
Madness For Love

Emma, the only heiress of the Torress clan, had been confined to her palace since her mother's murder. She blamed herself for that, and her father also held her responsible. Her brother unknowingly chooses just to watch. Had no reason to live, just as Emma considered ending it all, a mysterious hand pulled her back from the brink with a kiss in the dark. Years later, Emma began sneaking out while keeping her true identity hidden. Among her classmates, for disguise she lets them believe she is an idiotic mask girl. Everything was well hidden until she met Xavier, the university's popular boy who took an interest in her from 1st day. Knowing her true identity Xavier desired to make Emma his minion. Soon, Emma found herself being bullied by Xavier's demands. However, who would have thought, that a single tear from Emma would turn Master into servant instead? Later Xavier saw the extent of Emma's suffering and regretted his harsh treatment towards the woman he loved. He realized that in the moments when she needed him most, he had only been amplifying her suffering. Her silent tears and weary eyes now screamed at him, a haunting reminder of his failures. --- In a dim, dusty room, Xavier gently held Emma's face, their foreheads touching as his blue eyes met her brown ones. "Let me go!" Emma trembled. "Believe me, love, you wouldn't want that," he smirked. "Xavier, you shouldn't doubt my resolve. Don't test me," she warned. Xavier chuckled softly. "Nowhere am I mistaken about you, baby. I know very well what you are capable of. But you still have to cooperate with me. And you know that too." Before Emma could respond, their lips met a fierce collision of desperation and defiance, sealing their fates in a kiss that tasted of tears and unspoken fears. ---- Hiding herself every day, she believed everything would eventually return to normal. But who could have predicted that she would be struck by her nemesis when she least expected it?

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Xavier POV

Xavier was on his way to the office for a crucial meeting when he realized that he had forgotten his cell phone back in class. With a groan of frustration, he spun on his heel and hurried back, his mind racing with the possibilities of someone having already stolen it. He was running late and had not a minute to waste.

As he burst into the classroom, his eyes scanned the room frantically until he saw his phone lying idly on the desk where he had left it. Relief washed over him. He grabbed the phone and was about to leave when he heard Emma's name being called from the corridor. For no apparent reason, his footsteps halted.

From the small gap between the door and the wall, he saw Emma and a group of girls approaching her. Something was off. Xavier knew Emma had no friends at the college. The call for her was far from welcoming, and the malicious intent was evident in the girls' eyes and voices. What puzzled him even more was Emma's reaction. Despite the hostility, her eyes remained lazy and unbothered.

Xavier felt a strange allure towards Emma's demeanor. It immediately showed her upper hand in the matter, a silent strength that intrigued him. Staying back, he waited for the drama to unfold.

The girls began hurling vulgar comments at Emma, each one more vicious than the last. Xavier's eyes darkened with anger. He was on the brink of losing control, his mind filled with violent thoughts towards those women. Just as he was about to step out, he noticed Emma's clenched fists and the darkening of her eyes. She was clearly ready to retaliate.

But Emma didn't. She stood there, her posture unwavering as the air turned cold with the tension. The girls, after spewing their venomous words, eventually walked off, leaving Emma standing alone, seemingly unaffected. Her eyes, which had been shooting daggers earlier, turned blank, devoid of any emotion. Soon all left the corridor, some out of anger on Emma while some out of shame for not helping her.

Xavier's eyes turned gloomy as he watched her. He couldn't understand why Emma would hold back. He had seen her power and her art of fighting. These girls were nothing compared to her. Why did she let them chastise her without a fight?

After a few moments, Xavier stepped out into the corridor, his gaze fixed on Emma. She was still standing there, staring into space, her facade of indifference firmly in place. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath, but the moment she opened her eyes she saw Xavier standing in front of her with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Her eyes meeting his. For a brief moment, he saw a flicker of something—perhaps recognition or surprise—but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

He wanted to say something to comfort her but it was hard to find a word. They never talked to each. They never even introduced each other. He didn't know what to say neither he knows what she felt out of this whole drama.

On other hand he saw Xavier's blank face. No matter how much he tried to hide she could tell that he wanted to say something to comfort her but she didn't wanted any comfort from anyone.

With a sigh Emma turned and left the corridor.

Just as Xavier watched Emma disappear down the corridor, his phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. He glanced at the screen before answering.


"Where are you? Your assistant called me to know your whereabouts. I thought you went to the meeting already," Albie's voice crackled through the line, tinged with impatience and concern.

Xavier sighed, rubbing his temples. "No. I'm in the college," he informed.

"College? Why would you still be in college? Were you lying to us earlier?" Albie's accusation came sharp and fast.

"...I forgot my phone earlier. Just came to get that," Xavier explained, keeping his tone calm.

"You knew this meeting is important for us. You could have asked us to pick your phone up," Albie pressed, frustration evident.

Xavier pursed his lips, a hint of guilt washing over him. How could he tell them that he could have made it to the meeting on time if he had left the moment he got his cellphone? But hearing Emma's name had stopped him in his tracks, and he had completely forgotten about everything else.