
Madara’s EMS in dxd

Caftsman · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs


The rain is pouring down my head, body soaked in water as I stare at my mother's grave. What would a normal person do? Cry? Yes. But I didn't cry. Cause my heart is already frozen and can never heal. I glare at the tombstone and whisper

Lance: " don't worry mother... I'll avenge you " I clench my fist as I remember the day it all happened. I would never forgive the man I called "father." Everyday I live, is another day the scum is alive. I swore to myself i will kill this scum. It was not a threat, it was a promise.

Lance: " your biggest mistake was letting me live. " A cold smile forms on my face. " I see you've already found a women and have 2 kids. " I chuckle darkly. " Now it's time to reap what you sow old man " I smile at the screams they will make. Begging me to spare their lives. I laugh, but not those laugh where people tell jokes....no. It's a laugh of a crazed manic who found its prey.

Time skip 3 hours~

I stand in front a house, not to fancy but not too poor either and I see the lights are out. Perfect. I walk to the front door and try to open it. Looks like some dumbass forgot to lock the door. Hehe, so close old man. I hum in excitement. I walk down the living room, to the the hallway and see four doors. I quietly open the door to my left, I peak my head in to see a girl that looks to be 16, quiet the looker to. Oh well, blame your dad. I walk up to her, and hit her head, knocking her unconscious. I drag her body to the living room and lay her on the couch. Then i tie her up so she can't escape.

1 hour later...

The whole family is here. Her sister who seems to be 17, quite the looker like her sister is next to her mother and I can see where their beauty come from. If I had a heart, I would be drooling at the girls.... but I don't. And I see...him. My anger is increasing the more I look at him. I just want to kill him right now but I won't. I will make you suffer just as I did. After calming myself down, I wake up the family.

Rose: " h.....h...huh? W....where am I! "

Matty: " rose! Mom! Dad! Huh, why am I tied!? "

Sam: " Calm down sweetie, your father is here ok. " She tries to smile but I see fear in her eyes.

Dad: " What do you want! We did nothing to you! If it's money you want, I can give you just please leave my family alone! "

They hear my foot steps.

The family turn their eyes to see a teen that looks to be 18,black medium hair that covers his left eye, his dull grey eyes that seem to have lost their light with a chiseled jawline, in a black hoodie and camo cargo pants with steel black boots playing with a knife between his fingers. Overall, he was pretty handsome but they were to scared to care about his looks.

Matty: Let me go this instance! Or I wi-


She looks to be in shock and tears start pouring down.

Lance: I say to her coldly " shut up, or I'll kill you. Understood? " I place the knife on her cheek and make a little cut. She nods her head like a good little puppy.

Dad: " w.....what do you want? " He stutters. Looks like he really cherish this family.

Lance: " it's simple really.... I want you to suffer " as soon a I say that, I lung my knife in his youngest daughter neck, causing her blood to spurt out everywhere, as blood splashes in my face. The family screams in terror as they cry for their lost ones.

Dad: " ILL KILL YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! ILL RIP YOU TO FUCKING SHREDS!!! " He yells at me,trying to get free while crying his eyes out... pathetic. I move to his other daughter as she squirms, trying to escape.

Matty: " please! Please! I beg you! Don't come any closer! Get aw-

I cover her mouth as I repeatedly stab her chest. Soon her eyes lose their light as she falls to the couch. My father screams in agony, trying his hardest to escape the binds. When I move to his wife, her eyes are shallow, they.....looked like....mine.....I start breathing heavily, I drop the knife. My hands....their covered in blood...I try to wipe it off but no matter how much I try, it won't come off.

Lance: w...why... did i do that? Tears start to form in my eyes. I.....I just wanted.... revenge.

Soon, the doors get broken down, and several swat members swarm the room. I panicked and went for the knife. However, I was shot multiple times in the chest. As I was slowly dying, they release my father who ran to me and started stoping my head. He was screaming but I couldn't hear anything. My eyes start to close as I think of the person I love the most

Lance: I'm sorry mom.... I'm such a disappointment...I then pass away.

Moments later,

I hear a voice

???: " wake up young one "

Huh? I should be dead? Why am I

???: " You have died Lance. "

Lance: huh? I see... looks like heaven and hell are real. Knowing I'm going to hell for my sins, I close my eyes waiting to be tortured for eternity.

???: no....you will not be going to hell. In fact, hell does not exist. Nor does heaven.

Lance: huh? I tell him coldly. " speak, what do you mean? "

???: " people who die come this place to reincarnate. Of course, people who committed sickening acts do not get such treatment and their souls will perish for eternity "

Lance: I stop and think for a minute.....then that means.....

???: " yes, your mother was here before. She's living a new life and even has a son named after you. And don't worry, her husband his pure of heart and would never hurt your mother " he tells me.

Lance: I start to cry. Not because I'm sad, because I'm happy. And...I smile for real for the first time in years.

I told the mysterious being " if that's true... then why am I here? I...I killed 2 innocent girls..... "

???: " You are incorrect, those girls you killed, if left alive, would have been the death of millions of people "

I was gonna ask what he meant but he cut me off.

" there's no need for you know such things. Now, tell me, what world would you wish to reside in. Since you have saved the lives of millions of people, I'll shall grant you 3 wishes "

Lance: this...this is really happening? A chance for a new life? Start anew? Make friends?

I hesitated for a bit thinking this was a trick. After releasing it wasn't, I answer him

" I wish to reborn in dxd 5 months before the story begins " I may have been cold my entire life but anime was the only thing that kept me sane.

???: " Now, your wishes "

Lance: " i want madara uchiha EMS "

???: " that can be arranged " he swipes his hand and energy starts to form in my eyes.

I scream because the pain from my eyes is too much. It felt like someone was tattooing on my eyes " AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! " I fall to the ground, gritting my teeth waiting for the pain to go away.

After one hour of enduring the pain, I wipe my tears and open my eyes and my vision is soo much clearer than it was before. I can sense my power is greater than before. I focus on my eyes hard enough, and I'm surrounded by a blue rib cage. I try and increase it to the second stage but it was too exhausting. After playing around for a bit, I'm able to use the 1st stage susanoo with ease. It will be awhile til I can form the upper body. I deactivate my EMS, after thinking for a bit, I ask for my second wish.

Lance: " For my second wish...i want mastery of all the 5 elements. "

The mysterious being points his finger to my forehead and I just felt soo much power sourcing through stomach. This went on for a few seconds and my god did it felt so good. I tried a doing the fire ball jutsu since I've seen sasuke do it so many times.


A fire ball the size of a basketball popped out of my mouth. It went at least 50 meters before it dispersed, I smirked knowing I was gonna enjoy these powers. Now for my last wish...I ask the man

Lance: " I want Seven deadly sin, bans immortality and abilities" He then summons a cup filled with pink liquid which I assumed was from the fountain of youth and without hesitation, I gulped it down. My skin started becoming more clearer and the few pimples on my chin vanished.

???: " Now that I've grant your wishes, just enter through this door and you'll transported in kuoh. I've already have your transcript and a house ready for you. Don't worry about the rent. "

I nod my head to the being but before I entered, I hesitated. What about my revenge? He's still alive.....

As if noticing my concern, he told me

???: " Fear not, after the police did a background check, they found out you were his biological son. After a few months of investigating, they found out your father was the real killer of your mother and was sentenced to life in prison. Sally, resented you for years and every night, she cursed your soul to be punished for eternal torture but now, she's thinks of you as her own. When ever she's visits her daughters grave, she visits yours as well hoping you found peace in the afterlife. After hearing that, my heart felt at ease, but soon i cover with my cold face. This time, I will protect my new family and NO ONE is gonna take them away from. Never. I walk into the portal with a desire for strength and love.

??? POV

After watching the young male I smile knowing that his heart will finally open up. But for now.... I chuckle

" Interesting young man indeed "

I then start to float in a lotus position waiting for another person to enter this realm.