
Lust System: Monster girl Harem

Rated +18 Ethan (unlike many unlucky protagonists) was doing pretty well, he had just graduated from high school, he isn't a straight A student but he isn't so bad either. He was very popular in his high school days, with short black curly hair, average height and build, and a face any girl would die for, Ethan navigated through high school like a breeze. But before he could leave for college he was diagnosed with a strange illness and was told he had only six months to live. The news was devastating to Ethan but it was true, four months had gone in the blink of an eye and Ethan had only two left, he started trying things he hadn't done before. After getting a recommendation from a friend he bought a virtual reality game called Harem Online. Before he could play the game it glitched and was isekaied into a fantasy world where magic and women reigned supreme. Follow Ethan on his adventure as he navigates through a world dominated by women with his lust system. The early chapters might be a little clumsy but it gets really good, oh and lots of lemon, I mean like a lot of lemons. Additional Tags: Adventure - Action - R18 - Isekai - System - Harem - Weak to Strong - Handsome ML - Beautiful FLs - Smut - Elves - Vampires - Demons - Monster Girls. 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic castle for 5 bonus chapters. Check out my other work Lust System: Sword Genius in Women's World

Crimson_Blue · Kỳ huyễn
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241 Chs

Chapter 16 Play it cool

Ethan walked towards her before seeing another slim girl close to her, she was also good-looking but not like the blond, she wore a brown gown and stood close to the blond girl.

(I knew she was someone important, that other girl is probably her maid)

'Probably, you don't know for sure, but I'm starting to feel really nervous, I don't think talking to her is a good idea'

(Why not, go over there and say hi, I will guide you through, if she is someone important she would be of great help to us)

Ethan walked a little closer to her before stopping again, just a few feet from where she is.

(Why are you stopping, you are such a wimp, I wonder why this system was assigned to you)

'What is that in her hand?'

(Ohh, that's a spell book, maybe she's a mage)

'Maybe she can teach me magic'

(She can't teach you magic, only the system has that ability so don't waste your time)

'So I can't learn magic, I'll have to wait for the system?'

(No, that's not it, everyone in this world was born is born with Mana, but you are not from this world so you have zero Mana, zero)

'So that means I can't use magic, then why is there a magic shop in the system interface'

(The system can give you magic, stop asking so many questions and talk to the damn chick)

'I was just messing with you, huh! where is she, she's gone'

(Idiot, you just wasted your chances of becoming friends with an important person)

'Why do you want me to be friends with an important person?'

(You are really a fool, do you have any money with you, do you have a place to sleep, do you have a change of clothes, aren't you hungry?)

'Why didn't you tell me all this before, now that I think about it, I think I'm hungry'

(Don't worry you will eventually die of hunger, then I'll be assigned to a different host )

'I haven't seen a male since we entered the capital, are they males here at all?'

(Yes, most of them are making the best of their time while you are standing here doing nothing)

'Okay, so where should we go first, I'm ready to bang some chick but only because I want to buy a magical attribute'

(Yes, that's the spirit...look around most of the girls here are already staring at you, waiting for you to call on them, ohh my...there...ohh)

'Where...why are you smiling like you saw a...damn, is that a cow woman'

(Look at those jugs, I bet we can get gallons of milk with those and start a milk shop)

'A milk shop, is that even a thing, I don't think that a thing, and besides I don't think she'd be able to produce milk, she's not pregnant'

(You are missing the point of cow women, they don't need to be pregnant to produce milk that's the best part, let's go talk to her and play it smooth)

'Okay this time I'll...hey she's talking to that guy, where did he come from'

(Damn... she's following him, we missed our chances of milking those jugs, I hate it when other guys ruin something like this, wait they're going into that building, remember this house)

'Let's go somewhere else, do you know any good spots around here?' Ethan asked.

(let's go to a bar, you will find a chick there in no time)

Ethan walked a little while before seeing a bar where drinks were sold, he entered the bar and looked around.

The bar was really different from his imagination, he expected the bar to be old fashioned as it was the medieval age but it surpassed his imagination.

The bar was exactly like the modern age, wooden stools lined up along the counter and different drinks could be seen behind the counter, a sexy female bartender was behind the counter mixing a couple of drinks for three females who sat at the counter.

Most of the people present here were females but at least Ethan saw two males in the bar, and both of them were surrounded by females.

Ethan looked to his right and saw a staircase that led upstairs with females trooping up and down.

'I've never drank alcohol before maybe I should try drinking some, and this place is nice and cozy'

(You don't have any money how do you intend to buy alcohol, just get straight to the point, there are lots of beautiful females here, pick one and let's start)

'Before that, I have a question, how does the system intends to give me magic if I have zero Mana'

(When you buy your first attribute that's when some changes will occur in your system)

'What kind of changes?'

(Little ones, you would be able to see your stats like strength, Mana, speed, and stamina)

'Oh, that way I can see if I'm getting stronger or not, then I really need to buy my first attribute'

(Okay, we are in business, that chick spotted you, oh and she is coming towards you, act cool remember you are the one in charge, not her)

'Okay don't worry I got this'

(Check your system and look at ways to get points, you must try everything because she probably isn't a virgin)

'You are right'


Name: Ethan Quinn

Active titles: None

Level: 2

Max level: unknown

Point for level up: 5000

Current point: 2950

Harem partners: 3

Permanent partners: none

Skills: none


Points earning method Level 2

— See a chick nude (20 points)

— Touch a chick's ass below her clothes (50 points)

Permanent earning method

— Groping (30 points )

— Kiss (50 points)

— Give Cunnilingus (100 points)

— Vaginal sex (200 points)

— Anal sex (250 points)

— Impregnating (300 points)

Note: Points will be multiplied by 2 if the above is a chick's first time.

Note: All the permanent methods can give you points only once every day per chick.

Note: points gained may increase if the user levels up.


Magic shop opened

Harem shop locked

Time left to level up: 27 days, 16 hours: 17 minutes: 2 seconds

Note: Failure to level up before the countdown results in one thing, death.


'I don't think we can reach the amount of points required to buy the fire attribute'

(Then look for two chicks and bang them at once, hehe)

"Hello handsome" the girl in front of Ethan spoke as soon as she came close.