
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 16

1 week later

Han Hee Hyos POV

Han Hee Hyo walked into the gangs living room. Han Ha Chan looked up from the couch and ran up to him, she looked like she had been crying. Han Hee Hyo was about to speak but Han Ha Chan started to scream and punch Han Hee Hyos chest. Han Hee Hyo picked her up and moved her beside him, then tried walking away but Jay confronts. " You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!̈ ̈ Jay yelled loudly and slapped him across the face. Han Hee Hyo sighs again trying to explain himself but Han Ha Chan was screaming and Jay slapped him again. Joseph walked in and said.̈Oh, He's back? Good. ̈ Said Joseph. Jay tried to tackle him to the ground but Joseph grabbed her by the waist and held onto her. ̈Honey let him explain.̈ Joseph said. Han Ha Chan yelled. ̈ ̈Screw you Han Hee Hyo, I actually thought you cared after all this time but I guess I was wrong. You are a heartless person, i cant believe that I ever cared about you!̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan yelled and ran out of the room. Han Hee Hyo rubbed his face. ̈ ̈Ok, Look i was gone because- ̈ Joseph cut him off. "How are the ears and tail?̈ Joseph asked. Han Hee Hyo growled and Joseph put his hands up in defence and Jay looked at him confused. Joseph signs ̈ He's half cat ok, it's actually really simple to understand.̈ Joseph said. Jays eyes go wide ̈How is that even possible!?" She said loudly. ̈ ̈Anything is possible kid, blame Conner and his weird poisons ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. Jay . ̈You jerk! Why didn't you just let us help you!?̈ ̈ Jay yelled. "I don't like being helped Jay, You know that.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. Jay started to cry and ran away down the halls. Han Hee Hyo sighs. ̈ ̈Your not gonna kill me right Joseph?̈ Han Hee Hyo asked. Joseph sighs. ̈ ̈No, i understand why you left. You could've hurt someone.̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo nods. ̈imma go see Han Ha Chan and make sure she's alright..̈ Han Hee Hyo said and left the room. He found Han Ha Chan on a rooftop crying. She looked really sad, so Han Hee Hyo walked up to her and sat down beside a crying Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈ I'm sorry that I didn't realize that it would hurt you that much. ̈ Han Hee Hyo said but Han Ha Chan ignored him for a minute it then started to rain at that point Han Hee Hyo reached down and grabbed Han Ha Chan ́s face made it look up at him ̈i care about you and don't say it enough ̈ He said and it surprised her. He then bent down and kissed her after that moment he picked her up and ran into the house ̈ So you have cat ears? ̈ She asked as they entered the house. ̈ ̈Eh.. ̈ he didn't want to admit it. ̈Ok, yes i do..but I don't like them. They are actually itchy at times…." She looked at him excited. " I want to see them, can i? " she said. ̈ ̈No..i can't exactly control that side of me...̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Maybe I can help you control that side of you?̈ ̈ Han Ha Chan said. ̈ ̈No you can't, I'd rather not risk it, and i hate that side of me anyway..̈ Han Hee Hyo said.̈ ̈When you can control it, Can i see your ears? ̈ Han Ha Chan said. ̈Maybe ... ̈ Han Hee Hyo Replied. ̈ ̈Alright ̈ Han Ha Chan said as Han Hee Hyo sat her down on the couch and he shook his which made water go everywhere.Then joseph and Jay walked in and laughed at the two of them who was soaking wet. ̈We will leave the two of you alone.~ ̈ Joseph said with a smirk, "We have something to take care of anyway. ̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo said. "Have fun kids~." He teased. ̈ ̈Really old man?̈ ̈ Jay said.
