
Lustful Sun God

Vlad is born with supreme talent, numerous resources at his disposal and a powerful father to back him up, he had everything to ensure his path and stand on top of the divine plane without any difficulty. He is certainly enviable, but fate has a different life in store for him. He acquires a system by chance, something was not intended for him. Thanks to this system, he ends up stranded in an unknown celestial plane, in a distant star cluster. He will have to reach the top of the cultivation to be able to return to his family, on the way he will find more than one problem and enemies that he will have to face. Of course, he will also find many beauties to embrace. “I risked my life to kill a mighty Heavenly Beast and the system rewards me with 1,000 points. However, taking a girl's virginity grants me 10,000 points and an immortal sword. What the hell do you expect me to become? The first chapters are the story before the story, since it deals a little before the birth of the protagonist, but it is necessary. Keep in mind 1.- In the world of cultivation, interests come first and feelings come after. 2.- Vlad is not a hero who fights for justice and love. 3.- Not all the women that appear will be part of the harem. There are many stories about protagonists who are born trash, with no talent, and who on their way become strong and fight to change their destiny. I want to write the story of the young master, talented from his birth, with thousands of resources at his disposal. At the beginning of the story his life is easy, but easy is not fun, along the way he will encounter many setbacks. This is my first novel, I'm a novice. I hope you like it. I hope to improve as the story progresses, thanks to the people who read this. English is not my native language, so please excuse the grammar. I do not have rights to the cover, if you want me to delete it, write me!

RedSky_4561 · Kỳ huyễn
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94 Chs

Reject a marriage

"Young man, it's only natural for geniuses to have an arrogant look. I assure you that she will be a faithful and docile wife."

Vlad was adamant. "I won't change my mind. Besides, I don't need a beautiful and talented woman. There are many women like that around me."

The young man felt the old man had bad intentions with this marriage. Also, this woman was too arrogant. She thinks that Vlad should thank her for her commitment.

'She's really ignorant,' thought the redhead.

Aurelius's eyebrows rose, and he said: "I hope you won't regret it later."

"Are you threatening us?" Halinka released immense pressure on the old man.

The ancestor was about to collapse. He did everything possible not to kneel; the old man wanted to keep what little dignity he had left after they rejected the marriage proposal.

"What I mean is that my granddaughter is very talented; she will undoubtedly become an immortal."

'Dammit, she's a Sovereign.'

"Maybe she's talented, but her character is terrible; I don't want a wife with such stupid ideas," Vlad spat.

The young woman could not bear the humiliation any longer. "I don't want this marriage; I don't think you're worthy of me. The geniuses of the main forces of the continent are after me. One day you will regret what you have done today."

"Geniuses? In your eyes, they're geniuses, but from my perspective, they're a bunch of trash. There is nothing to regret. Please go away."

After suffering the greatest humiliation of their lives, they left the room and returned to the royal palace.

The office fell silent.

"I think she will regret it later. If she knew your family background and your talent, she would kneel until you accept her."

Vlad walked over to Halinka and wrapped his arms around her. Their lips were a few inches apart. Vlad looked into her eyes and said:

"Oh, I'm glad you think so highly of me. I guess it will be easy for me to win you over."

"Maybe a few years ago. Today I am not interested in romantic feelings."

"Hahaha, it seems like you're pretty sure I can't win you over."

"Ahnn…" Halinka moaned as Vlad nipped gently on her ear.

"My body belongs to you; you don't have to conquer me," said the beautiful woman.

"Conquering a woman's body is very easy for me; I want your soul."

"Young Master is very conceited."

Vlad softly kissed her lips as his arms held her close to him. A small flame began to light inside Halinka. Her pussy felt warm, and a little moisture seeped out.

'A kiss so soft can ignite my lust. Vlad is very dangerous for any woman.'

"Hahaha, do you think so? In my opinion, I am humble."

'Vlad, it's time for you to take the pill; save the fun for later,' said Raina.

'Thanks for reminding me.'

"I'll be gone for a while."

"Where are you going, master? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No. I'll be gone for a day or two. Wait for me here. You can cultivate in the meantime."

The young man gave her a storage ring.

"Master, this is a lot," Halinka said after reviewing the contents of the space ring.

"That ring belonged to one of the guardians, so don't worry. You are not taking my wealth."

After those words, Vlad disappeared from the room.

In the room of time.

After eating the pill, Vlad's bones transformed.

Vlad observed the whole process thanks to his divine sense; contrary to what he expected, he did not feel pain. The process ran automatically.

"Raina, what's going on? I feel the change in my bones, but why is there no pain? I do not feel anything".

"Don't worry. This pill is given to newborns in my clan. That is why the process is so smooth. I assure you that even on the divine plane, you will not find such a good pill."

"Did you give me that reward?"

"No. The reward is random. I only take care of sending it to your storage. I do not have permission to select the rewards."

Vlad smiled. "I guess it's luck."

"Take advantage of the time and study the technique you gained."

"It's just a technique; I'll learn it in a few days."

Vlad's understanding when studying a technique was incredible. That's why he underestimated the complexity of this one.

"Hahahaha, try it. You will be surprised."

Three years later… 3 days in the outside world.

Vlad's bones turned copper-colored, glowing with a golden brilliance, and contained hidden explosive power.

"The change is amazing."

Vlad threw a punch into the air, and the power contained in that fist surpassed the cultivation of his body.


Because the pill acted automatically or he did not feel pain. He was able to concentrate on learning the new technique.

"It can't be; three year of my life, and I only learned up to the second stage of this technique."

The technique was too mystical. In stage one, you can see the flow of energy that runs through living organisms' bodies. It seems simple, but thanks to this, you can see the technique your opponent will execute in advance. In stage 2, the user can see the energy flow that connects formations... Vlad quickly reviewed the technique and the scroll said that in stage 10, you could see the energy flow leading souls toward reincarnation.

"Hahahaha, who said he would only take a few days?"

"That technique is so difficult, you knew it, and you let me say nonsense, hahaha. I guess I needed this, a slap in the face."

'If you only knew that it took my clan's geniuses more than fifty years to reach the first stage, some were stuck there forever.'

"I'm sure Viktoria is looking for me. Also, I have to compete in the contest to be the princess's guardian. I wonder if all this is worth it.

"The system will not randomly choose women; they are very special. Remember, what happens will be your choice."

"I know."

Vlad changed into his simple black training tunic and left the time room. When Vlad looked around, he saw Viktoria sitting on a chair, looking through some documents.

"My beautiful slave is very efficient," said the redhead.

Before he could react, Viktoria threw herself into her arms as she sobbed.

"Where were you? I looked for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I couldn't contact you either. I was very worried about you. Why do you disappear without saying anything?..."

She wanted to ask a million questions, but Vlad cut her off.

"I told Halinka to tell you that I would be gone for a few days."

"She told me, but your communication talisman is useless. I thought something had happened to you."

"Calm down. I was training. From now on, don't worry about me. Nobody can hurt me. Take this".

Vlad handed her a white jade with a set of runes engraved.

"Your life jade," a goofy smile formed on the blonde's face.

Usually, you only give your life jade to the people you love; when she received the jade from Vlad, she couldn't help but let her imagination run wild.

"Do not worry so much. I'll be fine," the redhead smiled charmingly.

What Vlad didn't know was… Yesterday Viktoria closed the store and mobilized everyone to look for him. The whole city was upside down. She only stopped when Jaga told her they had a special connection; thanks to this, Jaga was sure that Vlad was fine.

"Tomorrow, the tournament finals to choose the guardian of the princess begin," said the blonde.

"Are you busy? What do you think if we go out to explore the city today?"

"Oh, do you want to go on a date?" The blonde scoffed, but she was really excited.

The young man smiled and said: "Hahaha, yes, it's a date."

A slight blush appeared on Viktoria's face.

They both left the office and met Halinka and Leah.

"Master Vlad," the women bowed slightly.

"Viktoria and I are going out. You guys can follow us closely."

The women nodded and started to follow them; soon after, they were all walking down one of the city's main streets. On this street were the largest and most important businesses in this kingdom.

Of course, the presence of Vlad and Viktoria attracted the attention of many people. Currently, Viktoria was the most powerful woman within the Slora Kingdom. Everyone knew and respected her.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at a restaurant called 'Copenha.' This was the best restaurant in town, and the reservations were full. Unless a cultivator above the Celestial Lord Realm came. The owner of this restaurant always kept tables for 'the powerful.'

When the people at the reception saw Viktoria, they immediately notified the restaurant's owner and went to receive Vlad's group. They were immediately taken to the 21st floor, near a window, with a good view of the city. Without a doubt, that was one of the best locations to eat.

Vlad and Viktoria sat down. However, Leah and Halinka wanted to stand behind them. Of course, Vlad refused this, and he forced them to sit with them.

A few seconds later, a waiter arrived accompanied by a beautiful woman. Her hair was brown, her face was small, but her tits were big.

"Welcome to my restaurant; my name is…"


> Leah is a Celestial Sovereign, and she is Viktoria's bodyguard.

> Halinka, beautiful MILF, Halina's mother and Vlad's bodyguard.


Thanks for your support. The power stones exceeded those of last week. Thank you so much!!!

Please don't stop sending your power stones.

I still need to correct some errors, I will do it later. I'm tired

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