
Lust Harem System In Modern Isekai

Getting summoned to another world was not on Jasper Asmodeus-Mikaelson, a somewhat famous British Game streamer, agenda. Nor was getting stuffed with a Lust Harem System, like from those many Fanfics he read about. Nor was becoming the Noble Heir to the Mikaelson & Asmodeus Houses In that World. Nevertheless, he is going to make the best of It~ [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] Disclaimer: I own nothing here, except the stuff I made myself. Also, this is Harem, it says It is the Title, so, please for the love of the great Gods, no rubbish here. Second Disclaimer: Don't expect amazing Grammar... Because look where we are? So don't come Into this Fanfic, expecting God-Tier writing and plot. Hell, there are going to be plot holes. But don't worry, that's why I have you my Sla(*Cough!-Cough!*) Readers...Yes, Readers here, to help this lazy and too relaxed Author out. Yes, Grammar-Naizs I fucking looking at you! I need your kind here! SO JOIN ME!!! - - - - - - (???)"...Wow, a Britishman asking a Naiz for help, you don't see that happening often..." (Author):" Oi, shut the fuck up, don't make me come over there and stick my tea and biscuits so far up your ass, you start cumming them out of your throat, then make you drink It again!" [*Beep!* (???) Has left the Group Chat.] (Author):" Hmph! Mongrel, the lot of them." [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] -- Main-Bitch TAGS: WishFulfillment Fanfic | Hentai | Lust System | Harem | Fate/Grand Order | CYOA, CYOA Meta Essence, CYOA Worm, Worm. Side-Bitch TAGS: Chaotic Neutral MC | Swords & Magic | Isekai. -- [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]

PlaneswalkerGodZen · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter -1: Jasper Asmodeus-Mikaelson & His Lust Harem System

" And That's It my Noble Lords & Ladies. Please come back tomorrow ET nighttime." Getting done with his three-day Darks Souls 3 stream, Jasper Asmodeus-Mikaelson, a somewhat famous British Game streamer, shut off his monitors and dragged himself to his king-size bed.

*Hunger Stomach sounds*

' Oh come on.' Not letting him get his much-needed sleep, his stomach trembled, In hungry for some real food other than cup noodles, hot flavored crisps, and big red.

*More Loud Hunger Stomach sounds*

" I hear ya, I hear ya..." Sleepy, he rolled off his bed and walked zombie-like downstairs, to his kitchen.

" Good everyone is on vacation."

Rolling up his sleeves, he started making some dinner...at 4 AM.

As he  settled back In cooking, he brought his attention to his  phone, tapping the flat touchscreen as it woke up with its bright screen greeting him, revealing his Fanart of Zero Two.

He  adjusted his  eyes as  the  brightness pierced his YInMn Blue-colored eyes with unusual vertical pupils, causing him to squint.

[1 New  Message  from "Mom" two hours ago.]

He read the  notification, seeing the contents of the text.

["Mom": I hope you are eating right, my Jasper. And It better be Real food! Not those junk foods you eat every day.

I know being a streamer, nets you a good amount of Income, but please for your loving Mom and Family take care of your mental health and physical health.

All and all, I just want to say: Be safe and we all love you.]

For a moment, he left the text open, hovering his thumb over the digital keypad before shutting his phone back  off  and  getting back to his burger and chips(fries) meal he is making himself.


Life  is so dull. He just wishes…something interesting would happen, he  thought  to himself.

His gaze  was  pointed towards the  window, peering at the beautiful black sky as the  sounds of Mother Nature outside and passing cars  could  be  heard.

It was only the sounds of the city that mitigated  his  loneliness, just slightly, which is why he kept  that window barely open, always.

He was never a social  person and never liked interacting  with  anyone, except his family.

However, behind the screen with as a streamer, he is the funny cheerful handsome young British guy: [Perses] who is extremely good at RPG games, holding a few World-Records, from all the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne.

His life may not be the best, but It is his life, so what can he do? Such are the hard facts of life.


Getting done with his food, he washed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, and left to his room.

Making It to his home, he smiled and laid down on his bed, falling asleep in a few seconds.

(*A/N: I need that skill!*)

In his sleep, the only thing accompanying him was Dark Souls and Bloodborne Monsters, and their wonderful characters. For even asleep, those two worlds loved him, as he did them.







Jasper Asmodeus-Mikaelson, woke up.

Now, ordinarily, this would be a common occurrence...unless It was his room he woke up In.

" Huh?"

The first thing he noticed was the room was a lot bigger and more elegant, which screams Fantasy and Isekai, colored In black and red. And yet, despite how big the room is, It's plain and simple, with everything orderly put together. It was as If someone with a bad case of OCD organized the room, wanting It to be "Perfect".

Seeking answers, he stumbled towards the dresser at the right side of the room, his hands reaching for something. He pulled out a mirror, examining his face. Sharp handsome features, white pale skin, black hair. still British, to be sure. The odd beautiful purple of the eyes was his last clue.

' Did I get Isekai'd? Or die?' Rather than his natural blonde hair and blue eyes, he looks a lot different from how he looked before going to bed. Hell, he now has two demonic purple horns on his head, pointing towards the heavens.

Replying to his thoughts, old memories rose to his mind, familiar despite their strangeness. They were like an old set of keys—they had always been there, all he had to do was reach for them. He hesitantly accepted them and had the disorienting experience of living someone else's life, with their thoughts and emotions, that made a cover over his, not mixing with them, letting him still be " Himself", and not the person he took over.

Funny and oddly enough, they both had the exact same name full name. Jasper(First Name) Asmodeus(Middle Name) Mikaelson(Last Name). However, what was different is the world and what he is now.

He is a Vampire-Demon of the Noble Houses of Mikaelson and Asmodeus, with an arranged marriage. Though, lucky his Vampire Mother: Selene Mikaelson, and Demon Father: Samael Asmodeus deeply love each other, even though they have been together for more than a thousand years and counting.


Who granted his wish? He wonders as he laid back down, feeling the sun scream at him.


" Hm?"

Popping up out of nowhere is a floating blue Game-like screen.

Skeptically, he looked closer, when he blinked his eyes, the screen turned towards him and zoomed on his. He moved his head to the right, but  the  screen  followed  his  vision. 

Then  something started writing on the screen, it was slow, like a  kid or a newly formed robot  practicing typing for the first time.

[System  Activation.] He read with dilated eyes.

[Processing User  Information…Creating Status.]

It was  an emotionless, stoic voice of a feminine A.I., spoken directly into his mind, and not his ears. 

He was left stunned at the sudden interface that filled his vision, nearly blinding as he waved his hands in front  of him, though it did nothing to deter the golden, futuristic numbers and displays that he saw. 

[ Greetings, Jasper Asmodeus-Mikaelson, Welcome to the Lust Harem System ]

" Oh fuck me sideways." Jasper mumbled out, already knowing what was to come.
