
Mafia Life Series: The Beginning

This is not mine but my friends she wrote this book and was embarrassed to post it so here I am posting it for anyway enjoy

I_am_billons · Võ hiệp
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31 Chs

Chapter 10

Connors POV

̈Did you get the girl?" he asked one of his kidnappers. "She is in the torcher chamber with Han Hee Hyo sir. ̈ Ashton moon replied. ̈Do you want to help me do the honors ashton moon?̈ ̈ Connor said as he and ashton walked down to the torcher chambers. They pulled a trunk out that was full of tools and walked into the chamber that Jay and Han Hee Hyo were in, and started with Han Hee Hyo.Han Hee Hyo slowly opened his eyes. ̈ ̈Well this is a lovely surprise ..."He said weakly and coughs up a bit of blood but chuckles. ̈ ̈Nice too see ya again Connor~̈ Han Hee Hyo said teasingly.Connor pulls out the knives and other items and places them on a table, walks over to Han Hee Hyo. ̈ ̈Kinky much?~. Han Hee Hyo said with a smirk and chuckles. "This won't work, Connor...̈ Han Hee Hyo said, Connor then moves to Jay. Han Hee Hyo growls ̈ Don't even... ̈ Han Hee Hyo was caught off by himself coughing up blood. Ashton and Connor walked towards Jay with their knives and started to carve stuff into her skin she then screams. Han Hee Hyo growled and reached out to pull his knife out of his boot and started to cut the ropes he was in. The ropes break and he gets out of the chair but falls to the ground with a growl and coughs up blood. Jay screamed for him ̈Han Hee Hyo...̈ Han Hee Hyo got up and threw the knife into Ashtons leg and and pouches Conner in the face which should've affected him but instead Connor continues to cut things into Jay ́s skin and she continues to scream for Han Hee Hyo. Han hee Hy growled and disarmed the knife from Conners arm and bit really hard into his arm which caused it to bleed a lot. it almost took his whole hand off, Jay had passed out and Conner fell to the ground holding his hand. Han Hee Hyo ́s vision started to get bad and he fell to the ground, coughing up blood. ̈Han Hee Hyo are you ok..? Please don't die we need you to get out of here...̈ ̈ Jay said. Connor got back up and returned to carving things into Jay as she screamed Connor laughed. Han Hee Hyo appeared behind Connor in a quick motion and threw him against the wall, knocking him out.