
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 15

Ashton POV

̈ ̈Boss do i get to do the honors?̈ ̈ Ashton asked. ̈ ̈Yes. Go tie her up in your favorite chamber with the table.̈ Connor said and laughed. Han Hee Hyo was able to find the place and tracked her scent to Ashton. He stayed behind a wall haering Conner and Ashtons conversation. ̈Han Hee Hyo is that you? ̈ Jay had woken up and yelled. Without thinking. Han Hee Hyo jumped and accidentally punched Jay in the face. She passed out. ̈ ̈Dang it ̈ Han Hee Hyo thought to himself. Run and get the girl."Connor yelled at Ashton. As ashton grabbed her and ran off to the chamber and locked the door luckily for Ashton this rooms ceiling tiles were glued down. Unlucky for Jay who was tied to a table as Ashton grabbed his knife and started his work at cutting her cuts back open and adding to the cuts she bit her lip to keep from screaming. Han Hee Hyo ran outside of the building and climbed up the brick wall, Luckily for him there was a window. Jay let out a blood curdling scream. Han Hee Hyo broke through the window his eyes were blood red and his mouth was slightly bleeding since he had been coughing. He shot at Ashton but missed and hit Jay instead. "dang it ̈ He said under his breath as Jay passed out from blood loss. Joseph was waiting outside for Han Hee Hyo to bring Jay out. Han Hee Hyo threw his gun down and started to fist fight with Ashton which ended up disarming the knife from Ashton's hands. Ashton reached for the knives that he had realized that Jay kept on her and took them from her shirt. Han Hee Hyo kicked Ashton into the wall and grabbed the knife and threw them away. He lifted ashton off the ground by the neck. He knocked him out quickly. Jay woke up and started to talk to someone. Han Hee Hyo ran over to Jay ̈No time to be talking to yourself kid"He said and untied her hands from the table. ̈ ̈But you are talking old man." She whispered then fell back asleep. ̈ ̈To get you to be quiet.̈ Han Hee Hyo said with a sigh and picked her up and jumped out the window landing on his feet. ̈ ̈Here she is Joseph. ̈ He said as he handed her to him. ̈Why is there a bullet hole in her arm? Actually don't even tell me wait till we get home .̈ Joseph said. Han Hee Hyo put Jay in the car. ̈im gonna end this once and for all.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈and Jay can't stop me and neither can you.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. Joseph sighs ̈Are you sure? I mean Jays gonna be so mad- ̈ Joseph was cut of my Han Hee Hyo disappearing. Joseph climbed in the car and drove home.