
Madness For Love

Emma, the only heiress of the Torress clan, had been confined to her palace since her mother's murder. She blamed herself for that, and her father also held her responsible. Her brother unknowingly chooses just to watch. Had no reason to live, just as Emma considered ending it all, a mysterious hand pulled her back from the brink with a kiss in the dark. Years later, Emma began sneaking out while keeping her true identity hidden. Among her classmates, for disguise she lets them believe she is an idiotic mask girl. Everything was well hidden until she met Xavier, the university's popular boy who took an interest in her from 1st day. Knowing her true identity Xavier desired to make Emma his minion. Soon, Emma found herself being bullied by Xavier's demands. However, who would have thought, that a single tear from Emma would turn Master into servant instead? Later Xavier saw the extent of Emma's suffering and regretted his harsh treatment towards the woman he loved. He realized that in the moments when she needed him most, he had only been amplifying her suffering. Her silent tears and weary eyes now screamed at him, a haunting reminder of his failures. --- In a dim, dusty room, Xavier gently held Emma's face, their foreheads touching as his blue eyes met her brown ones. "Let me go!" Emma trembled. "Believe me, love, you wouldn't want that," he smirked. "Xavier, you shouldn't doubt my resolve. Don't test me," she warned. Xavier chuckled softly. "Nowhere am I mistaken about you, baby. I know very well what you are capable of. But you still have to cooperate with me. And you know that too." Before Emma could respond, their lips met a fierce collision of desperation and defiance, sealing their fates in a kiss that tasted of tears and unspoken fears. ---- Hiding herself every day, she believed everything would eventually return to normal. But who could have predicted that she would be struck by her nemesis when she least expected it?

P8_A2_S9 · Thanh xuân
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29 Chs


The class was about to end, and Albie knew this would be his last chance to catch Emma before she ran off, either from the college or from him. He was prepared to follow her immediately.

Emma packed her bag quickly, her movements hurried and precise. Xavier watched her with a smirk. He rarely saw any emotions from Emma, her cold demeanor an almost permanent mask. Yet now, her irritation with Albie was clear, and it amused him.

As soon as the bell rang, Emma shot up from her seat and made a beeline for the door. Albie was right behind her. She walked briskly down the corridor, her lips pursed in discomfort. She glanced back, expecting to see him tailing her, but to her surprise, he wasn't there. She raised her brows and sighed in relief.

Back in the classroom, Albie found himself restrained.

"Let go of my collar, Xavier!" Albie shouted, struggling against his grip.

"Not until you promise to leave her alone," Xavier replied, his voice calm but firm.

"Why do you care?" Albie retorted, glaring at him.

"Because you're bothering her, Albie. Can't you see she's already stressed?" Xavier said, his tone softening slightly.

"And I see someone who looks lonely. I want to be there for her," Albie countered, his eyes flashing with determination.

"Even if she needs someone, it won’t be you," Xavier insisted.

"Then who? You?" Albie challenged.

Xavier hesitated, his silence speaking volumes.

"Oh, I've heard about some guy named Kai who’s close to her," Albie continued, his tone mocking. "He picks her up and drops her off. Yeah, he might be the option. But I'm not giving up that easily."

"Albie—" Xavier began, his frustration evident.

"Look, if we have nothing else to discuss, I’d like to go now. I have things to do," Albie said, shaking off Xavier's hold and straightening his collar.

Xavier watched as Albie walked out of the classroom, his mind racing with thoughts about how to handle this situation. Meanwhile, Albie's determination to befriend Emma only grew stronger.


Emma was walking towards the main gate of the university, eager to get home, when she noticed someone running towards her from the corner of her eye. She turned swiftly and saw Albie.

Her eyes widened slightly. She hadn't expected him to catch up so quickly. Although she hadn't run, she had been walking very fast. She had hoped Xavier would hold him back longer.

In that moment, Emma considered running again, but knowing Albie's stubborn nature, she decided to face him now rather than later.

Albie finally reached her side. Seeing Emma standing still, he could tell she was waiting for him. He walked up to her and stood directly in front of her. "Hey."


"I'm Albie."

Emma remained silent, her expression unreadable. She didn't bother to acknowledge his introduction. The sounds of students laughing and chatting as they exited the building seemed to fade into the background as an uncomfortable silence settled between them.

"You knew I was coming, didn't you?" Albie pressed on, trying to catch her eye.

Emma stared at him blankly, her silence speaking volumes.

Albie chuckled nervously. "Cat got your tongue?"


"No, you're not mute. I know that. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know that I want to be your friend."

Emma's eyes narrowed in confusion, finally showing some reaction. Albie noticed the slight change and felt a glimmer of hope.

"Oh, so you do react. That's good. I just wanted to let Emma Torres know that I, Albie Shroff, am genuinely interested in being her friend." Albie bowed his head slightly, trying to convey his sincerity.

Emma's lips parted a little in surprise. She hadn't expected such directness from him. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the courtyard. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, ready to reject his proposal, when Albie spoke again.

"You don't have to reply now. Honestly, I didn't expect you to. I just wanted you to know that from now on, I'm going to make an effort. Sorry to say this, but it doesn't matter whether you say yes to me Or not."

Emma looked at Albie as if he were a strange creature, her mind racing with thoughts. She had always kept her guard up, and this sudden intrusion into her life was unexpected and definitely unwanted. What was more bothering her was the fact that she couldn't find a single malice in Albie's approach. She couldn't understand his reason. She wanted to reject him again, but he was already walking away.

"A—" Emma started to call out, but Albie turned back and added, "By the way, I know you like to sit with Xavier, but next time, if you want, you can sit with me. I'm good company too. Anyway, it's up to you. See you around." With that, he ran off.