
Lust in Heaven with my sex related skills in another world

As he was about to get out of his house and opened his door, Ars felt a strong current course through his body and he collapsed. He woke up in the world of Arcadia where he was granted access to the Gods' System. Upon receiving his newfound powers Ars was ready, more than ever, to conquer everything and reign supreme as the sole Lord of this world by representing fear and ruthlessness, living no one that would dare to offend him stay alive. Soon, people would know of his name and tremble in terror at the mention of it. ===== This work was made with the help of a friend of mine. I still consider this story as something I would write just for fun, but if I see that it becomes popular in the future, I may search for real authors to help me publish it. Again, it's a story I made for fun with just a friend of mine. I'm really enjoying writing it for now, but I also may completely abandon this project. I hope you guys have a great time reading until then. =====

Shynx_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


It was a normal day and as always, I was working in a large room filled with other slaves like myself.

The sound of keyboards getting smashed was resonating through the entire room, but no words were spoken.

At 9pm the manager got out of his office as he prepared to get back home.

Soon, everybody followed him to get home too after a tiring day of work, but not me.

Three hours ago, I received some more work to do in addition to what I already had.

I stayed until late at night to finish it and finally prepared to get going too.

On my way home, not a sound could be heard, not a cat could be seen, not even the wind chose to make contact with me.

Truly a lonely night.

The lights were off even though it was pitch black and the stars weren't even showing themselves to me. 

Once I arrived at the door of my apartment, I saw someone pass near me.

It was a face I couldn't recognize.

Maybe a newcomer who just moved there.

He looked a bit gloomy but I didn't pay much attention to him.

I entered my apartment and swiftly went to my bed as fatigue took over me quickly.

I didn't even bother thinking about taking a shower nor taking off my clothes.

I rarely was able to come back home.

Sometimes, I even stayed in the office for days without even rinsing my face.

This time was my longest time staying at work, with 17 days straight.

Coming back home felt heavenly good and I was planning on taking this opportunity to get a good rest.

As I laid down on my bed, a surge of exhaustion coursed through my body and my eyes closed slowly.

My muscles felt like they were crumbling on themselves.

I was a muscular man even though I didn't work out regularly and that worked in my favor when working with my women colleagues.

But the pockets under my eyes seemed like they were holding the entire world.

My eyes were crimson red from the amount of screen time I got from my 6 years of work.

I suddenly remembered what I thought upon entering the company's building for the first time.

Two women greeted me with a bright smile on their face, like a ray of light brightening your day.

I thought about how cool it would be if I met lots of female employees and went out with them one by one.

To me who still had a face as smooth as a bar of soap, it was the best company I could be working in.

But just like soap, this smoothness slowly disappeared after being used for a long time.

The load of work I received increased each time I completed one.

The more work I received, the more this smoothness wore out.

I watched myself becoming more of a zombie as the day passed and soon, all I could think about was to finish my work.

I wonder why I didn't even think about leaving the company.

It would've solved this entire problem of becoming a zombie wouldn't it?

I don't know anymore…

I just want to sleep right now.

I'll think about that tomorrow.

For now, all I need is to rest…


I woke up the day after.

It was a Sunday morning at 9am, birds were singing their morning chant on a tree in harmony under the blue sky, as a leaf of that same tree fell slowly on my closed eyes.

I awoke from my peaceful slumber, scratching my eyes and yawning without any care in my mind.

I looked at my windows, admiring the beauty of the landscape right in front of me.

Compared to the day before, where not even a speck of light was shining in the dark night, what I saw at this moment I woke up was another world of its own.

I was blown away by this majestic view which couldn't even compare to anything I had ever seen.

I looked around me to check if I was still in the world I knew, and nothing had changed.

The empty cup of coffee on my desk, along with the pile of documents and the shattered mirror in my room were still there.

I still wore the same clothes as yesterday, as well as the shoes I didn't bother to take off.

I jumped out of my bed and rushed to my balcony to take a wider view of this otherworldly scenery.

It was the same Tokyo that I knew of, with tall and colorful buildings reaching the top of the sky and lots of people walking casually in the streets wearing all sorts of clothes and accessories.

I felt truly happy at that moment.

Suddenly, my stomach was growling like an angry Tiger.

I went to take my breakfast and opened my fridge, but what I saw was emptiness and pure white.

"Maybe I should go out to eat today," I thought, and prepared myself to get going.

I quickly went to take a shower and dressed up with the most classy clothes I had.

Unfortunately, they were a bit tight on me but I didn't have anything else to wear, so I decided to make do with it.

I took my phone and my wallet and headed to my door, checking if I had everything on me.

As I reached out for the door handle, an electric current burst into my entire arm.

I screamed painfully as the current made its way through my whole body, moving my hand away in a panic.

I fell head first on the ground with blood spilling everywhere on the floor.

My mind was going blank as I was slowly losing my strength.

"Am I...really...going to die...right now?", I thought as my vision was becoming foggy.

As I was floating into the darkness with nothing else around me, a ray of light came bursting into my eyes which blinded me at the same time.

I woke up with a start, gasping as hard as my lunges could hold air.

I felt a strong pain inside my head for a short moment and my heart was racing intensely.

I looked around me terrified and agitated, but I quickly realized that I was in an unfamiliar place.

I was in a house made out of bricks and wood, the bed I was lying on was extremely uncomfortable, there were no lights on the ceiling and the furniture was completely made out of wood.

I was in a medieval looking house like the ones you can see in Novels and Animes.

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head announcing,

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