
Parent Figure

"Will you two shut it? There's someone, who's trying to sleep here!" Hunter growls, rolling his body to the otherside of the bed, where he come face to feet with Joe's feet, "Move your feet away, cheater!" He yanks Joe's feet away. "I prefer the word "lover", Ghost." The so called cheater said, moving his feet closer and rubbing it around to Hunter's face, making him feel more pissed off that he bites Joe's bare feet. Unsurprisingly, Joe out a high "Hik" and explain a bunch of "Ow s", while hitting Hunter in the face. "Hunter, let go of your brother's feet and Joe stop hitting him!" The parentle figure of the group demand, with a death glare at his "childern". Then both kids apologize to their Mother / Father figure, saying, "Sorry mom." Spontaneously. "Now shh childern, don't be so loud or else the neighbor will be disturbed." Said Vic, being the parentle figure, as he turn on the TV that his other child has instal in his room. "Joe, came an sit with me, let's watch a movie!" Vic said as he switch between TV channels. Joe's eyes light up, when he saw the show "Peanut Butter and Chocolate" across the screen, which is Joe's favorite show. "Peanut Butter and Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Chocolate!" He exclaim, jumping on the bed, then off the bed to Vic's side. Vic look at him, thinking that this kid is so much a child than his own age. In the end the problem was solved. The two childhood freinds have their happy game night, the sleepy child sleeps and the lover child watch "Peanut Butter and Chocolate", a type of cooking mix with game show, and a happy parent figure watching TV with his child. "Hey, where's Luke and N?"