
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

Han Hee Hyo POV

Han Hee Hyo fell to the ground again this time it was worse but he got up and cut the ropes around Jays arms. Han Hee Hyo held his arm and helped Jay out of the chair she was in. She started to cry. ̈ ̈ Don't you dare cry on me now Kid ̈ Han Hee Hyo coughs up some more blood. ̈ Don't die on me Old Man..i need you to get out of here...̈ Jay said. ̈Heh, im stronger than I look...̈ Han Hee Hyo helped Jay over to a door and opened it limping out into the hall. "We have to go through the vents...its gonna hurt but we have no choice...i'm weak and cant fight all the guards...̈ Han Hee Hyo said weakly. ̈are we going to even be able to fit in the vents?̈ ̈ Jay asked. ̈ ̈Your smaller than me and I can fit in them...̈ Han Hee Hyo replied. ̈are we going home now?or did they get the rest ̈Jay asked. "You are..im gonna get you a car and you go home I'll stay and find the others...i think it's best that way...̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "I want to stay and help find the others ̈Jay said. "i can't carry us both...̈ Han̈ Han hee Hyo siad. "I can walk ̈ Jay said. ̈ As she started to crawl through the vents towards the other chambers where screams were coming from, she lifted the ceiling tile then . I'm serious ̈ Han Hee Hyo grabbed Jays arm. "You can't fight and I can barely stand. it's best you go home.̈ Han Hee Hyo sighs ̈ i'm not asking to be a jerk im asking because i can't risk you getting hurt. it's my job to protect you and it doesn't matter if i die trying.̈ Han Hee Hyo said pulling Jay towards a different part of the vents and lifted another ceiling tile. ̈Go through there, and if you can't do it for yourself at least do it for me.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "I can fight as good as you can when you are not hurt. Just watch ̈ Jay said as she crawled back the other way. Han Hee Hyo followed ̈its to dangerous..." He coughs up more blood. ̈ ̈Ugh...No you cant im trained since i was-̈ ̈just watch" she jumped through the tile she had opened and took out the people around joseph Han Hee Hyo followed and landed ̈You idiot child!̈ Han Hee Hyo said angrily. ̈ ̈See i told you. ̈ Jay said as she pulled a knife out of her shirt and cut the ropes binding Joseph. ̈Princess where did you learn that? " He asked. ̈No time to talk let's go get park min mi and Han Ha Chan. ̈ ̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo coughs up more blood. ̈ ̈ugh..There are guards coming...Yall go and I stay behind...̈ Han Hee Hyo stood up and grabbed a knife off a table. "All of us go or all of us stay ̈ Jay said as she knocked out the guards one by one as they came through the door. ̈ ̈That felt good ̈ Jay said. ̈ I'll be fine on my own..Joseph knows for a fact i survive better on my own ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "I want to help you. You are coughing up blood for Jesus name sake! ̈ Jay said loudly. Han Hee Hyo growled. ̈im fine, i don't need your help or ANYONE'S help!̈ Han hee Hyo yelled. ̈ ̈well YOU ARE GETTiNG iT you are someone special to me and i can't lose you not after i just lost William.̈ Jay said loudly. "I refuse,i told you from the beginning, I'm here to protect you and thats what im going to do. You don't need to protect me. im fine on my own. ̈ Jay looked as if she might cry. ̈i refuse to let you stay and die ̈.Jay said. ̈Joseph,who's right..?̈ Han Hee Hyo said holding his arm. ̈ don't bring me into this because you know i'm gonna side with Jay.̈ Joseph said. ̈ ̈ Doesn't matter, Leave me here. I have some business to take care of anyway. I don't even deserve to make through after everything i did with Connor.̈ Han Hee Hyo said and opened the door. "it's better this way anyway, You hate me. I killed William who was like your brother and I betrayed Joseph years ago." "I DON'T CARE i REALiZED YOU WERE RiGHT ABOUT WiLLiAM ̈ Jay yelled. Han Hee Hyo disappears very fast. Jay followed him out and knocked some people out on the way. Han Hee Hyo broke a window and burst into the room Han Ha Chan was in. Jay stood outside of the room and knocked the guards out as they came. Han Hee Hyo broke the ropes that Han Ha Chan had around her wrists. Han Ha Chan hugged Han Hee Hyo. ̈Eh..Hello to you to.̈ Han Hee Hyo said to Han Ha Chan and pulled away. He helped her up from the chair and carried her and jumped through the window he broke through. ̈ ̈Get a room love birds .̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo sighs. ̈No we are just friends ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈Also we don't have time for this. ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈The jump to the ground is that far if we jump out the window ̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈lets just jump, Joseph is yelling for us i am going to meet him before we jump ̈ Jay said. Han hee Hyo nodded and Han Ha Chan was asleep. ̈ i'll go and get Park Min Mi. ̈ Joseph approached Jay and picked her up. ̈ ̈Whaẗ ̈What are you doing running around? You could hurt yourself more than you already have.̈ Joseph said as they jumped out the window together. Joseph landed first and caught Jay before she landed. Han Hee Hyo had gotten Park Min Mi and put her on his back and carried Park Min Mi. He then jumped out the window and landed on his feet just like a cat and towards Joseph and Jay. ̈Surprised you didn't die on the way out.̈ Jay said teasingly. ̈Now where is the car aẗ?̈ Jay asked. ̈Üp your Butt.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Really?̈ ̈ Jay said slightly annoyed. Han Hee Hyo chuckles ̈Up the road kid. ̈ He said. ̈Are you going to help me and the others in the car?̈ ̈ Jay asked. ̈ ̈ i'm carrying a woman and have another one on my back, you think i can carry you to?̈ Han Hee Hyo said. ̈No just help all of us get into the car.̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈ i'm already helping these two and besides i can barry walk much less help someone who looks perfectly fine.̈ Han Hee Hyo said. "You call being torchered about 5 times perfectly fine?̈ ̈ Jay said. ̈ ̈Five times my butt more like twice and you're not the only one who has been tortured by him. So don't you dare for a second think your the only one." Han Hee Hyo said. ̈ ̈Today i was the one that got tortured twice.̈ Jay said. Han Hee Hyo rolled his eyes. ̈ ̈Once and you forget i worked for Connor i have been tortured by him more times than you think.̈ Han Hee Hyo said.