
Lustful Paradise

The story of "Lustful Paradise" is a sultry tale of passion and desire. Lucifer, a young and handsome college student, is in the throes of a sexual revolution. His lustful eyes land on anyone who catches his fancy, and he is not afraid to pursue his targets with reckless abandon. But Lucifer is not satisfied with this. He is looking for a bigger challenge, a greater conquest, and he is determined to find it. But there is more to Lucifer than meets the eye. An unknown secret lies hidden beneath the surface. It is a secret that will change everything and a secret that will bring chaos and destruction. And it is a secret that will soon be revealed in the most unexpected of ways. Will Lucifer's lustful desires lead him down a dark path? Or will he find redemption and love in the arms of someone unexpected? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: Lucifer's lust will not go unquenched. --- Smut - Milfs - Harem - Mature - Anal - BDSM - Threesome - Foursome - Netori - No Yuri - No Netorare. Discord Link:- https://discord.com/invite/qzQnra4FhS

Evil_Beast · Thành thị
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82 Chs

How Unexpected...

"Sure, why not? Let's finish watching this together, then," Lucifer agreed while wrapping his other arm around Jennifer as well, pulling her closer to him so that he could hold both women together.

Ashley couldn't help giggling at the sight of him holding both her and Shawn's mother in his embrace at the same time, finding the situation quite amusing. "Wow. Who knew you were such an opportunistic guy, Lucifer? Taking two beautiful ladies into your arms at once. That's impressive."

"Hehe, you're right, Ashley. Lucifer sure knows how to take advantage of a situation, doesn't he?" Jennifer giggled as well before leaning against his chest, allowing him to wrap his arms tighter around her waist.

"What can I say? I like to think of myself as an expert in exploiting opportunities whenever they are presented to me." Lucifer declared, flashing his signature mischievous grin at Ashley, who responded by sticking out her tongue in defiance.