
Maboroshi no Sennin - The Sage of Illusions

In a world where Naruto Uzumaki is deemed hopeless in Genjutsu, he defies expectations with the help of friends and a dedicated sensei. Through unwavering support, Naruto unlocks his hidden potential, mastering the art of illusion. With newfound abilities, he becomes a beacon of hope, proving that determination can surpass any limitation. Join Naruto on his extraordinary journey as he shatters the boundaries and embraces his role as a Genjutsu prodigy, rewriting his own legend. Naruto/Kurenai/Ino/Samui I don't Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, this novel.....I don't own anything. Written by Tsukune08, tell me if you want this deleted buddy, the ff was awesome so just wanted to share it with others. Cover art made by yours truly with Ai

LightSensei · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 10

Naruto cocked his head to the side in a confused fashion looking at the remaining member of team ten standing in front of him. Shikamaru's gaze intensified as he looked back at Naruto with piercing black eyes. Naruto took this quiet time to study Shikamaru. His black hair was in a pineapple shape upon his head. He had on a mesh shirt with a grey jacket over it. His Hitai-ate was tied around his left arm. His pants were blue as were his normal shinobi sandals. His Kunai pouch must have been somewhere on his back as it wasn't strapped to his leg.

As he was doing this, Shikamaru was going through thousands of scenarios of why Naruto would actually be showing his sadness. He knew that in his academy days, Naruto had been an unusually happy person but Shikamaru could see the small hint in his eyes when someone would put him down or he would be ignored in their classes. The reason behind all of the prejudice had never really intrigued him but this did. He wondered what could have possibly happened when he decided that it must have something to do with his team, or Iruka.

"Is there something wrong Shikamaru?" Naruto asked curiously no hint of hurt feelings hiding in his words as Shikamaru would have expected. Again, Naruto surprised him, or was simply an expert at hiding his feelings. Shikamaru had a feeling it was both.

"I would ask the same of you Naruto." Shikamaru countered trying to get Naruto to drop his 'act.' He was fairly sure Naruto had a serious side. He had caught glimpses of it when he would plan a prank. As frightening as it was, Shikamaru was scared of Naruto in his serious state. Despite not ever seeing it full blown, Shikamaru knew what Naruto did, while serious, was far beyond what anyone his age should be able to do. Painting the Hokage Monument in broad daylight and outrunning full blown ANBU agents as well as a majority of the jounin and chuunin of the village was no small feat and should be impossible for anyone not of the Sandaime's prowess or Shikamaru's intelligence. Even with these, Shikamaru would be wary of attempting such an act and would only do it should he have backup. Naruto did it by himself and managed to get away from everyone except Iruka. Shikamaru felt that was probably on purpose.

Naruto's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly but Shikamaru was no genius for nothing. He caught it as Naruto's grin came to his face. "Eh?" Naruto said as he threw his hands behind his head and grinned at Shikamaru, "Nothing's wrong here." he said as he grinned.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Naruto." he said seriously drawing Naruto's grin off his face at seeing Shikamaru serious for the first time in his life. Something he was curious about. "I may not be your friend but I am curious about why you, who was the picture of happiness and mirth." Shikamaru started as he waved at Naruto's direction, "A person who could laugh off any joke or insult and take it in stride. A person who wore 'Kill me Orange' and still managed to be inconspicuous when you wanted." A smile of pride came to Naruto's face from hearing what he thought were praises. They were but Shikamaru had a point to make, "A person who has never once shown any type of sadness or hurt from ANYTHING ANYONE has said or done to you. Why would you be out in the forest wearing new clothes and ruining them? Why would you be crying? More importantly, Why wouldn't you leave before being found?" Shikamaru questioned as he stared at Naruto.

Naruto's jaw was almost hitting the floor as he looked at Shikamaru. His mind trying to process the fact that Shikamaru had deduced all of this so quickly. He suddenly chuckled darkly and looked at Shikamaru with a dark and haunted look that he reserved for only those villagers who tried to beat him now. It contained none of the malice that he usually had accompanying it but the glare was still enough to make Shikamaru freeze. "How do you know so much about me?" Naruto asked, his eyes not the pool of mirth and mischief that usually occupied that space. No, these eyes held loneliness of a level Shikamaru could not fathom, and he answered almost instantly hoping it would cause Naruto to drop his stare. It made him feel vulnerable.

"I may be lazy but that is just because nothing peaks my curiousity. I am a genius of a supposed IQ above 200. Nothing ever catches my eye enough to make it interesting enough to warrant my interest, until you." he said. It was quite big of his ego to say this but it was no less true. With Shikamaru's mind, most things people considered 'impossible' were some of the simplest things for him.

Naruto's eyes lost the haunted look and returned to their mirthful nature almost as if not ever having been there in the first place. But now, Shikamaru could see that spark of loneliness hiding deep in Naruto's eyes. "Glad I interest you Shikamaru." Naruto said in a happy voice and Shikamaru believed him. Naruto suddenly looked sheepish as he looked down at his feet and muttered so quietly Shikamaru almost missed what he asked. "I don't have many friends Shikamaru. If you wish to know my story, w-would you be my friend?" a slight stutter entering his normally boisterous voice.

Shikamaru almost faceplanted at such a drastic change so quickly. But he was so curious it was unreal and he was not about to let his target get away. So, he smiled a lazy smile and put his hands in his pockets. "Sure Naruto." he said as he smiled at Naruto.

Naruto's eyes almost bugged out of his face but silent tears began to leak from his face as he looked up at Shikamaru and muttered a small, "Arigatou." before sitting on the ground with the largest smile Shikamaru thought he had ever seen. Naruto patted the ground next to him and Shikamaru noticed he was motioning for him to join him. Shikamaru wasted no time in sitting next to his newest friend and current point of curiousity.

Naruto took a shuddering sigh before starting what must be his longest single narrative in his whole life, the summary of which came almost 45 minutes later, "In all, I tire of the villagers glares but I can understand why they would glare at me. That does not make taking their glares any better especially now that I can not prank them. It leaves me bored when Kakashi-sensei dismisses us from practice. If that is not bad enough, I can't study anything because the Library says that I can not get a library card because of where I live. So, I am stuck on a team with Sasuke, a person who ignores the many attempts I have made to have a working friendship with, Sakura, a girl whom I thought I loved and now see she was just annoyed by me, and Kakashi-sensei, who seems to ignore me just as the rest of the village does despite being my teacher." he finished with a small frown.

Naruto had refrained from telling Shikamaru about Kyuubi. He didn't want to run off his only friend his own age. So he made up a few excuses such as the one about the library card for the library. He also didn't mention Kurenai's intervention as he didn't want something to happen to her. Not that he didn't trust Shikamaru, he just was hesitant to risk the only person he felt he could trust right now. Shikamaru and Takeshi were quickly making that list but Kurenai had automatically been placed upon it by her actions at the waterfall.

Shikamaru's mind was in overdrive. "Denied access to the most basic of utilities? Lives in the Red-Light District? A team that acts nothing like it is supposed to and completely ignores his attempts to create a working team." he glances back at Naruto as Naruto sighs wistfully into the sky. "His life is fucked up and I will not stand for it. He still hasn't told me why the village hates him or what made him change so much. Though he did mention how he wouldn't take shit from his team anymore. I think he has matured a bit since the Academy." Shikamaru thought.

"Well Naruto. I have to say that is one hell of a life you live. If anything, I am only more curious about you." Shikamaru admitted. Naruto beamed, "I know you didn't tell me everything but I think you are entitled to a few secrets." Naruto's head dropped in slight shame for not telling his newest friend everything. "I hope you will eventually tell me Naruto." he said smiling at Naruto. Naruto's face shot up and he locked eyes with Shikamaru, bright happy blue eyes were reflected in happy black eyes as the two friends smiled at their newest companions. Suddenly, Naruto's stomach let out a small growl. Naruto blushed and Shikamaru blinked before smiling slightly.

"Would you like to eat at my house tonight?" Shikamaru offered. Naruto immediately looked nervous and Shikamaru wondered if he had said something wrong when Naruto relaxed slightly and nodded his head. Shikamaru put the odd reaction to his question out of his mind and stood, offering a hand to his friend, who gladly took it. In almost no time at all the two had headed towards Shikamaru's clan compound.

(Scene Break)

Naruto and Shikamaru were taking the outer rim of Konoha to the clan district. Naruto had started walking towards the outer part of Konoha to reach the clans, not wanting to be glared at with his new friend, and Shikamaru had questioned him on it. Naruto had just said he wanted to enjoy a peaceful walk. Shikamaru knew there was more to it but he agreed and the two spent the time simply walking in each other's presence in silence.

Neither felt the need to speak and neither spoke because of it. Normally, Naruto would be abuzz with energy but his recent revelations and subsequent acquisition of a new friend had left him quite speechless and drained. Not to mention the fact he hadn't eaten in almost three and a half days. So, he walked with a small smile on his face and his hands thrown behind the back of his head while he walked on as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Naruto had come to the conclusion that he would no longer make huge attempts to encourage his teammates. He would act as if he were not hyperactive, something he knew would be hard seeing as he always had energy, but he would endure so that his team either took the steps on their own or he was reassigned. Apart from that, he had decided to remain almost completely the same. He would tolerate the village's glares and become strong enough to protect himself and Kurenai. With a sidelong glance at Shikamaru, "Shikamaru and Takeshi too." he thought to himself as he nodded his head.

Shikamaru was mulling over all the information Naruto had told him. He knew there was a big piece of the puzzle missing. "But What? The main problem is the root of the issue which causes everything that has happened to him. But he doesn't seem to want to tell me." Shikamaru thought as he caught Naruto's sidelong glance. "I will figure this out Naruto, but in the mean time... I have a gift for you that I think you will hate." Shikamaru looked up and nodded. "Here we are." Shikamaru said as he looked at the gates to his home.

Naruto looked up at the gates and saw there was a wall surrounding the entire compound. The gates had the emblem of the clan emblazoned on them. Naruto couldn't see anything else about the compound. He shrunk into his clothes a bit at how intimidating the gates looked. He looked over at Shikamaru nervously because he wasn't sure how his parents would handle Naruto being his friend. On top of that, he was being invited into another's house for the first time in his life. He was taught some etiquette by his Jiji but he rarely ever used it.

He took a deep breath before smiling at Shikamaru, drawing Shikamaru's gaze. Shikamaru smirked at him and opened the door. The two stepped forward and were greeted to the sight of buildings in a U-shape facing away from them. In other words, the houses started on the left and right side of the gate and continued away from them until being connected by another set of houses that curved in a crescent giving the appearance of a upside down U. There was plenty of grass laying on the ground leading to all of the houses. Naruto's eyes were wide at how simple it was yet it seemed so inviting. Shikamaru actually chuckled as he stood next to his friend seeing his gobsmacked expression.

Naruto turned to Shikamaru and snapped his jaw shut as he shouted at him while pointing at the houses, "You live here!" Naruto's response was a slight chuckle before Shikamaru started to walk forward. Naruto stood there for a few more seconds before, "Hey! Wait up!" he shouted as he ran after his friend. When he drew closer to Shikamaru, he noticed they were heading straight towards the biggest house in the crescent part of the houses.