

A world where ordinary humans live along with people with strange superpowers who are called M-humans and among them there is a boy named Zaaki who is out in search of some people with whom he will form his team and He will become a warrior by joining M-Humans Association and will find answers to all his questions.

Thenemyy · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

A boy who loved dougnouts

[ About 10 thousand years ago, humans were living their lives with great love, there was peace in the whole world but then suddenly one day the door of a different world was opened on our world, where only monsters live. Many big, powerful, and scary monsters were coming out from that door, at that time humans had lost all hope but then a lot of light started coming from the sky. Then 3 Gods from the sky came to this earth and after killing all the monsters closed that door forever and saved the human race, and they pricdicted that the door would one day open again and when this door opens again, we will come to this earth again to save mankind. From that day onwards, after the birth of many children, strange powers used to come inside them.Then a man came who answered this question that ever since that door opened on the earth it has been joint with our world because of this whatever monster is killed in the monster world, they reancarnate on this earth. Since then such humans are called M-humans.]

[Note: Zack's grandfather was telling this whole story to Zack when Zack was 8 years old.]


- Then what happened to that door, Grandpa?


- That gate is always there, so to keep it safe the M-Human Association was formed at that place. There are very powerful warriors who have the powers of the monsters from their previous life, they are there to protect.


- I will go there one day and become the most powerful warrior.


- A most powerful warrior?


- Yes Grandpa.


Haha, Okay then take this


- What is this? A paper?

-There are 4 names written in this paper, yuuta Erica, Leo, and….


-When one day you become fully capable, then you have to find these people and you have to team up with them and then go to the M-Human Association together.


-Will I really have a team?, will I be their captain?




- Woho...yes....yes...woho


-Get off the table or you'll fall


-Wooh, huhhhhhh....i am falling

[ Note:- Zack was dreaming of his childhood. A flashback dream.]


-Huh, I was dreaming a flashback dream.

-It's morning?

[ Time:- 7:52]

- I have to leave early otherwise I will miss the flight.

[ Zack getting ready for flight, zack lives in Waterland's Capital Water 1, Zack is going out today to find everyone whose name was on that paper, now Zack's getting hungry and he wants the dougnuts ]


- I am hungry!

[ Jack takes the bag and goes to the shop where dognuts are found.]


-What do you want Sir



[ Zack has boarded the flight and is now ready to go ]

[ After 2 hours ]

[ The flight has landed and Zack is now standing outside the airport ]


- So this is City of Water 2

-Where i find this Erica davis

[ Note:- Waterland is a country which has 10 big cities inside it. Water 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]

[ Note:- This country has been called Waterland because most of the mineral water is available here.]


- Maybe the house should be here, this paper is pointing towards this house only.

[ Just as Zack is about to open the door, he suddenly hears a commotion somewhere nearby.]


- Where is this noise happening

[ A girl fights with a thief ]


-It is not a good thing to steal from a thief, girl.


-I'm not stealing, I'm just returning these things to their owners.


-If you have guts, take it all from me.


- Excuse me, Does anyone know where Erica Davis lives?





[ Note:- Zack was asking while eating dognuts, so both of them did not understand anything, what he said.]

To be Continued.....