
Made Villain

"What do you say his name was again?" "Shush No one mentions the name of you know who" "Have you heard of the legend?" "What legend?" "Of the name the whole realms dread to mention or hear!" "You mean... [in low voice] the red death?" All of a sudden every one in the hall brought out their various weapon. And Slash... "The one who mentions the name of the Lord of the Underworld dies. O merciful Lord we have slain the sinner do not descend from your Underwoldly throne. Have mercy on us" ... The red death, Lord of the Underworld, The dark one. I go by many name but my real name is Prime Rager. You want to know what that means right. Carefully rearrange that two names and you will know my true identity. The most dreaded name in all the realms Grim Reaper. Hahahaha "Pray the crimson eyes that watches at night never gaze your path" Support the novel in anyway you could.

Nathaniel_Moon · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Prison break

Huuu Huuu [exhale].

A low and deep breath sounded in a seemingly desolate ancient underground prison whose walls are covered in ancient runes, and slowly a pair of red eyes were slightly open giving the thick darkness its only color.

This pair of red eyes belongs to a dark silhouette in the frigid shadows heavily chained at the center of the deepest level of the underground prison. And this silhouette is none other than Prime Rager.

' Where am I and what the heck is this place and why am I in chains ' He thought to himself as he found out that everything in this new place seems so strange to him as he has no idea at all, of what kind of situation he presently is in.

He could remember that he was at the bottom of a cliff, staring at the starry sky. Regretting his keeping silence and not fighting back. His unfortunate and miserable end of being kicked in the back by his very own relation, all because he was a vulnerable obstacle in the path of what they want and desired. And his lonely death.

His uncle would have probably announced that he has gone missing, or ran away from home and if later on his body was discovered, his uncle would say he had committed suicide because of his grief. He would have probably cried for him in public saying he wasn't a good father to not have noticed his nephew's depression. The typical hypocritical serpent of a man.

Talking about him shouldn't he be dead already? Why is he here and in chains?

This bothers him very much and in his pondering he was able to get some fragmented memory which oddly seems familiar to him like it was his memory likewise.

And in those fragmented memories, he was able to deduce some fascinating yet confounding facts.

This world wasn't the same he lived in or more specifically came from. It was a totally different one in which man has some very outstanding abilities. Super great abilities, more like Superpowers.

And he - his name was also Prime Rager, and he possess a very terrific power which although wasn't clear to him in those fragments, was quite a shocking fact to him.

Hell yeah, If he lived this kind of life, hohoho, the whole world has got to watch out for the untamed Prime Rager.

Searching and digging deeper into his memory some of which are clear and some blurry. He saw a tall fiendishly handsome man with blood red eyes radiating an intense and fearsome devilish aura which was also brimming negative intents - hatred, bloodlust, anger, disdain, craziness and killing intent. And all around him was chaos and death.

With his gigantic blood red humming halberd in hand he stood amidst the countless dead bodies facing off a large army of enemies under the bloody sky. And every where his halberd swings; blood flows, bodies drop dead with bloodcurdling screams here and there. He was like a god of death on a killing spree from the deepest hells set loose on the mortal world.

Looking at the image in his mind, he felt emotionally stirred, he could feel a buried desire being unearthed and triggered within him and his heartbeat quickened with his blood boiling and soon his body was exuding a crazy and bloodthirsty aura resonating with the image he saw and soon his eyes turned deep crimson.

He feel like he was being suppressed and impeded by the chains and by this prison and by everything in the world and he hated that to the core. His breathing starts to become heavier by the minute and his expression turned vicious.

And right at this moment, he could feel the chains become unbearably hot, burning his skin, as the runes inscribed on it starts to glow and not only that but also his blood becomes heavier and his train of thought becomes chaotic.

Examining his surrounding, he was able to deduce what was happening. The silvery chains not only binds him but through the aid of the runes are able to inflict physical damage on him and somehow liquid metal, probably Mercury, has been introduced in to his blood stream dealing him with both internal and soul damage.

This is like an eternal damnation to death. Tortured from the inside out, degrading his soul bit by bit till he becomes a soulless undead - more like a zombie, and kept away in the darkness, this is not the greatness he saw in his memory and he is not resigned to be suppressed in here for the rest of his life.

His breathing becomes heavier as he becomes frantic with a fierce bloodlust roaring in his mind. His raging aura burst forth with unbridled wildness. He sought to be free.

Sensing his rebellion, the pressure increased even more and when it could no longer keep up, the runes on the wall began to light up.

From the very surface he was tied to, to the highest level of the layered prison, all the inscribed runes flared up, bringing to Prime's view a total of 18 layers with six grey humanoid statues ,each equipped with a spear, in each layer.

The hands of the 108 statues slowly turns golden and from it a golden rope lashed out towards Prime, all binding him in place as the grey statues continue to turn golden.

Panting heavily as he felt a massive suppressive force without and an unrelenting surge of negative emotions within.

He was filled with madness, hatred, anger, brutality and wild bloodlust.

"Keep him down! He must not be given the slightest chance" a voice echoed within the underground prison startling Prime to look up and he could see that the whole statues had all turned gold. It would be wrong for him to call them golden statues. Because, somehow though not knowing why, he could hear their heartbeat. Each one of them. Therefore he concluded that they were golden humans.

' What form of forbidden art had this people used to turn themselves into this, just to ensure that he would not be able to leave? It seems like this has gotten way more serious. How do I get past all these extremists ' various thoughts raced in his chaotic mind.

He reached in deeper within himself, waking every single thing within. He can't be oppressed once more in this life, not when he has the chance, not when he has the power. He was desperate, desperate for freedom but it seems like the world would not grant it to him. Then he must take it.

With his thought becoming more chaotic, he struggled furiously and desperately to break his way out of the binding chains and tugging ropes, but he just can't. He doesn't have the strength to save himself and under the assault of his churning and unstable emotions he blacked out.

Silence returned to the underground prison. But the tense atmosphere still remained as the golden humans still hold on tightly to their ropes, even after half an hour of no activity from Prime, not lowering their guard at all.

"Phew! That was close, too close" one of the golden figures said as held his rope tightly.

"Yeah" A voice suddenly thundered throughout the levels. " That was really close" All the golden humans looked at the man in chains and saw him lifting his head while chuckling, his eyeballs were now black with his iris and pupils deep crimson red. They tugged the ropes with all of their strength to strain him, but he doesn't act affected in any way.

"You brainless metals went through a lot, giving up your humanity just to keep me contained in here till I become soulless and I have to commend your efforts till now given the state I have been reduced to." The wierd looking Prime said as he stand on his feet under the alarmed gaze of the golden humans.

" And that is exactly what I must do. Commend your efforts." He laughed maniacally as clanging sounds were heard alongside his boisterous laughter. The chains were broken.

He breathed in deeply and out and as if gaining energy from his breath a tempest arose in the shadows devouring all of the ropes tied to him.

Stretching his body while radiating a suffocating aura, he took a step forward.

"Let the fun begin"

"Don't be afraid, he shouldn't be as powerful as he was before. We can surely take him down. Hyyah!" one of the closest golden figure charged towards him at a blazing speed with his spear on position.

"You have got a lousy big mouth"

With eyes closed, Prime slightly relaxed his muscles and arced back a little and suddenly as if catching a fly he reached out and grabbed the spear with one hand and the attacker's neck with the other.

Pressing him down while disarming him, he looked into his eyes with a smug on his face.

"Kneel!" he said while forcefully breaking his victim's leg. A bloodcurdling scream sounded and not wasting time any longer he impaled him through his widely open mouth into the ground. No mercy.

Seeing how swift one of them had been killed, the other five cautiously advanced together surrounding him.

Hyyah, another man advanced with a break neck speed launching a sneak attack which was easily evaded by Prime with a quick minute subtle twist, he held the golden figure by its neck and then, crack!, strangled him to death, then pulled off his head as the headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, no blood! you lot are truly stingy" he said with a dissatisfied look which suddenly alternated to a crazed one.

"I don't have much time let's get this over with" He said as his aura suddenly skyrocketed and his whole body suddenly turn black.