

This is a story of kina Shaw and Denny Stark who were in a relationship for more than three years, due to bad decisions and circumstances, kina Shaw started dating other guys for money while still having Denny even though she was tired of him she didn't have much choice because he refused to let her go why he was also struggling to make money so she wouldn't live him because of the love he had for her, he wanted to give her everything she wished for but he wasn't financially ready to do that, Money and wealth became a barrier in their relationship it was no longer stable, eventually, Denny lost Kina to wealth, and he couldn't get her back even though he tired all his best, he just couldn't. Four years later he was no longer the Denny he used to be he became powerful, famous and extraordinarily wealthy, his wealth was known all over, his playful aura changed to something indescribable, he didn't show interest in anything and was always stoic and expressionless, He changed, everything changed, his love for kina has turned to hatred, his possessiveness towards her turned into obsession and revenge, Everything changed yes, except for one, and that is kina, he still wanted her, he needed her not for love or affection but for something else... REVENGE revenge was all he craved and he'll get it no matter what. Read this story to know what really happened between the both of them, even after everything kina did to Denny, why does he still want her, How did he come back so powerful and wealthy, where does his wealth come from.... This is my second book, I wrote the book THE DEVILISH CEO VS HIS SECRETARY, but I lost that account and couldn't finish the book, I'm writing this new book, but stayed tuned because I will also publish my unfinished book here once I've gone far with this book, Please support me with this book readers under the age of 16 is strictly restricted... Contact me on: https://discord.gg/eTnDrSQm

Lexi_Love23401 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


About two hours later, Denny walk into the Stark mansion with his Father,

When they reach the sitting room, he saw his step mom and step siblings sitting and as soon as they saw them they all stood up looking shocked,

"Harry he is Jenny's son?" she asked as if she wasn't aware of it,

"dad he..." his younger brother Jason trailed off, he couldn't even believe his eyes,

"everyone meet Denny Stark my son I've been talking about, and Denny meet Brenda my wife, and this is Jason and Flourish your younger siblings..

" hello everyone " Denny said expecting disapproval from everyone but to his greatest surprise he was hugged by two bodies


"OMG!!! Welcome home brother, you look really handsome can't wait to boast to my friends about my handsome big brother" flourish said excitedly,

"Big brother looks more like me, now I'll get to have someone like me in this house and not spend my time with miss busy body all the time" Jason said glaring at Flourish and dragging Denny to his side,

It was only after Jason stated the similarities between them that he paid more attention to his face and indeed it was so, the only difference they had was their eyes and hair,

Denny's hair was dark blue like his mother's, and had deep blue sea eyes, meanwhile Jason's hair was gold Like his mom's own and he has green eyes which were also something he got from his mom,

Apart from that every other thing was taken from their dad,

Looking at Flourish, she also has green eyes and tanned skin like her mom's but her hair was dark in color just like their dad's and she also resembles them in her looks, she is a very beautiful girl.

And looking to his step mom, she had that fake look of disgust which she managed to hide very well with a cunning smile, Denny knows she didn't welcome him well, but he doesn't care his siblings love were enough for him.

"what are you even saying, I hugged big brother first, and I'm the youngest I deserve to have him"

Denny's thoughts were interrupted by their arguments over him.

"stop it guys I like the both of you, so no need to fight over me I'm not going anywhere if you fight like this I'll be forced to live" Denny said trying to quench the both of them.

"right big bro, we are not fighting, and I love this busy body alot" they both said at the same time why they hugged each other but using their eyes to fight each other and Denny Shakes his head before following his father inside.

"that's how they are, always fighting like children I wonder when they'll grow up" his father said before taking Denny to his already prepared room.

At night Denny lied down thinking about Kina he couldn't sleep at all, he doesn't know if she was back from her date with Damien, was she missing him, has she eaten, did she get home safely... Were all the questions running in his head before he finally fell asleep

The next morning after breakfast, his father called him to his study room,

"I heard from your mom that you wanted to study business" his father ask

"yes" Denny said, he had always wanted to study business so he could help in growing his mother's restaurant.

"well that's great, I've arranged for a one year business course for you, then you can start working at the Stark enterprises for a year to get to know the practical part of business and after that one year you'll become the CEO of the company and I'll resign" his father said happily.

"no Dad, how can I become the CEO of your company and besides Jason is there" he Said too shocked, he doesn't want to spoil the new relationship he has with his sibling for collecting his inheritance.

"ha ha ha, you are really funny son, don't tell me you don't watch the entertainment news, Jason isn't interested with the company not to talk of business, he is a model and that's all he cares about"

"you never know" Denny said still not sure,

"I've brought it up in the past and he doesn't seem interested about it"

"some times he'll say dad why don't you call big bro over, it's his right to manage the company I'm just d second son, I have the right to be free and live a care free life" his father continued telling him how Jason will always tell him to go call his big brother,

"seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know I had siblings, they all knew except for me" Denny said half heartedly,

"son don't blame your mother for what happened, it was all my fault that I thought she was at the wrong, but you'll get to know everything when the time is right" he told him honestly.

"okay I'll agree with what you said,"

"good let's go down and give everyone the good news"

When his father told everyone of his decisions, Jason and Flourish were happy for him and congratulated him happily, only his step mom seem not to be happy about it.

"I'm so happy for you big bro, I hope you'll be successful in your career" flourish said whilst hugging him..

"that is what I'm talking about I'll be free from now on wards and my modeling career won't come crumbling down" Jason wined like a child, he was very happy about it, he hated the times he and his father will quarrel over the company, it's not like he doesn't have his own company but it's not a Stark company, his company base on shoes and bags, but his family doesn't know. He look towards his left seeing his mother's grumpy face he sighed, his mother always wanted him to take over the company, but he does not want it, why can't his elder brother have it.

He knew about his elder since he was about 10 years old when his mom and dad were quarreling over it, he could have been angry and think that the other woman and her son wants to separate his family but he knew better that his mother wasn't at all innocent, he heard her making a phone call telling the other party to make sure the other woman suffer that she'll want to commit suicide and they should possibly kill her son, he was shocked but he didn't say anything to her, he couldn't even sleep for many nights thinking of the kind of person his mother is,

He remembered when there was a time the other woman saved his life, if he wasn't for her he wouldn't have been alive, so how can he blame her, his mother is to be blamed for everything and he has vowed since then that he'll make sure his elder brother had everything he is supposed to have after finding out that his step mom took his big bro and ran away.

He would always talk about his Elder brother every opportunity he gets just to make his mother angry and because of that, his younger sister got to know about it, being innocent and naive then she has always wished to see her big brother and each time he doesn't give her what she wants she'd complain and tell him that once their elder brother was back he'll take revenge for her.

*Back to the present*

"So father when is elder brother living for America?" Jason asked,

"yeah I've talked to them, he'll be living next week as soon as he passport and visa is ready"

"awwnn!!! I will miss you elder brother" flourish said rubbing her face on his neck, he couldn't help but remember kina,

"I will miss you too, but I'll have to be strong so I can take care of you and be able to stand on my own right" he asked rubbing her back,

"yes you are right, let all three of us go out this few days and enjoy ourselves before you travel" flourish concluded,

"yes big bro flourish is right on this one, let's go out and have some fun" Jason added

"okay"Denny agreed.

" all right you guys go and have some fun, don't drink any alcohols"their father said to them, even though he knew they'll still take it a little, he only said that so they'll know their limits..

"they all nodded before living....


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