
Lustful Paradise

The story of "Lustful Paradise" is a sultry tale of passion and desire. Lucifer, a young and handsome college student, is in the throes of a sexual revolution. His lustful eyes land on anyone who catches his fancy, and he is not afraid to pursue his targets with reckless abandon. But Lucifer is not satisfied with this. He is looking for a bigger challenge, a greater conquest, and he is determined to find it. But there is more to Lucifer than meets the eye. An unknown secret lies hidden beneath the surface. It is a secret that will change everything and a secret that will bring chaos and destruction. And it is a secret that will soon be revealed in the most unexpected of ways. Will Lucifer's lustful desires lead him down a dark path? Or will he find redemption and love in the arms of someone unexpected? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: Lucifer's lust will not go unquenched. --- Smut - Milfs - Harem - Mature - Anal - BDSM - Threesome - Foursome - Netori - No Yuri - No Netorare. Discord Link:- https://discord.com/invite/qzQnra4FhS

Evil_Beast · Thành thị
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82 Chs

Keep Going! Don't Stop!

Ashley then closed her eyes and parted her lips as wide as possible, enveloping his mushroom tip into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down on it.

'Holy shit, this thing is so fucking big! I don't know if I can take it all the way, but I'm sure as hell gonna try,' she mused before taking a deep breath and pushing herself downward, attempting to fit his thick meat down her throat.

Much to her surprise, she managed to swallow half of his massive rod without choking or gagging too much. And from how Lucifer reacted with a muffled grunt, Ashley knew she was doing something right, so she kept going.

Soon enough, he began bucking his hips up, matching her rhythm, and pushing himself even deeper down her mouth.

Ashley couldn't believe how much she was enjoying herself, even though she had never been with another guy besides Shawn before, but there was something about Lucifer that drew her to him and made her want more.