
Mafia's Devious Desire

You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars. * * * She was sobbing hugging her knees tightly thinking how everything changed in a blink of an eye. As the door opened she knew it was him without even lifting her head. “Look at me, “he commanded. As she refused to obey his order, he held her chin and turned her face towards him. “I will not allow you to hide from me, now tell me who made you cry, “he gently wiped her tears. She looked at him as if he had gone crazy, she must have been blind to not notice his sadistic and unhinged nature before. “Why are you doing this, “she screamed at him. “You know,”he answered softly. He had told her so many lies that it’s hard to believe anything now. “Let me go,”she pleaded him. “No, “he tightened his hold on her as if even thinking about it is unacceptable. “I hate you, I curse the day I met you, “she hit his chest violently. Pain crossed over his face but he stood there silently letting her went out her anger and frustration. As she slowly calmed down he pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking towards the door. Just as he was about to step out he murmured something which made her eyes widen in fear. “I will die before I let you go.” * * * Adele is an 18 year old orphan whose only wish is to unravel her birth mystery. Her unparalleled beauty, gentle and gracious nature , smart and hardworking trait made her always stand out . She put all her efforts on academics hoping one day she could lead a peaceful life. Unexpectedly she crosses path with Dante, who is cold, calculating and cruel .Like a moth is drawn to a flame he is attracted to the sweet and innocent Adele. Finally when Adele thought she had found her happily ever after, things start to go downhill. She finds herself caught in a web of lies, betrayal and pain not knowing whom to trust. As slowly things start to uncover Adele discovers her and Dante’s past are connected, they were always destined to meet. Instagram ID –starysky96

StarySky96 · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

"I came for you, "Dante's voice was rugged.

Adele's eyes widened in shock and she tightened her fist.

Dante took a step forward whereas Adele took a step back and this continued until her back hit the wall.

He was so close to her that she can smell his perfume, he smelled like fresh air and wood.

She felt as if she was intoxicated, his sharp gaze, his closeness were all making her want to run away from there yet she could not muster up the courage.

Dante's tall well-built body was blocking her petite one so she knew she was no match for him.

"Don't you want to know why, "Dante asked in a low tone, making sure no one would hear their conversation.

"Tell me,"Adele murmured.

Dante put his hand inside the pocket and took out a card.

"It's my employee card,"Adele quickly snatched it.

"It had fallen down in my car yesterday,"Dante stated.

"Thank you,"Adele said.

This was the card issued by the library when she was appointed here, her name and address were printed on it and this helped Dante find her.

"You work here,"Dante questioned for which she nodded her head.

"How many jobs do you have,"Dante continued.

"Just this one for the time being , I am a student at X college,"Adele replied.

At the same time a customer came there and asked for a specific book. So Adele went to help the customer and by the time she came back Dante was gone. Just to make sure she once again searched the whole store but Dante was nowhere to be seen.

Adele looked at the card in her palm ,every time she met Dante she felt confused and disturbed .His dark aura made her unsettling and filling flustered ,hoping she never meet him again she went to do her work.

If not for the card in her hand she could have thought Dante had not come here and she was imagining things.

Next day Adele was setting in a college cafeteria when a plate of burger and fries was placed in front of her.

"I did not order anything,"Adele looked up only to see Hudson standing there.

"I know, but you could give me company, "Hudson stated holding another plate in his hand.

"No, thanks. I am not hungry, "Adele straightway rejected.

"Take a bite, I bet you will change your mind, "Hudson seemed persistent.

Adele shook her head and continued reading an article on her phone.

"You have no idea how popular this burger is ,it's only available on Fridays and there is such a huge line but luckily I managed to get it ,"Hudson took it bite.

"Hmm,so damn yummy ..,"Hudson moaned .

Even though Adele had just had her lunch, she couldn't help but get curious to know whether the burger really tasted so good.

"Here take a bite,"Hudson pushed the tray near her.

As Adele took the first bite she too moaned, it was truly one of the best burgers she had.

"It's so good,"Adele took another bite.

"Didn't I tell, also eat slowly I can get you another one next week, "Hudson looked content that Adele liked the food.

"Tell me how much it cost,"Adele opened her purse to pay him.

"Adele, are you kidding, I thought we are friends, "Hudson seemed annoyed.

"Friends, from when I don't even know you properly, "Adele frowned.

"Well tell me what you about to know, I am ready to answer, "Hudson crossed his arms across the chest as if ready to tackle everything.

"You know what I mean, "Adele rolled her eyes.

"We study together, meet every day, probably talk every other day .I assumed we are friends, what else is needed,"Hudson explained.

Adele raised her brow and stated," By the way you described it means everyone in the college should qualify as my friends."

"Ouch, you hurt my feelings," Hudson placed his hands on his heart and pretended to be hurt.

"Okay, stop it now,'"Adele chuckled.

 "No need to pay me back now..,"Hudson saw Adele was about to refuse but he continued not giving her a chance to speak.

"But you can pay for the next meal, "Hudson offered.

"Sure..,"Adele accepted hesitantly.

 "So after class what are you plans,"Hudson questioned.

"Nothing much but I can not hangout with you,"Adele stated knowing full well what he will say next.

Hudson laughed out loudly as she got up from there and went away.

"At least she talked to me today some progress is better than nothing,"Hudson murmured as he ate his burger.

Adele looked at the watch and hurried her footsteps as she wanted to meet the professor and ask him to check an essay which she wanted to publish in the science magazine.

There were some minor changes to be done and Adele noted down all the corrections made by the professor and went to the library.

Adele collided with a girl on her way and immediately both of them apologized.

That girl helped Adele to pick the fallen books from the floor.

"Are you Adele,"the girl asked.

"Yes, do I know you ,"Adele questioned.

"I think I saw you in auditorium last week, "the girl stated.

"You mean when I was horribly acting a scene from the skit,"Adele was embarrassed. She had given audition for the skit as everyone around her had pushed her.

"Anyone can see you didn't want to be there or else if you put a bit more effort you can act,"the girl suggested.

"I don't like to act, also I am sure I looked pathetic delivering my lines, "Adele put her palm on her face.

"You were not so terrible, also you are so beautiful that if you do the bare minimum it's enough, "that girl assured her.

"That's so sweet of you …,"Adele trailed off not knowing her name.

"I'm Zoey,"she introduced herself.

"It was nice meeting you Zoey," Adele smiled.

"Same here, looks like you are in a hurry maybe we can catch up sometime,"Zoey suggested.

"Sure, why not,"Adele went away after bidding goodbye.