

This is a story of kina Shaw and Denny Stark who were in a relationship for more than three years, due to bad decisions and circumstances, kina Shaw started dating other guys for money while still having Denny even though she was tired of him she didn't have much choice because he refused to let her go why he was also struggling to make money so she wouldn't live him because of the love he had for her, he wanted to give her everything she wished for but he wasn't financially ready to do that, Money and wealth became a barrier in their relationship it was no longer stable, eventually, Denny lost Kina to wealth, and he couldn't get her back even though he tired all his best, he just couldn't. Four years later he was no longer the Denny he used to be he became powerful, famous and extraordinarily wealthy, his wealth was known all over, his playful aura changed to something indescribable, he didn't show interest in anything and was always stoic and expressionless, He changed, everything changed, his love for kina has turned to hatred, his possessiveness towards her turned into obsession and revenge, Everything changed yes, except for one, and that is kina, he still wanted her, he needed her not for love or affection but for something else... REVENGE revenge was all he craved and he'll get it no matter what. Read this story to know what really happened between the both of them, even after everything kina did to Denny, why does he still want her, How did he come back so powerful and wealthy, where does his wealth come from.... This is my second book, I wrote the book THE DEVILISH CEO VS HIS SECRETARY, but I lost that account and couldn't finish the book, I'm writing this new book, but stayed tuned because I will also publish my unfinished book here once I've gone far with this book, Please support me with this book readers under the age of 16 is strictly restricted... Contact me on: https://discord.gg/eTnDrSQm

Lexi_Love23401 · Kỳ huyễn
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After traveling to London, Denny started studying business in one of the top most schools, he didn't have any friends nor anybody to talk to,

The only persons that called him was from home, his mom, siblings and father,

Well yes he changed his Sim card as per his father's wishes so he can concentrate in school, so there is no way kina will be able to contact him.

He had a deal with his father, and that is for him not to contact Kina for a period of two years when he'll be in school and learning in his father's company...

He was also determined to make it big so he'll definitely concentrate.

One of his days attending class, he came across Max who had some conflict with some group of guys in school, he saved him from those guys just like helping people, but he didn't know Max will start pestering him non stop, anywhere he sees him he rushed to his side and sit down, at first he did not want anything to do with friends, but Max was impossible to stop that he didn't even know when he started giving into him, they started doing almost every thing together,..

After the graduation, Denny convinced Max to apply at his father's company as intern there, Max didn't come from a rich family so he was more than happy to work in the Stark company, it was one of the biggest companies in their country with a lot of branches.

After being accepted into the company, They both started working at the company as interns but Denny kept a low profile, he didn't want anybody to know his real identity, even Max doesn't know he was the son of Mr Stark, he only thought that Denny was just a rich guy...

It wasn't after they were done with That year's training that he found out, that too on the coronation of the CEO, he was shocked to the core, not only him everyone was, they regretted not being friends with him or even closer, but it has already happened they could only accept things as they are.

Max was in a long trance at that moment, but was brought back to life when his name was called to be the CEO's Assistant, he was beyond happy, he was thanking himself in his heart for not letting a gem like Denny go in their school days when he didn't want him to be his friend.

Looking at things now, he really doesn't regret anything,

He walked majestically to the stage, upon seeing Denny shakes his head, he realized he must have done something wrong he saw that he was raising his shoulders too high,

"oh God, I thought I was just thinking never knew I'd raised my shoulders up high like this" he coursed at himself before dropping his hands abruptly making everyone laugh,

"you must be day dreaming again, thinking how you are lucky to have me" Denny whispered closer to his ears once he was at the stage,

"I'm so lucky..."

"I know" Denny cut him off, he knew what he was going to say,

Max preferred praising himself for anything good that comes his ways, but he is a very nice person, never takes things to the heart, he just hate butt licking someone....

Once the ceremony was done, everyone started congratulating them, his whole family was there also, his mother no longer wants to hide, she stays in a good apartment now, Denny has also make sure to raise her restaurant, it was no longer what it was a year ago, there are so many workers there now, and it's also famous now.

In a seven star hotel, Denny, his family and of course Max were having dinner to celebrate Denny and Max, it was a peaceful dinner with everyone talking and chatting, even his step mom was chatting away happily with her husband and children, only his mom was somehow quiet, it was like the family there wasn't hers, she will only answer when asked a question or something involve him was said, other than that she didn't say anything, he knew very well how she must be feeling so he didn't say anything.

After the dinner everyone went back home...

Before Denny became the CEO of the Stark Enterprises, he would always ask Max to get every information concerning Kina, he was happy finding out that kina is just focusing on her job and isn't in good terms with any man after her break up with Damien,

Every day he would pray for his practical training to be over so he can quickly propose to her, he'll let her know he wasn't like before now, he could take care of her every need, and take her places she never imagined, the places she has always wanted to travel to he would also take her there,

He made a mental note to give her everything she wants, that she wouldn't want to cheat on him ever again...

He always ask himself why he couldn't let her go even after two years, why isn't that he still wants and love her even after every thing she did to him,

He knew if it was someone in his shoes he would have already forgotten about her, but he could not,

Each time he sleeps he always see her face, that violet eyes, her cherry lips that he misses so mush, her dark hair that he loves to smell, he misses everything especially her scent,

He remembers then when he'll climb into her house at night just to spend it sleeping by her side, and he'll go back home very early before her parents would wake up, he surely does miss her.

So the day after his coronation, the first thing he did was to go see her at her work place but she didn't come to work that day, so he decided to go to her house but he saw Prince Wills car outside her apartment, he didn't know what they were doing inside, but according to the information max gave him, prince Wills has been pursuing her for about six months now but she hasn't agreed to his demands, and that she doesn't even let anyone male into her apartment how come she allowed him inside? He asked himself.

"max check what happened today why Kina didn't go to work and why that bastard is in her house" he said to Max on the phone..

"okay but..." max wasn't able to finish his statement before Denny hung up the call.

"ahh!! that Denny only knows how to ask for something, now I can't even enjoy my day off..." Max said annoyed seeing as he wouldn't be able to enjoy his day, and he'll have to go to work the next day.

The next day at the office,

"according to my findings Kina was rushed to the hospital yesterday, although we couldn't get information about what happened to her, seems like someone is protecting it on purpose, all the bills were paid by Prince Wills"

"what are they trying to hide, ask the doctors or people there"

"I did but they aren't saying anything, I'll have to use money on them so they'll speak"

"fine use whatever you can I want to know what happened to her" Denny said frustratedly, he can't believe what happened was that simple.

After about two days, there still isn't news about what happened to Kina, but Denny insisted on max still trying to dig it out.

Denny heard from max that Kina was heading towards a five star hotel, he decided to go see her there, but by the time he got there he saw Prince Wills with her holding her waist while bringing her to his car, why she was smiling at him lovingly,

Denny was very angry at what he saw that he went to a bar to get himself drunk, there he met Daniel Cobs, one of the billionaire business man in the country,

They talked for a while as they were both facing heartbreak,

Daniel is a business man that focuses on the entertainment industry, he just lost his girlfriend in a car accident he hasn't come off it yet, so when he saw Denny drinking away he decided to have a chat with him and they both poured out each other's thoughts to each other like they've been best friends for so many years.

And since then up until now they became best buddy's and yes including Max, he is someone anyone can get along with as long as he permits it.


Thanks for reading my chapter, I'm finding it hard to place my words, these work have not been edited so it is hard to understand,

Please do drop your complaints and suggestions I'd like to improve....

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