
Mafia's Baby

Do you remember when love was uncomplicated? When happiness was a cookie or sweet shared between you and your loved ones? Andrea had always yearned for this type of love in her life but what they always say is true...you don't get what you always want. Love does work in wonderful ways... This is a story about an abused girl and a mafia boss leader. ANDREA'S POV He killed him. He killed my father! How can he do that to me? I HATE HIM! THEODORE'S POV Until now, killing anyone who crosses paths with me has been very easy for me to do but not to her. She's just different... I don't know what exactly I feel for her but I know that whatever it is is going to bring us both trouble. What happens when they both cross paths? What happens after he kills her father and then kidnapps her?

Sarah_9457 · Thành thị
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18 Chs

PART #13

"What they say is true...the shy ones are always the ones to surprise you," Theodore said with a smirk. "Shut up," I blushed playfully hitting his arm. He laughed and went into the bathroom. He came out with a wet towel in his hands. "Come here," he said, "let me clean you up." I nodded with a blush and he gently cleaned my area. When he was done I looked for my panties to put them back on but I couldn't find them. "What is my little kitten searching for?" Theodore asked. "My underwear," I replied, "Have you seen it by any chance?" That was my favorite underwear and I didn't want to lose it.

He pulled out my underwear from the pocket of his sweatpants with a smug smile on his face. "Oh my goodness Theo," I gasped, "Give it back." I tried grabbing it but he quickly shoved it back into his pocket, "Nope, not happening. Finders keepers." "But that was my favorite underwear," I said pouting. "I'll buy you a new one but I'm keeping this one cuz I like it on you," he said making me groan. "Fine," I grumbled and went to my drawer to pick another underwear. I put it on and opened the door to the balcony from my room.

I just stood there with my eyes closed enjoying the breeze on my face. I thought about everything that had happened and I was really happy to where it led me to. From living with an abused father, almost getting raped, getting bullied in school to living an almost wonderful life with the man who killed my father. If someone had told me I'd fall in love with Theodore Black a year ago I would've laughed.

Arms suddenly wrapped around my waist from behind and I smiled knowing exactly who it was. "So what is my beauty thinking about?" He asked resting his head on my shoulder. "How I ended up here," I replied. "Really?" He asked. "Yep," I replied wrapping my arms around his which were already around my waist. "Even though you killed my father," I felt him flinch at that, "you saved me. At school when I was about to be...raped you came to my rescue and even brought me to your house for treatment but I ran away because of how scared I was," I chuckled at the memory. Looking at us now I just couldn't believe it. I wasn't afraid of him anymore, "You killing my father also helped me in a way. He always abused me and never appreciated anything I did to make him happy. He even tried to sell me to one of his friends once but I managed to escape. But now even that too is over." "Because of you," I whispered, " and I really really can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me."

He kissed my soft spot on my neck before pulling me to the couch which was on the balcony. As we both sat down he spoke, "No need to thank me Andrea. If fate hadn't led me to you we wouldn't have been here today." I smiled at him before snuggling into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes in satisfaction. That moment seemed perfect. I was cuddled up to Theodore on the balcony as the breeze gently blew on our faces.

The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my reverie. Who could possibly be calling me now? I walked back into the room with Theodore following close behind me. I picked up the call, "Hello?" There was silence on the other side. "Hello?" I tried again but there was still nothing but silence. Suddenly a rock came flying into the room shattering the window making me scream. The rock landed right in front of me and I could clearly see that there was a paper attached to it.

"Ace!" He yelled and a few seconds later a buff looking man ran through the door. "Yes sir," the man said to Theodore. "A rock was just thrown into this room from the window. Quick go find who it was," Theodore ordered and the man rushed out muttering something into his earpiece. "Fuck," Theodore muttered checking my body for any injuries, "Are you okay?" I was a bit shaken but I was fine so I just nodded my head in response. He heaved a sigh of relief but his body became tense once he saw the paper wrapped around the rock. He took it and glared hard at the paper as he read it.

"What is it?" I asked worried. He clenched his fists and pinched his eyebrows together. "A threat," he muttered, "-on your life." The buff man came back telling Theodore that they had caught the man and Theodore just asked him to send him to the basement. Why on earth was there a threat on my life? My breathing quickened, "Why me?" "That's the thing- I don't know why..." He trailed off then as if something clicked inside his head, he quickly took his phone and dialed a number. "Shit!" He muttered, "he didn't pick up." "Theo I need to know what's going on," I said trying to stay calm. "I think...I think... Xavier...he..." "He what? Just tell me," I was getting impatient. He kept silent and stared at my face like he was trying to predict my reaction to what he was about to say. He then sighed and shook his head, "Telling you is like putting you at risk...and I can't do that."