
Lust system in Naruto

Reincarnated in naruto to cuck all the mcs. English is not my first language. Do correct me if you can. I have a job, so it will take long times for each chapter to come out. Every character is 18+ of age.

Raidyourpussy123 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 4

Getting closer to the girls now, enough to even touch them without them freaking out, I was able to slowly earn more points.

One day, I noticed while training that Sakura was missing so I went to see where she was, I found her in a bush hiding from sasuke as he trained, she was almost drooling just from looking at him.

I sneaked up behind her, and tapped her shoulder. Instantly freaking out, I had to hold her mouth to stop her scream. Realising it was just me she calmed down.

"what are you doing?" she said in anger with gritted teeth.

"Hmmmm, I didn't know you still liked sasuke, wow you must be seriously in love with him." I said

Immediately she turned red and holding me by the ear, she rushed out. After we got out of range she immediately said.

"Yh, so what. Obviously I like him, he is handsome, smart and strong."

"Damn, you are that deep in eh. Well that just makes it even sadee for you I guess." I said

"What do you mean?" she asked nervously.

"well, I don't know if you know but I was pretty much the only friend he has and after what happened to his we were still able to keep in contact. So I kind of know the type of girl he likes and unfortunately you don't fit the bill." I said.

She grabbed me by the collar and kept shaking me while shouting," nooooo, you can't be serious. What kind of girl does he like?! "

Smirking, I started circling her while she looked to be shell shock," well unfortunately he doesn't like loud girls and also the main point is this right here." I said while circling to the back and grabbing both her cheeks with my hands, normal she would be mad but she was depressed and listening to what I said, she was even more shocked to notice what I was doing.

Giving it a good few squeezes, I started circling her again, "Yh, your butt is just too big, it's extraordinarily in proportion to your body and looks weird." I said and she was barely holding back tears. "Also another problem is that, you don't have enough of this." I said and grabbed her tiny boobs, they were small but still half a handful so I could still enjoy a little.

Again she didn't move at my advance, not even making a squeek. Giving it a light squeeze and feeling her nipples, I let go.

"Honestly the girl he would likely like, would have to be Hinata." I said, which was the final straw and she almost slumped to the ground but still stayed upright, realising she might not fully believe me, I said. "Obviously you don't have to take my word for it. So how about I show you."

I got her to hide back to where she was at the beginning and went to say hi to sasuke. We exchanged a greating and I asked him if he knew sakura.

"That annoying girl? Isn't she your teammate? What about her?" sasuke said.

"Nothing, just what do you think of her?" I asked.

"Nothing just she is annoying and nothing else." he said

"Then what about Hinata?" I asked

"I heard she is strong, it's good to have her in a team." he said.

I was over the top, exactly how I planned, I said goodbye to him and left to where sakura is. I saw her sobbing while holding her voice down by covering her face and slumped on the ground, looks like she believes me now. I checked her meter and her live for sasuke acctualy went down 8 points.

Not wanting to leave her here, I carried her in a princess cary back to a safe spot and laid her down to cry her heart out.

"You know, it's not like sasuke is the only guy, there is plenty of guys and many really like your big butt's, I like your big butts also." I told her once she stopped crying but she tought I was just pitying her.

"NO you don't, it's big and ugly." she said with tears in her eyes.

"I do, I love it and you know what I can prove it. You think a guy who doesn't like butt's would do this come here and do a squat." I said

I got her up and as she did what I said but with lazy movements. I then got under and laid down and positioned my head right under her but." Now sit on my face. " I proclaimed.

" What? " she asked

" I will prove to you know that I like big butt's so sit on my face." I said.

She was so confused that she stopped crying and was thinking what the point of this was but she still complied wondering how I was going to show it.

As I felt her huge ass again right onto my face, the warmth her ass was radiating, the difficulty of breathing as her whole ass covered any air exits. While being immersed in the softness and the texture of her tights, she was wiggleing around feeling weird from doing this right here in the public. I could feel her getting a little wet, so I gave her a kiss right on to her wet patch and immediately she stood up and jumped away.

"what was that?" she screamed.

"That was showing how much I loved your butt, now do you understand. I love it so much that I could let you sit on my face all day, I love it so much, I could kiss it every day! " I exclaimed and my Lo and Lu with her increased by a whole 10 points.

She still didn't look completely sure and wasn't sure to fully trust me but this much was fine.

"How about I help you win sasuke over. " I said and Immediately she perked up and asked "how?"