Hyo said and grabbed a rag and wiped the sweat off his face. ̈ ̈Whats up?" He asked. ̈ ̈Well it is about Jay.̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈What about her? is she alright?" He asked slightly worried. ̈ ̈ i'm not entirely sure...̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈ She's probably still mad at me ̈ Han Hee Hyo said.̈ ̈No it is not that, she just keeps getting sick.̈ Joseph said concerned. ̈in the morning?"

Han Hee Hyo said.̈Yeh could you talk to her please?̈ Joseph asked. Han Hee Hyo chuckles. I have an idea on whats wrong, but imma have to confirm it.̈ Han Hee Hyo said.̈ So will you talk to her? ̈ Joseph asked. ̈ ̈Yeah ̈ Han Hee Hyo replied and put his shirt back on. ̈Thanks ̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈No problem, imma laugh if i'm right tho ̈ He said and walked out. He walked up to Jay and Josephs room and knocked on the sill of the door with his head peeking in but Jay was asleep. So he walked over and was about to wake her up but she woke up and ran to the bathroom and started to puke. Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈So i was right, she's pregnant.." He chuckles. "I can't wait to be an uncle. ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Wait what!?̈ ̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo sighs and walks into the bathroom. ̈ ̈Your pregnant kid ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈ i'm not a kid, im a mother. Get it right old man. ̈ Jay said. ̈For god's sakes i'm not that old kid̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈does Joseph know? ̈Jay asked. ̈ ̈Uh, No but...He's the one who told me you have been getting sick and well put to and too together and well yeah.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Han Hee Hyo, can you get me something to eat please?̈ ̈ Jay asked. ̈ ̈Yeah ̈ Han Hee Hyo replied and left the room. He thought to himself. ̈ ̈imma be an uncle!̈ ̈ Joseph walked up behind him and said. ̈ ̈What are you doing?" He asked. ̈ ̈Making your pregnant girl some roman noodles.̈ Han Hee Hyo replied.̈ ̈Wait what!? ̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈ She's pregnant and im a uncle.̈ Han Hee Hyo said and started to make some roman noodles. ̈How did you figure this out?̈ Joseph asked. "She puked in front of me basically and morning sickness, also she's craving food roman noodles to be exact.̈ Han Hee Hyo said as he poured something to drink. ̈Ẃe should celebrate ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈By what making her a nursery for the kid? ̈ Joseph asked. "Me and you go clubbing and the girls enjoy a night at starbucks or something.̈Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈we need to take the girls with in case something happens, we don't want anything to happen to Jay and the kid. ̈Joseph said. ̈ ̈ ̈Yeah, i suppose.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Are you done making the noodles?̈ ̈ Jay yelled before she ran to the bathroom. ̈ ̈Yeah ̈ Han Hee Hyo yelled back up at her. He grabbed the roman noodles and headed up stairs to Jay. He walked into Joseph and Jays room. ̈ ̈When the kid is born, do you want to be the godfather?̈ ̈ Jay asked. "I don't mind, I love kids.̈ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈ ̈Really? You don't seem like the type.̈ Jay said. "I get that a lot. ̈Han Hee Hyo said. Joseph walked in to the room a back hugged Jay. ̈Princess, so it's true you have my kid?̈ Joseph asked.̈ ̈Yes it is my Prince.̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo snickers. ̈ Let's go party, Shall we?̈ Han Hee Hyo said smiling. ̈lets get the girls ready to depart.̈ Joseph said as he picked Jay up and carried her like a baby. Han Hee Hyo nodded and went to go find Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈Come on we are going somewhere ̈ Han Hee Hyo said to Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈Where are we going?" she asked. ̈its a surprisë Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈ ̈What kind of surprise." she asked as they walked down the hall towards the door and to the car with Joseph and Jay. "A surprise you might enjoy ̈ Han Hee Hyo said with a chuckle. He opened the car door for Han Ha Chan and she got in the car. ̈ ̈Yall like starbucks right?̈ Han Hee Hyo asked the girls as he got into the car.̈Yes. ̈ Jay said happily. ̈ ̈Not really. ̈ Han Ha Chan said. ̈Well, Deal with it cause y'all are going to starbucks and Me and Joseph are going to go clubbing.̈Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈But i want to be with Joseph. ̈ Jay said ̈and i don't want starbucks. ̈ Han Ha Chan said. ̈Look, i wanna have a boys night. So for once Jay stop being clingy and Han Ha Chan i'll get you something from the bar..̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈But im carrying his kid and you expect me to not be clingy!̈ ̈ Jay yelled then slapped him across the face. ̈ ̈Yes i do, it's simple. You can come but stay with Han Ha Chan.̈ Han Hee Hyo said with a growl. ̈Ok but next time you use that tone with me you will regret it. ̈ Jay said. "I mean you can try but I might lose control and kill you.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Ok then just don't use that tone with me.̈ Jay said. ̈ Don't tell me what to do then ̈ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈ ̈if you two KiDS don't calm down im driving right back home ̈ Joseph yelled laughing loudly. ̈ i'M NOT A KiD!̈ Han Hee Hyo andJay yelled at the same time.̈Then stop acting like it. ̈ Joseph said. Hna Hee Hyo looked out the window controlling himself. Jay kicked Joseph's seat like a kid. ̈ ̈Curse you... ̈ she said under her breath to Han Hee Hyo. Han Hee Hyo Grinned ̈ i'm already cursed ̈ He said.̈ ̈Shut up no one asked you!̈ ̈ Jay yelled. Joseph slammed on breaks and turned around looking at Han Hee Hyo and Jay. ̈ ̈Last chance you two.̈ Joseph said. ̈but my prince.̈ Jay said. ̈ Don't be a suck up ̈ Han Hee Hyo said to Jay. ̈shut up no one is asking you ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈ i'm asking myself. Han Hee Hyo said and petted Jays head. ̈Shut up!̈ ̈ Jay Yelled at him. ̈and don't touch me that is Joseph's job. ̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo laughs. ̈Fair point but your still short.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Oh shut up.̈ ̈Jay said. Joseph turned the car around. ̈This is a great tv show"he said ̈Shut up!̈ ̈ Jay yelled and Han Hee Hyo yelled. Joseph pulled into Starbucks and parked. Han Hee Hyo instantly got out of the car.̈Can i have a vanilla bean Joseph. ̈ Jay asked. ̈ ̈Yeah ̈ Joseph said and got out of the car. Han Hee Hyo and Joseph walked into Starbucks. ̈ ̈After we get coffee can we go back home, i'm tired pregnant woman.̈ Jay said. Han Ha Chan's eyes go wide ̈Wait your pregnant!?" She yelled surprisë ̈Yes i didn't realize it until Han Hee Hyo noticed. He told me it was kinda easy to tell.̈ Jay said. Han Ha Chan raised an eyebrow. "How does he even know those things? He aint a father and he was never raised by his parents.̈ Han Ha Chan asked. "i don't know how.̈ Jay said. ̈Oh and speaking of the devil, here they come. ̈ she added, Han Hee Hyo and Joseph got into the car and handed the girls there coffee. ̈Question Han Hee Hyo?̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan asked. ̈ ̈Whats up?̈ Han Hee Hyo said as he got into the car. "How do you know so much about pregnancies?̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan asked. ̈Uh, Well the internets a thing.̈ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈ ̈Oh...̈ Han Ha Chan said. Jay snickers. "You sure you didn't get a girl pregnant?̈ ̈ Jay asked. Han Hee Hyos face went blank. ̈ ̈i probably have but i'd rather not speak of it.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Could you tell me when we get back home?̈ ̈ Jay asked. ̈No.̈ Han Hee Hyo said coldly. ̈ ̈ Let's just go home I'm sure we are all tired and need sleep.̈ Joseph said as he pulled into their driveway. Han Hee Hyo got out of the car and and helped Han Ha Chan out as well. Joseph helped Jay out of the car and they all went inside.