
Made Villain

"What do you say his name was again?" "Shush No one mentions the name of you know who" "Have you heard of the legend?" "What legend?" "Of the name the whole realms dread to mention or hear!" "You mean... [in low voice] the red death?" All of a sudden every one in the hall brought out their various weapon. And Slash... "The one who mentions the name of the Lord of the Underworld dies. O merciful Lord we have slain the sinner do not descend from your Underwoldly throne. Have mercy on us" ... The red death, Lord of the Underworld, The dark one. I go by many name but my real name is Prime Rager. You want to know what that means right. Carefully rearrange that two names and you will know my true identity. The most dreaded name in all the realms Grim Reaper. Hahahaha "Pray the crimson eyes that watches at night never gaze your path" Support the novel in anyway you could.

Nathaniel_Moon · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Careful wish.

Happy moments never last. Never know the day all will turn topsy turvy.

I had never thought it would be so but life taught me otherwise. Nothing in life is promised, you have to fight for them for that is the law of this jungle - life.

"PRRIIIMMMEEE!" a loud voice reverberated strongly hinting to whoever the name belongs to that there is a big trouble awaiting him.

"Yes sir, you called me." a boy rushed into the room with urgency and fear in his voice.

"I heard that there was a slight commotion in school today" the middle aged man said in a cold tone as he sat on his rolling chair with his face towards the wall, making his tea not bothering to glance at the boy behind him or even acknowledge his presence." And that you were the cause of it" He added as he took a sip of the tea breathing out a mouthful of hot air but his grim voice sent cold shivers down the boy's spine.

This is trouble calling his name and he's got no choice but to abide.

"So what do you think you deserve, huh?"The voice questioned.

"To - to be punished, sir " the boy whose name is Prime answered with a pained expression in his eyes.

"Go deal with him, I don't want to waste my resources on an animal." The man said to a bulky figure standing near him who appears to be a guard.

The guard held Prime by his hand and pulled him along out of the room. On their way out, they met a boy and a girl and the guard respectfully greeted them before forcefully dragging Prime along. And under the scornful gaze directed at him, Prime clenched his fist with eyes brimming with sheer hatred.

" That fool never learning his place, humph"The girl who was elegantly dressed and with an inky black hair said as prime was dragged passed them.

"That is more of the reason we should totally ignore him, he is useless and also not part of the family." The boy standing beside her said as he walked into the room.

"Father why can't you just toss him out yet?" the girl said as she entered the room annoyingly.

"Patience Little Lily, he would be out soon." The man sitting on the rolling chair said gently with loving eyes as he faced the two newly arrived figures. All the earlier grimness and coldness were no longer present in his voice.

"Sooner" he added with a sly smile.


Limping to his apartment which was situated at the back of the magnificent building. Prime arrived at an almost dilapidated clay moulded and thatched roof building. Home sweet home.

It would have been difficult to imagine that there was such a poor structure at the back of such a grand building. But this had been Prime's home for the past six years.

Upon entering he gently removed his clothes and carefully traced the numerous whip marked stripes on his back, he could feel their tingling and painful bites.

He looked around and was sad with the way things are for him. Ruined, forsaken, poor and painful. That has been his life.

But that hasn't always been the case you know, there was once a time he was whole, cared for, rich and blissful. That was the time when he had parents.

Prime Rager was the sole child and heir to the Rager's family. He was born with a silver spoon and into a very affluent family. The most prosperous in the whole city.

And his father and mother, they were very caring and loved Prime with their whole heart, making him the biggest priority in their life. And him, he cherished and loved them with all his heart. They were this one big, though just three, family of love and utmost care. It should have been the happily ever after ending, right? But turns out, not so.

On his twelfth birthday, a day which had been set to be of a grand merry making and celebration happens to be the end to his happiness and bliss.

His parents had personally planned for the event to give him, their beloved son, the best moment of his life so far and he had been so thrilled that he had many sleepless nights days before his birthday.

The awaited day finally arrived and his parents personally planned the event because they want to give him, their beloved son, the best moment of his life.

He woke up very early, had been bathed for, dressed for and had eaten his breakfast. But his parents told him that they have a very urgent meeting to attend and that it would not take too much or their time.

What kind of meeting do they have to attend on the first day of the year? He was skeptical at first but didn't voice his doubt and only told them to come back very soon.

He waited and waited and waited but they never arrived.

Later that day, at dusk, he overheard that an accident had occurred and that his parents were involved.

He raced to the scene and arrived on time to see his parents being dragged out from their wrecked car beneath a truck. The truck had crashed into them.

Boom! It was as if the world he knew had come to an abrupt end. On the strechers lies the two people, who had always been there for him, holding hands with their eyes forever closed.

He ran over to their side, weeping profusely. Calling his parents, telling them to open their eyes, to look at their son but they didn't. They had just left him?

He reached for their hands which were holding each other as the strechers was pulled away and from it a necklace fell into his hand and looking at it he could see that on it was his name inscribed. PRIME RAGER.

His parents were holding hands with him in their hearts.

Days later a grand funeral ceremony was held and - The man with the cold voice earlier, his Uncle, took over everything.

He was denied of everything, he once had. Love, family, rights, entitlements. Everything that should have been his was now that of his so called Uncle, and cousins. The only thing he possess is two set of clothes, the slum he lives in and the necklace he took from his parents.

His story was like from Riches to Rag.

He has to work overtime, take care of his cousins' mess, never lift a single eyelid when they are talking, even the guards and maids scorn him and even dared to beat him up - ' upholding justice '. His life was basically a living hell.

And what had happened earlier was as a result of a simple offence he had unknowingly committed.

One of Lily's rival had insulted her of being a relation with the school's rag - that being me.

So the price he had to pay is to be lashed twenty five times bareback.

Lying down on his wooden bed with his chest, Prime couldn't help but miss the old days when he had it all.


Gradually the end of the year approaches, and he tried his best to keep up with his arduous and servile life.

Trying to gather something tangible for himself for he knows quite well that sooner or later his so called family will break all facades and shed all of the cordiality they have been able to afford till this moment.

Since he would be 18 soon enough and can be considered to be an adult.

Worst they could do is to banish him from the family right?, they wouldn't want a trifling heir to become an obstacle to their grand ambition.

But the wickedness of the heart of man cannot be underestimated. On the last day of the year, December 31st, he was told by a maid that the master - his uncle has an errand for him to run.

He was to retrieve something from a man at the outskirts of the town. Something very important, he was told as he was given the address.

Even though it was already late in the night he had to go. About an hour or so he arrived at the place stated in the address, an open place at the edge of a cliff.

He had a bad feeling about this venue but didn't think anything unlikely will happen since he was sent by his uncle. He waited for a long time but no one did show up.

Looking at the stars in the sky, Prime was reminded of his early childhood days when he would read fairy tales of how people would wish on the stars for something and would come to pass.

But during those times, he has no reason to wish for anything, he had his parents, affluence, love everything he could desire for.

But right now, all was dark and cold like the night.

So what if it is true and his wish will come to pass? what should he wish for. Money, Love, a fairy godmother, a new life? He wasn't really sure.

And there was also that warning about wishes: Be careful what you wish for.

Though lost in his thought he was able to hear a sound behind him and looking back...


He landed at the bottom of the cliff. Blood flowing out from his head and mouth. He had been pushed off the cliff and that by someone he knows.

Though it was dark under the night sky, he was able to see the features of the murderer before he fell. And that person was his uncle.

His own uncle, his father's brother, the man who has made his life a living hell, the man whose face he rarely see had decided to take his life.

And here he had thought that the worst that his uncle could do was to banish him totally. At least he would be independent.

" Tsk tsk like father like son" Prime's uncle said before leaving.

' What did he mean? Does he have anything to do with my parents' death? Shit! ' Prime thought to himself.

"I curse you, curse you, curse you!" Prime shouted frantically as he coughed out mouthful of blood.

Alone outside in the cold and feeling his life slipping away as he felt his eyes grow weary and sleepy. Prime looked at the brightest star in the sky with images of his life flashing in mind. Regret, Hatred and blame at his vulnerability, those are what he could feel.

When he was being oppressed, he hadn't been able to fight back. When wrongly accused, he had kept his silence and endured. And right now his life is at its end.

"If somehow I could survive this, I shall no longer live being oppressed, rather I will fight all that stand in my way and kill" Prime said to himself as he closed his eyes while the starlight glistened on his necklace


Deep in an underground prison of which the lost legends tells of a great evil housed in it, there was a scrawny figure in chains, kneeling with his head bowed.

Suddenly his body quivered lightly and he opened his red eyes which appears to be the only color in the depth of the shadows.

This man is none other than the newly awakened PRIME RAGER.