

This is a story of kina Shaw and Denny Stark who were in a relationship for more than three years, due to bad decisions and circumstances, kina Shaw started dating other guys for money while still having Denny even though she was tired of him she didn't have much choice because he refused to let her go why he was also struggling to make money so she wouldn't live him because of the love he had for her, he wanted to give her everything she wished for but he wasn't financially ready to do that, Money and wealth became a barrier in their relationship it was no longer stable, eventually, Denny lost Kina to wealth, and he couldn't get her back even though he tired all his best, he just couldn't. Four years later he was no longer the Denny he used to be he became powerful, famous and extraordinarily wealthy, his wealth was known all over, his playful aura changed to something indescribable, he didn't show interest in anything and was always stoic and expressionless, He changed, everything changed, his love for kina has turned to hatred, his possessiveness towards her turned into obsession and revenge, Everything changed yes, except for one, and that is kina, he still wanted her, he needed her not for love or affection but for something else... REVENGE revenge was all he craved and he'll get it no matter what. Read this story to know what really happened between the both of them, even after everything kina did to Denny, why does he still want her, How did he come back so powerful and wealthy, where does his wealth come from.... This is my second book, I wrote the book THE DEVILISH CEO VS HIS SECRETARY, but I lost that account and couldn't finish the book, I'm writing this new book, but stayed tuned because I will also publish my unfinished book here once I've gone far with this book, Please support me with this book readers under the age of 16 is strictly restricted... Contact me on: https://discord.gg/eTnDrSQm

Lexi_Love23401 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


After finding out that Kina was pregnant with Prince wills child, Denny didn't know what to do anymore, he was confused, he really wanted his love back but she was someone else's,

That period he couldn't do anything properly, and had mood swings, he couldn't concentrate on anything even his friends Max and Daniel couldn't do anything to help their friends, the only persons who he was on talking terms with and who could still make him happy were his siblings, other than them he was cold to everyone else...

Two months passed, then he got the news that she lost the baby, he didn't know whether to be sad for her, or to be happy for himself that he got another opportunity to be with her.

Deep down inside he was still angry knowing she had gotten pregnant for someone else that he wants badly to punish her for what she did to him...

Prince wills was in his office very angry, how can he not be angry, all his life he has never wanted something so badly like he wanted her, but no someone just had to spoil his plans, seeing as Denny's men were about finding out that Kina wasn't pregnant at all, he had no other choice but to bribe the doctors again to say she had a miscarriage,

He never knew that after telling Denny that she was pregnant that he'll still ask his men to continue with the investigation concerning the hospital..

Now he has to think of other plans, Kina just agreed to be with him he doesn't want anybody to cause trouble for him...

Although he took her time to finally agree to be his fiance but she finally agreed, even though she only agreed seeing as he was their for her during and after her operation, and besides he supports her financially, if not she wouldn't be able to take care of the medical bills by herself, he is also helping her with her sister's school fees and expenses.

Although she was stubborn about him paying for her sister's fees, she eventually gave in when he told her that he really wants to get married to her and will she still refuse even then, so there is no difference between now and later.

Even after getting her to agree to him, he is still not satisfied, he knows she doesn't love him but Denny, he can't even harm him because he has strong backings.

Now he'll have to wait for another opportunity...

"damned!!" he course...

In Denny's moms place, Denny was sitting opposite his mom, who has been staring at him for the past three minutes..

"mom what is it now" Denny asked facing away from her...

"you told me you were going to introduce me to your girlfriend since about two months ago what happened" she asked backed...

"mom it's not like that, I haven't seen the right one"

"is it that you haven't seen the right one or you are still stuck up with Kina"

"I can't even hide anything from you now can I, well mom it's not easy to find another love, and to tell you the truth I still love her and I want to marry her" Denny stated...

"good, I'm not opposing the idea of you marrying her, even though I know as a mother I'm supposed to be opposing the idea, but I know better, I know kina has hurt you in the past she has even hurt me, making me see my son in his worse condition, but I don't blame her, it happens in love, I too has face a lot "

" are you sure mom, I mean she dated a lot of guys and even cheated on me"

"if I didn't know her, it would have been a different case, I know her, I mean you guys practically grew up together, I know her very well, I know she must have been influenced, and even though she did it intentionally it must have been due to peer pressure and I trust that she must have changed now I truly miss her"

his mom said sincerely, thinking of the times when Kina usually used to come to her house to see them, she will run around the house like a child, she will fight with Denny for every little thing, and she sometimes used to come to her restaurant to help with chores and also help her attend to customers, she doesn't know what changed her but she forgives her and is willing to accept her.

She thought what if she was her own daughter will she not accept her, of course she would and besides her son is not also perfect, she truly love that girl..

"to tell you the truth mom, I know I still love her, but I'm not sure if I will be able to forgive her for what she did, first I'll look for a way to get married to her" Denny said as he stood up and left..

Mrs Jenny understands her son, she knew it will be hard for him to forgive her but she is sure that once he gets married to her, their love will prevail over their hates so it will be hard for them not to forgive each other.

That's how Denny started making his move but Prince Wills always seem to be on his way, he couldn't even show himself to her,

Before you know it, it became a fight between the Stark enterprise and the Wills empire..

Both the companys were at war for a very long time, and before you know it two years pass by but Both Prince wills and Denny didn't give up,

Due to this fight between the companies, The Stark company became well known and over famous but internally and internationally, Denny even built his own personal company with lots of branches,

The fight help in an advantageous ways because it helped strengthen the two companies and made them known worldwide,

One CEO was known as a fierce and outspoken president, while the other was known as the Aloof, ghostly and mysterious President because he didn't Make himself known to the public and nobody knew his real face

At least not until he allowed Kina to interview him, which made his face well known to all, his pictures went viral and he became the most wanted young and eligible bachelor up until now, because nobody knew he was married.

He later got information about one of Prince Wills company at the state, he finally did something that made him travel to the state to sought it out living Denny an opportunity to marry Kina.

It only took him about two weeks to get married to her, but Prince Wills was still battling with his company thinking that his fiancee was still waiting for him to get married to her.

Yes fiancee after about a year and six months of them dating, Prince will finally proposed to her at a well known restaurant where he knew she wouldn't be able to say no, and truly she couldn't say no...

But thank God she told him she wanted some time with work otherwise they might have gotten married by now...

Now Denny doesn't want to fight with Prince wills anymore after all he has already won.

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you love it,

I'm sorry for not updating earlier, my devices needed servicing,

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It will really encourage me....