
Lust in Heaven with my sex related skills in another world

As he was about to get out of his house and opened his door, Ars felt a strong current course through his body and he collapsed. He woke up in the world of Arcadia where he was granted access to the Gods' System. Upon receiving his newfound powers Ars was ready, more than ever, to conquer everything and reign supreme as the sole Lord of this world by representing fear and ruthlessness, living no one that would dare to offend him stay alive. Soon, people would know of his name and tremble in terror at the mention of it. ===== This work was made with the help of a friend of mine. I still consider this story as something I would write just for fun, but if I see that it becomes popular in the future, I may search for real authors to help me publish it. Again, it's a story I made for fun with just a friend of mine. I'm really enjoying writing it for now, but I also may completely abandon this project. I hope you guys have a great time reading until then. =====

Shynx_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

A Small Gift

'This class is really great! It's almost just as good as the [Seducer] one and it has great potential. I can't believe it even gives a passive skill. It's probably this class' main skill. I could just enroll immediately in the army but I don't think that's gonna be easy. For now I'll just check my status window.'

<I wouldn't do that yet if I was you. Unless you want to die is…>

Ars gasped out of surprise searching for where the voice was coming from.

He was still the only one in the room but the voice continued to ring inside his head.

It wasn't the System's voice but the one of a young male.

The voice asked him to listen continuously, but as if feigning ignorance, the young boy continued searching around his entire room to find the voice's location.

<Hey, I said it's no use so stop playing around and just listen. You won't find me anyway, i'm using a telepathy skill…>

Ars finally returned to his bed and addressed the voice coming from his head.

"Alright alright, you're no fun aren't you?"

<... >

"So, what are you? What do you want from me and what's up with my status window?"

The voice hummed playfully,

<Hmm...What makes you think I have something to do with your status window?>

Ars chuckled slightly, "All of this is happening to me and I don't even know why, but suddenly the voice of some haughty being resounds in my head. You expect me to think it's just some kind of coincidence?"

The voice stayed silent for a moment as if it was trying to think about how to answer.

<Well, I guess you could call me a God. I'm not the one who sent there but made take tutorial again. didn't want anything from at beginning, but...>

The voice stopped for a moment before continuing with a slightly playful tone.

<When I saw that someone's fate was being altered, it got me...curious?>

"What do you mean by 'my fate was being altered'? And why did you make me take the tutorial again?"

<Oh…It seems I've run my mouth too much again. You don't have to worry about that, it won't harm you. It's actually quite the opposite haha! As for tutorial, I guess wanted test something out after a while.>

"Huh? So you modified my status window just for fun? Isn't that dangerous?"

Ars stated, worried, oblivious to the fact that a God used him as a guinea pig.

<Yeah well… Like I just said, if you were to open your status window right now, would surely die. The System is actually doing its things so a small interference would...end life away. But it's alright we'll have talk little before it ends. Just ask me whatever want, I'll do my best answer!>

The voice talked with a reassuring tone, trying to divert the young boy from trying to open his status window.

Ars was suspicious of this unknown self-proclaimed 'God', but he still tried his best to go with the flow.

"I-is that so? Then where am I and why did I end up here?"

<Oh that's an easy one! You're in the world of Arcadia. It's a magic and swords where monsters, dungeons artifacts exist. In this world, strength is only thing that matters weakest are poorest. I can't tell you why ended here though, you'll have to find out by yourself.>

The voice paused for a bit to let the information sink in, while Ars took time to prepare for the next flow of information.

The voice continued after a moment,

<As for the rest, I'll just force it inside your brain. We don't have much time so you'll to brace yourself.>

'What does that mea-'

Suddenly, Ars felt an unbearable pain inside his head.

A huge flow of information made its way through his brain.

He quickly grabbed the pillow to his side and began shouting with its mouth biting on it.

He didn't want to alert the beautiful MILF outside of his room after all.

He learned about his family and the common knowledge of this world, like the monetary system, guilds and their ranking system, monster's and human's hierarchy, legal slavery, and many more.

Although it was slightly different from what he knew, Ars quickly grasped everything there was about Arcadia.

As the pain subsided, Ars was panting heavily while his whole body was sweating profusely.

<You endured that quite well, I'm really surprised.>, the voice said with a surprised tone.

"Haa...Haa...I see… This world is very similar to what I know from the Earth. All this information is gonna be helpful. But, am I the only one with this status window?"

The voice didn't answer immediately.

<I can't tell you that, but I guarantee that are the only person coming from another world.>

'So that means I'll have to be careful not to mention my powers... I wonder if people can see my status window?'

<Oh don't worry about that. People's status window can only be seen by their owner, yours included.>


"I didn't know you could read my mind. Well I guess that's a given if you are a god..."

"Okay next question, were the classes presented to me the only one in this world?"

<Of 3 course not! Do you know how disastrous it would be? You were just prensented with random classes of each category.>

Ars noded in understanding.

Somehow, he felt like the voice was taking him for an idiot.

He cleared his throat lightly, "Hm hm...Then this is my last question," Ars stopped for a bit before continuing.

"What do the gods want from me?"

A light chuckle could be heard, as though the voice liked his question.

<Do anything you like. Whether want to become the Messiah or Ruler of this world, just a normal florist rich merchant. You can do whatever if have strength to. even defy gods feel Arcadia boring one day.>

The young boy was left dumbfounded at the answer.

He thought that he would have been given a quest like saving the world from the demon king, or spreading faith across the whole continent, the type of quest he often saw in stories of the isekai genre.

But suddenly, an idea passed through his mind. 'I can even defy the gods...', he contemplated.

For a moment, he showed what seemed to be excitement on his face.

His lips contorted into what resembled a hesitant, yet curious smile.

The voice let out another light chuckle, but this time, it carried a very sly tone.

As if interrupting Ars' thoughts, the voice exclaimed hurriedly,

<Oh! Seems like it's time for me to go! Everything is done so you can use your status window safely now. Remember check it before anything else, I left some gifts you. Something unexpected happened, but turned out better all good. Just think of as a small gift. Then, cya!>

"No- Hey wait! I forgot to ask you your name!"

The voice didn't let Ars the time to ask any other question and vanished quickly before the room became silent again

Ars jumped out of his daze and opened his status window, excited to see what gift had been prepared for him.


[Name: Ars Goetia]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human(?)]

[Gender: Male]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Class: Seducer, Tactician]


[Health: 250/250]

[Mana: 50/50]

[Damage: 6]



[Illusion(Lvl 1)]

[Hypnosis(Lvl 1)]


[Party(Lvl 1)]

[Observation(Lvl 1)]

[Quick Thinking(Lvl 1)]

[Skill Points: 10]


There were two new features to his status window that Ars noticed, the first one being his race.

'Why is there a question mark beside it? That's gotta be one of the 'gifts' the voice gave me. But the second one is...'

A faint smile could be seen on his face from the sight of his 2 Classes sitting next to each other along with his 6 class-restricted skills.

He was at a loss for words but quickly understood what was happening.

The reason why he couldn't pick the [Seducer] class wasn't because of another bug, but instead because he already had it.

'So that's how it was. This voice...I don't know who he is but I owe him one for sure.'

'But that's really ironic. Who could've thought that I would really have the two classes? Aren't I basically just a monster right now?'

Ars was shivering from just imagining how powerful he could become in the near future.