

Staring into those stone cold sea blue eyes she could feel her whole body shivering "Either you pay the debt.. or I kill your family for it" He whispered and she gasped This is not what she bargained for

Rin_Ella · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs


Yawning as she stood up from bed she sighed... what another annoying day to struggle...

Why was there such thing as morning huh!!!!

Groaning as she arranged her bed someone barged into her room causing her to flinch a bit

"Knock Daniel!! You fool" she screamed in anger when she saw who the idiot was as she eyed him ready to devour him

"Calm down lion I'm not your prey but wait a fool!!! really sis that's no way to talk to your super cute twin is it?? besides weren't we born on the same day so I have seen all there is to see.... it's not like you have anything to see anyways " he said and she felt like beating him up

Why did she have to end up with annoying people especially this pest huh .. why was he the first thing she saw in the morning huh!!!

Grabbing him by the neck she squeezed it and he screamed so loudly she had to let him go before she got the beating of her life form her mum for bullying her favourite son... such a sissy she thought rolling her eyes as she continued arranging her bed as he gasped for air

"See I told you. You're no girl always beating me, fighting and wearing baggie things not ladylike at all... Come down for breakfast all be toast, we're heading back to school later you don't want to taunted do you???"

I'll be down in a jiffy, let me just brush ok... Mama's boy" she teased and he rolled his eyes leaving her room as she laughed out loud....

He was mad she knew it but since he was always looking for her trouble it was nice to bit him back once in a while...

Heading to her bathroom she brushed her teeth quickly and headed downstairs to have a healthy breakfast with her family before heading back to college with one annoying fool


In a multi Millon company

A man was sitted in his office chair backing the door as someone entered

"Sir the information and tools are ready"

"That's great leave them on the table Rick, I'll go through them later" he said, his voice gentle and seductive without making an attempt to turn

Rick bowed a bit and turned to leave but was stopped at the door

"Wait Rick, about the investigation how's it going"

"Boss it's a bit complex as a lot of people are involved"

"You should get to the root of it as soon as possible I'm tired of waiting"

"Boss it's not that easy, your sister was drunk that day so it's partially her fault"

"What did you say!!!" He exclaimed his voice turning deep and dangerous as he turned around revealing his handsome but deadly face, His sea blue eyes were emitting fire and shouting trouble.

The temperature of the room suddenly dropped and it became freaking cold

"Nothing boss"

His boss sure was unpredictable,he did know that his sister was the cause of the accident yet he still wanted to punish those involved. Well what could he do??? for someone who doted on his sister alot it was kind of understandable.

"Good, get lost and make sure you get me answers in two hours" He replied and turned back to facing the library in his office and backing the door and stayed that way until the door closed behind him

They hurt his sister... his only pride he was going to make them pay