
M innocent

Tyough_Lawrence · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter 6:The hidden Truth

Intrigued by Jonathan's words Grace invited him inside cautiously motioning for him to sit. He took a deep breath before launching into his tale—a tale of a secret society that sought to preserve innocence to safeguard it from the corrupting forces of the world.

Jonathan explained that this society known as The Guardians believed in the power of genuine innocence to bring about positive change. They had watched Emily from afar convinced that she possessed a rare purity that could be harnessed for their cause. Emily's innocence they believed could inspire others to reject the darkness that pervaded the world.

For years The Guardians had been observing potential candidates around the world. They sought individuals who embodied innocence in their purest form hoping to bring light to those overshadowed by despair. The Guardians' mission held an immense responsibility the weight of which was now on Grace's shoulders.

Jonathan urged Grace to consider the bigger picture stressing that Emily's participation in the project had the potential for profound impact. Grace listened intently conflicted between protecting her daughter and the opportunity to make a difference.