
Lust in Heaven with my sex related skills in another world

As he was about to get out of his house and opened his door, Ars felt a strong current course through his body and he collapsed. He woke up in the world of Arcadia where he was granted access to the Gods' System. Upon receiving his newfound powers Ars was ready, more than ever, to conquer everything and reign supreme as the sole Lord of this world by representing fear and ruthlessness, living no one that would dare to offend him stay alive. Soon, people would know of his name and tremble in terror at the mention of it. ===== This work was made with the help of a friend of mine. I still consider this story as something I would write just for fun, but if I see that it becomes popular in the future, I may search for real authors to help me publish it. Again, it's a story I made for fun with just a friend of mine. I'm really enjoying writing it for now, but I also may completely abandon this project. I hope you guys have a great time reading until then. =====

Shynx_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

A Second Chance

The red screen stayed still for a bit, with a single word written on it,

'Analysation? What is it analyzing?'

Ars tried to close his status window but to no avail.

The screen finally turned blue, 'Oh...Is that it? It just turned bl-', then red again, '...So back to red I gu-', then blue again.


The screen kept shifting from blue to red faster, and faster, and faster, and soon, the two colors fused from how fast the shifting was and the window finally turned purple.

The spectacle of colors left him speechless.

He didn't understand what was happening at all since he wasn't familiar with this kind of situation.

The purple screen stayed blank, showing absolutely no piece of information.

After about 20 seconds of nothing, the window started moving and displayed an error message.

It wasn't quite readable as the text was glitching like some sort of bugged program.

It began shifting colors again, going from purple to green and sometimes white, faster, and faster, and faster.

Ars understood that something was wrong with this screen, but he didn't know what.

The screen was slowly glitching out and the error message was becoming more and more unreadable.

The show went on for another 20 seconds or so, before the glitching screen vanished like an old TV being shut down.

Another screen popped up, displaying a pitch black background with green texts on it.

-- -- --

Gods' System [Version 16.2.1200]

(C) Gods' Pantheon. All rights reserved.



-- -- --

'That's a...Widows Command Prompt right?'

A familiar interface stayed in front of Ars and he stared at it without saying anything.

As he didn't know what was happening in front of him, he decided to just wait for everything to settle, but to his surprise, the show was still ongoing.

The screen was now running different lines of codes, creating new screens every second.

A whole bunch of different screens of different sizes were popping and disappearing each second.

Ars showed a puzzled face, visibly confused by this unpredictable event.

He tried to manipulate one of the floating screens but his hand passed right through it.

He waited for a moment, until all the screens disappeared at the same time, leaving only the same original screen with a pitch black background.

A green loading bar was sitting in the middle of it and slowly filling up as time went by.

Once the loading bar filled up, the screen went blank for a few seconds before displaying a final message, "Access Granted".

Ars looked at the message with a confused face before the screen vanished into thin air.

Suddenly, Ars heard the same voice from moments ago ringing inside of his head.

<Initialization complete. The host has been registered. tutorial will begin.>

'What is happening exactly? I thought the tutorial was a one time event?'

Ars said, obviously perplexed.

This wasn't really what he expected of a transmigration.

Usually, people would have been summoned into a royal castle as a hero whose task was to defeat the demon king.

They would also receive powerful skills, items and equipment to help them in their journey, but nothing of the sort for him.

He was summoned in a broken room, given the worst class ever, and now his status window or whatever it was ended up broken too.

But again, he wasn't given much time to think about it.

Another status window appeared in front of him, but it was slightly different from before.


[Name: Ars Goetia]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Class: Seducer]


[Health: 200/200]

[Mana: 50/50]

[Damage: 6]



[Illusion(Lvl 1)]

[Tempting Voice(Lvl 1)]

[Memory Read(Lvl1)]

[Skill Points: 10]


Ars was yet again confused.

Although his stats and skill points had doubled without him doing anything, it wasn't what surprised him the most.

When looking back at his new status tab, he couldn't understand why he still had the Seducer class.

After all, he was supposed to be given another chance, or at least he thought.

<The tutorial will proceed with the class selection. Please choose a of following.>

Just like the first time, a screen popped up with the exact same choices as before.

-- -- --

[1 Star Classes] : [Warrior] [Mage] [Archer]

[2 Stars Classes] : [Assassin] [Healer] [Hunter]

[3 Stars Classes] : [Berserker] [Arcanist] [Ninja]

[4 Stars Classes] : [Paladin] [Necromancer] [Gunner]

[Special Classes] : [Engineer] [Seducer] [Tactician]

-- -- --

He wanted to throw himself on the opportunity and was about to choose the Necromancer class, but after giving it a thought, he decided to take his time and look through the description of each class.

This time, as the classes' description was given.

He painfully and carefully read through all of it.

[Warrior [1 Star]

A courageous fighter who makes use of his well-developed muscles to slam his Greatsword into his enemies...]

'No, this one seems to be all strength and nothing else...'

[Mage [1 Star]

By absorbing mana from his surroundings with his magical staff, and after casting his spell for some time, he can launch them at his enemies and inflict them a lot of damage...]

'I feel like I would die before even casting my spell...'




[Necromancer [4 Stars]

A wicked mage despised by everyone for his black magic. He is able to summon a swarm of undead creatures and give them orders. He is cursed by the God of Death who took possession of his soul...]

'That's...complete garbage. I don't want to sell my soul to anyone.'

[Gunner [4 Stars]

He is well-known for his swiftness and his long-ranged weapon. He can shoot his enemies from far away with his flintlock imbued in mana...]

'Oh god...a flintlock? Seriously? I thought I could at least use guns but a flintlock? That's disappointing...'

[Engineer [4 Stars]

A talented craftsman who can repair any weapon no matter how broken they are. His vast knowledge about weapons almost makes him a master at his work...]

'That's no different than a Blacksmith! All these classes are garbage...Haaaaaa...'

Ars sighed deeply, his eyes showing great disappointment.

After reading all of the descriptions one by one for a few minutes, he realized that none of them were as good as the Seducer class, which he ironically considered as the worst just moments ago.

'Well, I guess I'll look at the last class...'

[Tactician [Special]

A cold-blooded and calculating strategist who uses all of his brain capacity to get the best results at any time. He is respected on the battlefield for finding the weaknesses of his enemies and giving absolute orders to his soldiers. His sole presence is enough to boost his troop's morale and he grows stronger with each of his soldiers' victories.]

His eyes showed a bit of hope.

It was the best class so far, the only one close enough to compare with the Seducer class.

But the Seducer class was still a great choice for him.

A ferocious debate took place in his mind, weighing the pros and cons of both classes.

The two classes were objectively good.

While the two seemed to be support classes, one focused on strategy and teaming and the other focused on trickery and manipulation.

The two were matching perfectly, and if combined, they would definitely create a monster of its own.

Still, picking the Seducer class was more of an advantage for Ars, as he already knew the three skills he would get.

He didn't want to risk choosing the Tactician class, especially when all the other classes' descriptions were as bad as it could be.

Someone might even think it was made on purpose.

With a determined look, Ars announced,

"System, give me the Seducer class!"

<Error, you cannot choose this class. Please select another one.>

Ars stared at whatever he's eyes were looking at, confused.

He announced his choice to the System again, but it gave him the exact same answer.

He tried many times but the answer stayed the same.

He took a moment to think about it but he couldn't find any reason why the System asked him to choose another class.

After some more time trying to select the [Seducer] class, he abandoned his vain attempts and decided to take a different approach.

"Forget about it. System, give me the [Tactician] class."

<Do you really want to select the [Tactician] Class?>

"Yeah yeah, just give it to me..."

<Congratulations. 3 You successfully obtained the [Seducer] Class. class-restricted skills. can check their description by opening your status window.>

With a defeated look, Ars received his class successfully this time, at least the System didn't give him the wrong class again.

He was also content not to have chosen the [Necromancer] Class like he was planning to do.

He called out the system to show him his newly acquired skills, again.

[Party {Passive}

The user can create a party of its own and invite anyone to it. Each party member receives more experience points each time they hunt a monster. As the party leader, the user can decide to take this additional experience for himself or not.]

[Observation {Active}

The user can observe his target's information, which will be displayed on a status board.] [Mana: 0]

[Quick Thinking {Active}

During a short while, the user is able to think faster, while the world around him will seem slower. The user can fasten the pace of his spellcasting, decision making, reading speed... Although his thinking becomes faster, his body doesn't.] [Mana: 50/min]